
Publications & Documents

  • 17-octobre-2023


    Tableau de bord de l’OCDE sur le financement des PME et des entrepreneurs : Faits saillants 2023

    Les Faits saillants 2023 du Tableau de bord sur le financement des PME et des entrepreneurs rendent compte des tendances, des conditions et des évolutions des politiques publiques en matière de financement des PME et des entrepreneurs. Le rapport propose des données officielles sur le financement des PME dans près de 50 pays, et notamment des indicateurs relatifs aux conditions de financement et au financement par l’endettement, par apport de capitaux propres ou par nantissement d’actifs. Les données au titre de l’année 2021 sont complétées par les informations disponibles pour 2022, ainsi que par des informations sur la demande et par les récentes initiatives publiques et privées en faveur du financement des PME. Il en ressort que la plupart des économies montrent des signes d’une reprise dynamique suite à la pandémie de COVID-19 de 2021. Les données pour l’année 2022 révèlent toutefois une dégradation de certains indicateurs du financement des PME, en raison d’un fort niveau d’inflation et de la hausse des taux d’intérêt, aggravés par la guerre menée par la Russie contre l’Ukraine. Ces facteurs pèsent sur l’accessibilité et le coût du financement des PME par l’emprunt, laissant présager un ralentissement des financements. De la même manière, le financement par apport de capitaux propres a enregistré un net recul en 2022. Dans ce contexte, les pouvoirs publics devraient continuer de promouvoir la diversification des instruments et des sources de financement des PME et leur permettre ainsi de renforcer leur résilience et d’engager des investissements essentiels, notamment dans les transitions numérique et verte.
  • 16-October-2023


    Measuring governments’ R&D funding response to COVID-19 - An application of the OECD Fundstat infrastructure to the analysis of R&D directionality

    This paper presents new evidence on the size and direction of governments’ R&D funding response to the COVID-19 pandemic through the exploration of a novel data infrastructure, the OECD Fundstat initiative for the analysis of government-funded R&D projects. The document reports on the exploratory development and application of automatic classification tools to detect relevant COVID-19 R&D funding, map salient topics and classify and allocate project funding according to priorities in the WHO COVID-19 R&D Blueprint, as well as comparing results with similar analysis of scientific publication output data. The results provide new insights on which areas of enquiry were prioritised by governmental R&D funding bodies.
  • 6-October-2023


    Shipbuilding policy and market developments in selected economies, 2023

    This report provides an overview of the measures supporting the shipbuilding industry and of the development of the shipbuilding market in selected economies including China, Viet Nam, the Philippines, Indonesia, France, Chinese Taipei, United States, Malaysia, Bangladesh and India.

    Related Documents
  • 30-September-2023


    Platform cooperatives and employment - An alternative for platform work

    Platform cooperatives refer to cooperatives that are directly owned and managed by their members and that use websites and/or mobile apps to sell goods and/or services. They have emerged in large part as alternatives to digital labour platforms to promote better working conditions with evidence of significant growth in recent years. This paper provides an overview of employment in platform cooperatives and offers insights on their distinctive features. In particular, it provides i) insights on working conditions associated with such platforms; ii) an overview on the challenges they face in creating jobs as well as scaling up, developing and expanding their activity; and iii) policy recommendations and examples of policy actions that could help policy makers best support them to generate work opportunities and enhance job quality. This paper was produced as part of the OECD Global Action on Promoting Social and Solidarity Economy Ecosystems, funded by the European Union’s Foreign Partnership Instrument.
  • 29-September-2023


    Regions in Industrial Transition 2023 - New Approaches to Persistent Problems

    This report builds on work presented in the OECD’s 2019 report Regions in Industrial Transition: Policies for People and Places. It considers industrial transition as a complex and enduring challenge in regional development that traditional policy levers have not always been able to satisfactorily address. Beginning with an overview of how to characterise these regions, it then explores why they require tailored policy approaches and posits whether adopting a more experimental path in governance arrangements and policy initiatives could make inroads in meeting industrial transition objectives. The report shares findings emanating from the experiences of eight regions and two countries that designed and implemented experimental initiatives to advance their industrial transition process and Smart Specialisation Strategies, with the support of the European Commission. It features a framework of governance and policy areas that influence industrial transition, and applicable to experimentation. Combining this with insights from each experiment studied, the report presents a toolkit of policy levers for policy makers grappling with industrial transition, and a checklist for those wishing to apply an experimental approach to industrial transition initiatives. Finally, the report contains a synopsis of the initiatives designed and implemented by the regions and countries participating in this project.
  • 28-September-2023


    What is the social and solidarity economy? A review of concepts

    Produced as part of the OECD Global Action on Promoting Social and Solidarity Economy Ecosystems, funded by the European Union’s Foreign Partnership Instrument, this paper provides a framework to clarify the core notions of the social and solidarity economy, along with social economy, social enterprise, social innovation and other related notions. The objective is to explain what they are and understand how these notions have evolved in recent decades. It also aims to capture and document the great diversity within social and solidarity economy organisations in terms of purposes, legal entities, business models and practices to help better characterise the 'population' of social and solidarity economy entities.
  • 28-September-2023


    The social and solidarity economy as a partner along the refugee journey

    Produced as part of the OECD Global Action 'Promoting Social and Solidarity Economy Ecosystems' funded by the European Union, this paper explores the role of the social and solidarity economy (SSE) in implementing and complementing public systems for refugee protection, reception and integration. In particular, it reviews the different activities SSE entities can deploy in support of forcibly displaced populations, asylum seekers and refugees, along their journey from origin through to destination countries. Finally, it offers some policy considerations on how the SSE can help national and local governments identify win-win solutions for refugee and host communities.
  • 28-September-2023


    Empowering communities with platform cooperatives - A catalyst for local development

    This policy paper explores the contribution of platform cooperatives to local development as an alternative model to conventional digital platforms. It considers their role in reducing potential negative effects of the digital transition on local communities and places, as well as the new opportunities they present to provide greater quality of life for local residents. The paper introduces the main features of platform cooperatives, explores their contributions to local development and identifies the challenges to their emergence and expansion. It then provides policy orientations that could support the development of platform cooperatives and enhance their contributions to local development. This paper was produced as part of the OECD Global Action on Promoting Social and Solidarity Economy Ecosystems, funded by the European Union’s Foreign Partnership Instrument.
  • 27-September-2023


    Shifting the focus - Smaller electric vehicles for sustainable cities

    Like-for-like replacement of fossil-fuel-powered vehicles by identical electric-powered vehicles is thought to be the main uptake pathway for electric vehicle (EV) uptake. However, what characterises global passenger and freight EV markets is the emerging uptake of smaller, lighter and shorter-ranged vehicle types specially designed for urban areas. A shift towards a broader EV uptake could be an opportunity for more sustainable and electric urban mobility systems – with comparatively lower electricity and charging infrastructure demand and battery materials needs, lower emissions and safer city streets. This report identifies the main use cases that could be part of such a broader and sustainable EV uptake. It also quantifies the sustainability impacts of different EV uptake scenarios that vary in vehicle fleet composition and degrees of electrification ambition. Finally, it gives recommendations on how authorities could leverage the passenger and freight EV transition for more sustainable cities.
  • 22-September-2023


    Promoting internationalisation of the social and solidarity economy - From local to global

    Building on strong local roots to address local development challenges, many social and solidarity economy (SSE) entities are increasingly extending their operations internationally. By responding to international social and environmental challenges, SSE entities can help make global value chains more inclusive and sustainable. With the pursuit of a social mission and participatory governance at the core of their operations, SSE entities adopt specific approaches to internationalise their presence. Some internationalise to scale their impact to reach more people and areas, while some do so to deepen their impact on existing target groups by leveraging resources internationally. This paper analyses what SSE internationalisation involves and its specific drivers (chapter 1), trends in SSE internationalisation (chapter 2), competitive advantages and barriers of the SSE for internationalisation (chapter 3), and actionable areas for policy makers to promote its internationalisation (chapter 4).
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