
By Date

  • 13-juin-2012


    Perspectives des migrations internationales 2013 - Lettonie

    Début 2012, la Lettonie comptait 2.04 millions d’habitants. Entre le recensement de 2000 et celui de 2011, sa population a diminué de presque 13 %, à 2.07 millions d’habitants. Cette contraction s’explique, à hauteur de 63 %, par le solde migratoire, négatif tout au long des dix dernières années.

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  • 7-March-2011

    English, PDF, 1,221kb

    PISA: Does investing in after-school classes pay off? (PISA in Focus No. 3)

    'PISA in Focus' N°3 looks at 15-year-olds' participation in after-school classes and examines its possible impact on their performance.

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  • 28-May-2010


    Budgeting in Latvia

    At the time of this review, fiscal policy in Latvia was in considerable turmoil as a consequence of the world-wide financial crisis. Thus, some of the usual budget rules and procedures were not followed during budget preparation 2009 and 2010 and budget execution 2009.

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  • 1-July-2008


    Karjeras attīstības atbalsts

    Šī publikācija veidota no pārskatiem par karjeras attīstības atbalsta sistēmu attīstību vairākās Eiropas valstīs, ko sagatavojusi Ekonomiskās sadarbības un attīstības organizācija (OECD) un Eiropas Komisija (EK) laika periodā no 2001.līdz 2003.gadam.

  • 12-November-2006


    Interešu konfliktu risināšana valsts pārvaldē

    Lielākajā daļā valstu pilsoniskās sabiedrības un vadošo uzņēmēju aprindās arvien pieaug vēlme, lai valdības uzturētu augstākus godīguma standartus valsts civildienestā, valsts iestādēs, valsts pakalpojumu iestādēs, valsts uzņēmumos un arī pašā valdībā.

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  • 10-August-2005


    Housing Finance in Latvia

    Reforms accomplished in Latvia and integration in the European Union have left a positive impact on economic development of the country. In the period from 1996 till 2003 Latvian gross domestic product (GDP) has grown on average by 6.1% annually. Among the other European countries only Ireland had higher growth rates in the same period of time.

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  • 17-August-2004


    Latvia - PISA

    Summary of Latvia's participation in PISA

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  • 23-May-2003


    Experience of the Baltic States in Managing Multilateral Negotiations on Trade in Services

    The paper presents the results of a survey on the Baltic States’ experience with intragovernmental co-ordination and consultations with domestic stakeholders carried out in preparation for multilateral negotiations on trade in services.

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  • 16-May-2003

    English, , 613kb

    Urban Water Sector Reform in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia: Progress since the Almaty Ministerial Conference (Russian)

    A publication prepared by the EAP Task Force Secretariat and presented at the 5th Pan-European Ministerial Conference "Environment for Europe" held in Kiev (Ukraine) on 21-23 May, 2003. This is a Russian version.

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