
Working Papers

  • 19-January-2018


    Societal benefits and costs of International Investment Agreements: A critical review of aspects and available empirical evidence

    This paper reviews alleged societal benefits and costs of International Investment Agreements (IIAs) as suggested by academia, governments, business and civil society. It sets out the wide range of issues that diverse actors have proposed in the context of assessing the societal benefits and costs of IIAs.

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  • 24-November-2017


    Adjudicator Compensation Systems and Investor-State Dispute Settlement

    Compensation for adjudicators is generally considered as a core issue for judicial independence and for attracting good judges in the institutional design for courts. This paper examines compensation systems for adjudicators and dispute settlement administrators in investor-state dispute settlement. The paper uses in part a comparative perspective based on approaches in domestic courts in advanced economies.

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  • 6-November-2017


    Economic shocks and changes in global production structures: Methods for measuring economic resilience

    When economic shocks occur, economic agents are expected to react to reduce the negative impact or amplify the positive effects. The ability of a country to contain economic losses can be defined as the resilience to economic shocks. Using the OECD Inter-Country Input-Output tables, this paper investigates the relationship between changes in final demand and production structures for 61 economies.

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  • 23-June-2017


    Skills and global value chains: A characterisation

    Combining OECD Survey of Adult Skills-based indicators with OECD Trade in Value Added (TiVA) data sheds light on the way skills and their distributions (at the country-industry level) relate to industry performance and to integration into global value chains. The results underline the importance of cognitive skills such as literacy, numeracy and problem solving for any industry to thrive in the global economy.

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  • 31-May-2017


    The empirics of enabling investment and innovation in renewable energy

    This working paper assesses the impact of climate mitigation policies and the quality of the investment environment on investment and innovation in renewable power in OECD and G20 countries. It also examines how countries’ investment environments interact with climate mitigation policies to influence investment and patent activity in renewable power.

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  • 16-May-2017


    The Multiprod project: A comprehensive overview

    This paper is designed to serve as a reference for subsequent papers arising out of MultiProd, a project aimed at studying productivity patterns across countries and over time. MultiProd provides harmonised micro-aggregated data of paramount importance for investigating the extent to which different policy frameworks can shape firm productivity and examining the way resources are allocated to more productive firms.

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  • 5-May-2017


    Having the right mix: The role of skill bundles for comparative advantage and industry performance in global value chains (GVCs)

    Results of this study show that workers' skills bundles and their distribution have larger effects on specialisation than countries’ endowment of capital per employee, or the relative endowment of workers possessing different levels of education. Furthermore, the study finds evidence that the within-country dispersion of skills significantly affects specialisation patterns.

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  • 26-January-2017


    Foreign direct investment, corruption and the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention

    Corruption undermines economic and social progress and steals the future of young generations. Parties to the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention are required to criminalise bribery of foreign public officials but does this make a difference on the ground? This paper estimates a dynamic foreign direct investment (FDI) gravity model to explore the impact of corruption in general and the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention in particular.

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  • 13-September-2016


    State-to-State dispute settlement and the interpretation of investment treaties

    Many governments have expressed concerns about the uncertainty linked to the perceived inconsistency of treaty interpretation in Investor-State dispute settlement. This working paper looks at how governments can take action to improve the interpretation of investment treaties through consideration of the potential role of State-to-State dispute settlement in this area.

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  • 3-September-2016


    Estimating CO2 Emissions Embodied in Final Demand and Trade Using the OECD ICIO 2015: Methodology and Results

    In this working paper estimates of emissions embodied in final demand and in international trade were generated to contribute to a better understanding of how CO2 emissions around the world are driven by global consumption patterns. After explaining the methodology in detail, some general results are described and examples given of how to use and interpret the derived indicators.

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