
Working Papers

  • 3-March-2006

    English, Excel, 263kb

    Investor-to-State Dispute Settlement in Infrastructure Projects - Working Paper 2006/2

    This working paper summarises information available in the public domain about investor-state dispute settlement in the infrastructure sectors.

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  • 1-février-2006

    Français, , 173kb

    Améliorer le mécanisme de règlement des différends entre investisseurs et état : Vue d’ensemble - Document de travail 2006/1

    Le présent document de travail examine les questions relatives à la qualité des sentences arbitrales, les problèmes liés à la multiplicité des procédures et à l’existence de procédures parallèles, et les difficultés qui ont trait à la compétence.

    Documents connexes
  • 31-August-2005


    The Contribution of Foreign Affilliates to Productivity Growth: Evidence from OECD Countries (STI Working Paper 2005/8)

    This study quantifies the contribution of foreign affiliates to productivity growth using a growth accounting approach and compares the presence of foreign affiliates across OECD countries. The analysis confirms that foreign affiliates can make an important contribution to productivity growth.

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  • 4-August-2005


    The Statistical Measurement of Services: Recent Achievements and Remaining Challenges

    Statistics Working Paper N. 12 - 2005/2 - This paper discusses the policy needs to understand the impact of services on the performance of modern economies, some of the most pressing measurement problems, and it summarises recent actions undertaken by international organisations and expert groups to address these issues.

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  • 30-juin-2005

    Français, Excel, 360kb

    2005/1 - Transparence et participation de tierces parties aux procédures de règlement des différends entre investisseurs et états

    Le système de règlement des différends relatifs aux investissements a emprunté ses principaux éléments à celui de l’arbitrage commercial. Il est toutefois fréquent que les différends qui opposent des investisseurs et des États soulèvent des questions d’intérêt général habituellement absentes des différends commerciaux internationaux. C’est pourquoi les modalités classiques de l’examen de la conformité au droit international des

    Documents connexes
  • 15-June-2005


    Case Studies of Successful Companies in the Services Sector and Lessons for Public Policy (STI Working Paper 2005/7)

    This review of 14 case studies of large international services firms shows factors common to their success and highlights the importance of internal factors, such as organisation of work, entrepreneurial management, worker motivation and company culture, which can differ considerably between firms.

  • 31-May-2005


    Dynamics of Biotechnology Research and Industry in India: Statistics, Perspectives and Key Policy Issues (STI Working Paper 2005/6)

    This paper provides an inventory of biotechnology data collection in India, including an assessment of how the need for biotechnology-related statistics is being addressed. It also presents an overview of the status of biotechnology in India, with a focus on the agricultural and health sectors.

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  • 30-May-2005


    Measuring the Interaction Between Manufacturing and Services (STI Working Paper 2005/5)

    This paper examines the interaction between services and manufacturing using several types of data and shows that the distinction between manufacturing and services is blurring. It also shows that a growing share of workers in the manufacturing sector is engaged in services-related occupations.

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  • 11-February-2005


    The Service Economy in OECD Countries (STI Working Paper 2005/3)

    The service sector accounts for about 70% of aggregate production and employment in OECD economies and continues to grow. Countries differ, however, in the role and performance of the service sector. This paper examines the performance of the services sector across OECD countries.

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  • 8-October-2004


    Handbook on Hedonic Indexes and Quality Adjustments in Price Indexes: Special Application to Information Technology Products (STI Working Paper 2004/9)

    This handbook reviews the methods employed in price indexes to adjust for quality change: “conventional” quality adjustment methods and hedonic price indexes.

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