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  • 5-July-2016


    Tackling the productivity paradox: The OECD Global Forum on Productivity

    The nexus of slowing productivity growth and rising inequality is capturing the attention of policymakers and researchers. The productivity slowdown, its causes, and the link with inclusiveness will be discussed on 7-8 July in Lisbon at the first Annual Conference of the new Global Forum on Productivity, which was created by the OECD in collaboration with a number of Member and non-Member countries.

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  • 21-June-2016


    15 years of the National Contact Points

    Fifteen years after the creation of National Contact Points as a means to improve the implementation of the Guidelines, the OECD has conducted an analysis of the functioning and performance of the National Contact Points.

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  • 15-June-2016


    Inclusive Entrepreneurship Policy

    A three-year programme of co-operation between the European Commission and LEED on self-employment and entrepreneurship in Europe.

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  • 3-juin-2016


    Forum économique internationale sur l'Amérique latine et les Caraïbes

    L'édition 2016 du Forum, qui aura lieu le 3 juin à Paris, a pour thème "Nouveaux défis et alliances innovantes dans un monde en mutation" et comprendra deux tables rondes thématiques : "Redéfinir les partenariats pour soutenir la croissance inclusive et durable" et "Des politiques innovantes pour augmenter la productivité et combattre les inégalités".

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  • 2-juin-2016


    Forum de l'OCDE 2016 : Economies productives, sociétés inclusives

    Le Forum 2016, intitulé "Economies productives, sociétés inclusives", s'articulera autour de trois thèmes transversaux, aussi à l'ordre du jour de la Réunion ministérielle : croissance inclusive et productivité, innovation et économie numérique, et coopération entre les pays au service de la mise en œuvre des grands accords et normes internationaux.

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  • 30-mai-2016


    Supprimer le travail des enfants est notre devoir à tous

    Un jour, Kalu, un jeune garçon arraché à un atelier de tissage de tapis au Bihar, a posé une question fondamentale à Bill Clinton, alors président des États-Unis. Au cours de l’entretien, Kalu s’est poliment enquis de ses plans et politiques concernant les enfants du monde et leur situation.

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  • 4-May-2016


    Carbon emissions all at sea: why was shipping left out of the Paris Climate Agreement? Insights Blog

    A stern warning for climate change, and our health - Shipping brings us 90% of world trade and has increased in size by 400% in the last 45 years. Cargo ships, tankers and dry-bulk tankers are an essential element of a globalised world economy, but they are thirsty titans and they won’t settle for diet drinks. There are up to 100,000 working vessels on the ocean and some travel an incredible 2/3 of the distance to the moon in one year.

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  • 19-April-2016


    12th Annual Meeting: Creativity, jobs and local development (Venice, Italy)

    This year the Forum will focus on creativity, jobs and local development. We will examine how localities can support culture and creative industries as a source of knowledge and job creation and how the creative industry can act as a powerful driving force areas such as tourism, urban regeneration, and social inclusion.

  • 18-April-2016


    Trade in Counterfeit and Pirated Goods - Mapping the Economic Impact

    Counterfeit and pirated products come from many economies, with China appearing as the single largest producing market. These illegal products are frequently found in a range of industries, from luxury items (e.g. fashion apparel or deluxe watches), via intermediary products (such as machines, spare parts or chemicals) to consumer goods that have an impact on personal health and safety (such as pharmaceuticals, food and drink, medical equipment, or toys). This report assess the quantitative value, scope and trends of this illegal trade.
  • 18-April-2016


    Illicit Trade - Converging Criminal Networks

    This report assesses the magnitude, flows and drivers of illicit trade and the illegal economy including: narcotics, human trafficking, wildlife, sports betting, counterfeit medicines, alcohol and tobacco. The negative socio-economic impacts that these markets have in consumer countries are as worrisome as the goverance gaps that are exploited in source countries. This report examines each illicit sector in terms of the geographic sources, destinations and key trade routes, the current trend of infiltration by organized crime networks, and good practices or future policy solutions with which to combat illicit trade within the various sectors.
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