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  • 10-February-2021


    Going Digital in Latvia

    Going Digital in Latvia analyses recent developments in Latvia’s digital economy, reviews policies related to digitalisation and make recommendations to increase policy coherence in this area, based on the OECD Going Digital Integrated Policy Framework. The review uses strategic foresight to explore three alternative future scenarios, which could result from the digital transformation of the global economy and society. It also examines the availability and quality of communication networks and services in Latvia as well as related policies and regulations. Further, it reviews trends in digital technology usage among individuals, businesses and the government, and examines policies to foster diffusion. Finally, the review analyses opportunities and challenges raised by digitalisation in key areas, from innovation and skills to digital security and data governance, and evaluates policy responses to these changes in Latvia.
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  • 28-janvier-2021


    Science, technologie et innovation : Perspectives de l'OCDE 2021 (version abrégée) - Affronter la crise et saisir les opportunités

    Cette version abrégée est la traduction partielle de la version anglaise de Science, technologie et innovation : Perspectives de l'OCDE 2021. Elle contient les pages préliminaires, le résumé ainsi que le premier chapitre de la publication d'origine qui décrit le rôle essentiel de la science et de l'innovation dans la réponse immédiate à la crise du COVID-19. Les secteurs tant public que privé ont consacré des milliards de dollars à ces efforts et la coopération mondiale a atteint des niveaux sans précédent. Pour autant, la crise économique induite par la pandémie devrait donner lieu à une réduction notable des dépenses de recherche et d’innovation dans les entreprises, tandis que les gouvernements devront affronter à la fois une dette publique abyssale et des besoins multiples et concurrents d’aides financières. Ces évolutions pourraient avoir des répercussions à long terme sur les systèmes d’innovation, au moment où la science et l’innovation sont plus que jamais indispensables pour lutter contre l’urgence climatique, atteindre les Objectifs de développement durable et accélérer la transformation numérique. Les pouvoirs publics devront certes prévoir dans leurs plans de relance des mesures pour protéger leurs systèmes d’innovation, mais ils devraient également profiter de cette occasion pour mener à bien des réformes. Les politiques de la science, de la technologie et de l’innovation (STI), en particulier, devraient servir un programme de transformation systémique plus ambitieux favorisant une transition encadrée vers un avenir plus durable, équitable et résilient.
  • 22-October-2020


    COVID-19 and the aviation industry: Impact and policy responses

    The dramatic drop in demand for passenger air transport (and freight, to a lesser extent) due to COVID-19 and containment measures is threatening the viability of many firms in both the air transport sector and the rest of the aviation industry, with many jobs at stake. This brief looks how governments can help put aviation on a sustainable trajectory.

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  • 20-August-2020


    Structural adjustment and changes to employment use in Japan

    This paper examines the determinants of structural adjustment in Japan and identifies several factors that explain the use of certain employment types. Its findings are based on a novel plant-level dataset that provides considerable detail on the types of employees used by Japanese manufacturers between 2001 and 2014. Analysis of this dataset shows that growth in the diffusion of robotics is linked to fewer non-regular employees, which seems to be partially driven by the positive association between robot adoption and the dismissal of certain types of non-regular workers. It also finds that offshoring from Japan to other countries contributes to the use of both regular and non-regular workers, while higher plant productivity is related to the use of more regular workers. Finally, establishments that experienced job dismissals appear to substitute non-regular workers for regular workers.
  • 19-May-2020


    2020 Global Forum on Responsible Business Conduct

    19 May 2020: The 2020 Global Forum will be held virtually and in two parts. The first part on 19 May 2020 will focus on how governments and businesses can use an responsible business conduct approach to address the COVID-19 crisis and build more resilient supply chains.

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  • 13-May-2020


    Start-ups and COVID-19: Facing the challenges, seizing the opportunities

    Start-ups play a key role in OECD countries in terms of job creation, innovation, and long-run growth, but the COVID-19 crisis is reducing their creation, challenging their survival, and limiting their growth.

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  • 17-February-2020


    Measuring employment in global value chains

    This paper describes the sources and methods used to produce the indicators in the OECD Trade in Employment database. These indicators were developed, as a complement to Trade in Value Added (TiVA) indicators, to provide broad insights into the impact of global value chains on labour markets.

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  • 7-February-2020


    Regulatory Governance of the Rail Sector in Mexico

    The report provides a description and an assessment of the recent actions carried out by the Mexican government to enhance the quality of regulation and regulatory governance in the rail sector in Mexico. In particular, the report identifies and describes recent regulatory reforms in the rail sector; the progress in implementing OECD recommendations relative to rail regulation issued in 2017; the reforms that led to the Mexican Rail Regulatory Agency, as well as the legal powers granted. It also documents the current regulatory practices of this Agency. The reforms and practices are assessed against OECD principles and country experiences. Finally, the report provides recommendations for continuing the reform efforts.
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  • 19-décembre-2019


    Hausse du niveau des mers - Les approches des pays de l'OCDE face aux risques côtiers

    L’adaptation des zones côtières aux impacts du changement climatique est désormais une urgence. La hausse du niveau des mers et des pressions immobilières va certainement y accroître les risques, selon les prévisions. En quoi les processus nationaux de planification de l’adaptation des pays de l’OCDE peuvent-ils nous aider à répondre à ce défi ? C’est la question à laquelle répond cet ouvrage. Il expose clairement les diverses conceptions du partage des coûts et des responsabilités en matière de gestion des risques côtiers. Il examine ensuite si celles-ci encouragent ou dissuadent les ménages, les entreprises et les différents niveaux de gouvernement d’adopter des comportements qui réduisent les risques. Cet ouvrage décrit les instruments d’action que les autorités nationales peuvent employer pour favoriser une réaction efficiente, efficace et équitable face aux changements qui affectent le littoral. Il s’appuie sur de nouvelles analyses des coûts futurs de la hausse du niveau des mers et sur les principaux résultats de quatre études de cas (Allemagne, Canada, Nouvelle-Zélande et Royaume Uni).
  • 19-December-2019


    Access to Green Finance for SMEs in Georgia

    Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play an important role in Georgia’s economy. SMEs provide more than 67% of employment and about 62% of gross value added. Although the environmental footprint of individual SMEs may be low, their aggregate impact in many respects exceeds that of large businesses. Commercial banks have an important role to play in providing access to green finance, particularly for SMEs. This report reviews the experience with green lending in the SME sector in Georgia. The analysis identifies the main challenges with lending to SMEs for green projects and discusses possible solutions. The report, in particular, looks at the role of the government and the policy instruments it can use to stimulate higher demand for green lending in the SME sector.
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