
Publications & Documents

  • 12-September-2023


    Production Transformation Policy Review of Bangladesh - Investing in the Future of a Trading Nation

    Half a century after independence, Bangladesh has achieved impressive progress. The country has transformed from one of the poorest nations into a global textile manufacturing hub capable of meeting its medical needs almost entirely through domestic pharmaceutical production. The country will graduate from the least developed country (LDC) category in 2026 and aspires to be a high-income nation through industrialisation by 2041. Meeting this challenge requires accelerating economic transformation through diversification and innovation. This Production Transformation Policy Review (PTPR), implemented with the support and collaboration of the European Union (EU), and in partnership with the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), identifies concrete options for supporting Bangladesh’s development. It calls for leveraging digitalisation to address persistent fragilities and it advocates for a new pact based on shared responsibilities between the national government, the private sector and international partners to shift to a new development phase and ensure sustainable, smooth and irreversible graduation.
  • 31-août-2023


    Améliorer l’efficacité des programmes de formation à l’entrepreneuriat inclusif et social

    Le présent document d’orientation intitulé « Améliorer les programmes de formation à l’entrepreneuriat inclusif et social » a été produit par l’OCDE et la Commission européenne. Il traite de l’importance des programmes de formation et présente une vue d’ensemble des types de programmes de formation disponibles. Il analyse également les possibilités pour les pouvoirs publics de renforcer ces programmes de formation et fournit des conseils sur la manière de concevoir des programmes de formation à l’entrepreneuriat inclusif et social plus efficaces.
  • 9-August-2023


    Is there a trade-off between productivity and employment? - A cross-country micro-to-macro study

    The impact of productivity on employment remains uncertain, particularly in light of growing concerns regarding potential negative effects of technological progress on labour demand. This report uses harmonised and comparable data from 13 countries spanning the last two decades to comprehensively analyse how productivity growth affects employment dynamics at various levels of aggregation. The study's findings highlight a positive correlation between productivity growth and employment as well as wage growth, both at the firm level and on a broader scale. This outcome arises from counteracting mechanisms and heterogeneous dynamics across different groups of firms. The findings have relevant policy implications: productivity is not just an isolated key economic objective, but well-designed and complementary policies can also help convert technological and organisational change into higher employment and wage growth.
  • 4-August-2023


    Grow and Go? Retaining Scale-ups in the Nordic Countries

    Scale-ups, i.e. firms that grow fast over a short period of time, significantly contribute to job creation and economic growth. This study uses granular firm, establishment and employee data to understand how relocations, domestic expansions or foreign acquisitions impact the life cycle of scale-ups. Around 95% of scale-ups remain in their 'home' region over the 2014-20 period, reflecting the importance of their personal local business networks in driving growth. Instead of relocating, many scale-ups create new plants or branches in different regions to serve new customers, tap into new markets, or to gain access to new resources and capabilities. Scale-ups that relocate or expand continue to grow. However, relocations and expansions can be a challenge for talent retention, as they may lead existing employees to find other opportunities in new places. Foreign capital appears to support the scale-ups’ growth process. Across the five Nordic countries, between 6% and 20% of scale-ups became foreign owned between 2014 and 2020.
  • 6-July-2023


    Harnessing "New Space" for Sustainable Growth of the Space Economy

    'New space', characterised by new commercial players bringing cutting-edge business techniques and funding methods to space activities, has brought disruptive innovation and democratised access to space. But there also reasons for concern, as this has led to an intensified use of the orbital environment, creating more congestion and debris. Furthermore, the vitality of the 'new space' ecosystem is under threat from economic shocks and market entrenchment. This G20 background paper examines the emergence of the 'new space' ecosystem over the last 15 years, its impact on the space sector and society at large and the role of governments in ensuring sustained and sustainable growth of the sector. The paper provides a definition of 'new space' activities to better target policy responses and suggests policy options to address these challenges.
  • 6-July-2023


    Impact indicators for culture, sports and business events - A guide - Part II

    This OECD Guide sets out a framework of indicators to measure the impact of global events on local development. Global events (including culture, sports and business events) can have a significant impact on local development. Yet measuring this impact in a consistent, reliable, and comprehensive way can be challenging. This Guide presents a set of indicators which events hosts can incorporate into their evaluation strategy to assess the economic, social, and environmental impact of their event. It offers practical guidance and advice on how to implement this framework, alongside examples of indicator use. In doing so, the Guide supports the OECD Recommendation on Global Events and Local Development, which helps countries and future hosts bring greater local benefits and legacies from global events. This Guide can be read alongside 'How to measure the impact of culture, sports and business events: A guide - Part I'.
  • 6-July-2023


    How to measure the impact of culture, sports and business events - A guide, Part I

    This OECD Guide takes stock of the current advice, guidelines, and good practices for assessing the impact of global events. Global events (including culture, sports and business events) can have a significant impact on local development. Yet measuring this impact in a consistent, reliable and comprehensive way can be challenging. This Guide provides an overview of approaches to impact assessment, discusses the issues, challenges and considerations to be made in conducting impact evaluations, and offers a set of actions which event hosts can take to improve impact assessments. In doing so, the Guide supports the OECD Recommendation on Global Events and Local Development, which helps countries and future hosts bring greater local benefits and legacies from global events. This Guide can be read alongside 'Impact indicators for culture, sports and business events: A guide, Part II'.
  • 28-juin-2023


    Il est essentiel de renforcer les PME et les entrepreneurs pour bâtir une économie solide et résiliente

    Les ministres chargés des petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) et de l'entrepreneuriat ont approuvé une nouvelle Déclaration de l'OCDE visant à renforcer les politiques en faveur des entreprises nouvelles et petites, en leur donnant les moyens de tirer pleinement parti de leur potentiel dans le cadre d’efforts plus vastes destinés à bâtir une économie mondiale plus résiliente et plus écologique et d’avantage tournée vers le numérique.

    Documents connexes
  • 27-June-2023


    Did COVID-19 accelerate the green transition? - An international assessment of fiscal spending measures to support low-carbon technologies

    Fiscal spending policies adopted in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic have been presented as a unique opportunity to 'build back better' and re-ignite the economy while accelerating the transition to a low-carbon economy. This paper analyses 1 166 funding measures announced by 51 countries and the European Union in 2020-21 to support development and diffusion of low-carbon technologies. These measures – amounting to USD 1.29 trillion – can make an important contribution to filling the climate investment gap, particularly in emerging technologies such as carbon capture, usage and storage and green hydrogen. A modelling analysis suggests that they could have large impacts on greenhouse gas emissions and bring about significant co-benefits in terms of clean sectors’ output growth and reductions in fossil fuel imports.
  • 19-June-2023


    Quantifying industrial strategies across nine OECD countries

    Industrial policy has resurfaced prominently in academic and policy discussions in the wake of major shocks and long-term trends. However, quantifying industrial strategies across countries remains difficult. The ‘Quantifying Industrial Strategies’ (QuIS) project measures industrial policy expenditures by gathering and harmonising publicly available data, based on a new methodology. This report summarises the composition of industrial strategies in the first nine participating countries in terms of expenditures, priorities, and policy instruments for the period 2019-21. The report finds that industrial policies are sizeable, with 1.5% of GDP in grants and tax expenditures, and with an important heterogeneity across countries in terms of strategic priorities; industrial strategies mainly rely on sectoral instruments, representing on average 29% of grants and tax expenditures; and green instruments are important and rose significantly in six out of nine countries between 2019 and 2021.
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