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  • 16-May-2015


    Going beyond GDP – the OECD’s Better Life Index, article by Angel Gurría

    To mark the launch of the OECD Better Life Index in Italian to coincide with Expo Milano 2015, read this article by Angel Gurría, OECD Secretary-General.

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  • 3-December-2013

    English, PDF, 554kb

    PISA 2012 mathematics, reading and science results - Italy

    Note summarising the performance of Italy in the PISA 2012 assessment of mathematics, reading and science.

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  • 26-November-2013

    English, PDF, 684kb

    Pensions at a Glance 2013 - Highlights for Italy

    Increase in retirement age will be a major driver of pension spending reductions. Retirement-income adequacy may be an issue in the future...

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  • 21-November-2013

    English, PDF, 346kb

    Health spending falls in Italy, says OECD Health at a Glance report

    Health spending per capita in real terms fell by 2% in Italy in 2011, and is estimated to have fallen by a further 0.4% in 2012. Spending per capita also fell in 10 other European countries between 2009 and 2011, following the recession and the need for fiscal consolidation, according to a new OECD report.

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  • 1-juillet-2013


    Mise en oeuvre des politiques en Italie : réglementation, administration publique et état de droit

    D’après les indicateurs de politique structurelle de l’OCDE, les réformes lancées par l’Italie depuis 1998 auraient dû fortement améliorer son climat des affaires, mais ses résultats économiques se sont nettement dégradés dans l’intervalle.

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  • 1-juillet-2013


    L’Italie et la crise de la zone euro : assurer la viabilité des finances publiques et la stabilité financière

    La politique d’assainissement des finances publiques de l’Italie et ses réformes structurelles porteuses de croissance ont nettement amélioré ses perspectives économiques, mais il reste que la mauvaise image du pays sur le marché de la dette souveraine, ces dernières années, a des causes profondes.

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  • 17-December-2012

    English, PDF, 391kb

    Closing the Gender Gap - country note: Italy

    Gains in female education attainment have contributed to a worldwide increase in women’s participation in the labour force, but considerable gaps remain in working hours, conditions of employment and earnings.  More specific data for Italy are available in this country note.

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