
Documents récents

  • 5-June-2024


    Driving Performance at Brazil’s National Agency for Water and Basic Sanitation

    As 'market referees', regulators contribute to the delivery of essential public utilities. Their organisational culture, behaviour, actions and governance are important factors in how they, and the sectors they oversee, perform. The OECD Performance Assessment Framework for Economic Regulators (PAFER) looks at the institutions, processes and practices that can create an organisational culture of performance and results. This report uses PAFER to assess both the internal and external governance of Brazil’s National Agency for Water and Basic Sanitation (ANA). The review offers recommendations for the regulator to build upon its strong technical reputation and good practices. It proposes an integrated set of recommendations to help ANA best fulfil its roles relating to water resource management and water-use regulation, dam safety, and water supply and sanitation.
  • 5-April-2024


    Regulatory experimentation: Moving ahead on the agile regulatory governance agenda

    This policy paper aims to help governments develop regulatory experimentation constructively and appropriately as part of their implementation of the 2021 OECD Recommendation for Agile Regulatory Governance to Harness Innovation.

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  • 6-November-2023


    Better Regulation for the Green Transition

    This policy paper discusses how governments can use better regulation instruments to design, implement and evaluate efficient and effective regulations for the environment.

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  • 24-July-2023


    Risk-based Regulatory Design for the Safe Use of Hydrogen

    EU Funded Note Low-emission hydrogen is expected to play an important role in the energy transition to tackle the climate crisis. It can decarbonate 'hard-to-abate' sectors still relying on fossil fuels, turn low-carbon electricity into a fuel that can be transported using pipelines and provide a green transport alternative, in particular for heavy-duty and long-distance transport. Given its potential to combat climate change, it can allow for a net reduction in societal risks if managed responsibly. However, while its potential is widely acknowledged, its application is not yet meeting ambitions. Regulation is crucial to facilitate its application and ensure its safety. This report analyses trends, risks, and regulation of hydrogen technologies across economies. It supports the use of low-emission hydrogen as part of the energy transition, by making recommendations for effective risk-based regulation, regulatory delivery and governance.
  • 30-June-2023


    Understanding and Applying the Precautionary Principle in the Energy Transition

    EU Funded Note The precautionary principle has been an important aspect of regulatory delivery for nearly four decades. Now widely applied and with a global reach, the principle is often invoked whenever the scientific evidence surrounding the safety of a given technology is not conclusive. It is often applied where a safety risk is known to exist, but the probability and magnitude of harm are uncertain or unknown. The principle thus supports — and is an important element of — risk-based regulation. It is an important principle for the energy transition, in particular, though it is complex to apply in practice. The safety risk of technologies supporting the energy transition is immediate, which can lead regulators to operate and apply the principle over-cautiously — sometimes to the extent of complete inaction. This report examines how the precautionary principle can be used to support flexible decision making by helping regulators and operators manage risk through positive action.
  • 12-April-2023


    Progress Review of Peru's Telecommunications Regulator - Driving Performance

    Regulators act as 'market referees', balancing often competing interests of stakeholders, including governments, current and future actors in the markets, and consumers. At the same time, markets are changing at an unprecedented pace due to new technologies, the international drive toward carbon-neutral economies, shifts in consumer needs and preferences, and, more recently, the profound changes brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. Assessing the performance of economic regulators must therefore be a continuous effort. This progress review evaluates the changes put in place by Peru’s telecommunications regulator, OSIPTEL, since the previous OECD performance assessment review in 2018, in the interest of increasing the effectiveness of its regulatory activities and improving final outcomes for consumers and the economy.
  • 6-January-2023


    Effective Government Information Websites - Toolkit for Implementation

    EU Funded Note Government information websites are an important tool for governments seeking to improve communications, ease administrative burdens and provide greater access to public services for citizens and businesses. Effective information websites, centred on users’ needs, can ensure a trustworthy information exchange between citizens and the public administration. This report looks at how developing a fit-for-purpose search function, using predictive text, machine learning techniques, and other functionalities, can contribute to effective information websites. It presents recommendations as well as guidelines for ensuring high-quality standards across government information websites, including upgrading them into transactional portals, where citizens may easily access public services and communicate with government agencies about their needs.
  • 20-December-2022


    Digital Transformation Projects in Greece’s Public Sector - Governance, Procurement and Implementation

    EU Funded Note Like many other OECD countries, Greece has embarked on an ambitious digital transformation of its public sector to make it more effective, sustainable, proactive and people-centred. However, digital transformation projects present challenges in terms of governance, procurement, implementation and institutional capacities. This review explores how Greece could overcome these challenges to ensure that digital government investments address critical bottlenecks such as the procurement process and result in policy coherence, achieve value for money, and deliver intended outcomes. It also highlights the crucial role of whole-of-government co-ordination.
  • 10-December-2022


    International Regulatory Co-operation in Competition Law and Chemical Safety

    This report showcases international regulatory co-operation (IRC) in the areas of competition law and chemical safety. These two studies – covering very different subjects – are rare examples of areas where complex legal and institutional frameworks have been created at the domestic and/or international level to ensure effective IRC. The competition case study focuses on international co-operation for law enforcement, surveying the range of tools and methods countries can use to address international antitrust concerns, as well as the challenges involved. The chemical safety case study reviews the OECD Environment, Health and Safety Programme and provides concrete evidence of the monetary and health benefits of its 'mutual acceptance of data' system related to chemical safety. These case studies are evidence of both the importance and the complexity of frameworks that enable IRC to help solve common problems across jurisdictions.
  • 9-December-2022


    International Regulatory Co-operation - Transforming rulemaking to meet the global challenges of the 21st century

    This programme gathers available evidence on the gains that can be achieved through greater co-ordination of rules and their application across jurisdictions.

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