
Latest Documents

  • 5-April-2024


    Regulatory experimentation: Moving ahead on the agile regulatory governance agenda

    This policy paper aims to help governments develop regulatory experimentation constructively and appropriately as part of their implementation of the 2021 OECD Recommendation for Agile Regulatory Governance to Harness Innovation.

    Related Documents
  • 4-April-2024


    Green Budgeting in OECD Countries 2024

    This report provides an overview of green budgeting practices across OECD countries based on the 2022 OECD Green Budgeting Survey, as well as the index methodology for the Survey. It takes stock of OECD countries’ progress in bringing climate and environmental considerations into budgeting frameworks and processes. Green budgeting involves a systematic approach across all stages of the budget process, including financial reporting and budget oversight. The growth in green budgeting in OECD countries, as shown in the report, demonstrates the key role of budget offices in ensuring that policy priorities relating to climate change and the environment are taken into account when allocating resources through the budget process.
  • 26-mars-2024


    Perspectives de l'OCDE sur la lutte contre la corruption et l'intégrité 2024

    Cette première édition des Perspectives de l'OCDE sur la lutte contre la corruption et l'intégrité analyse les efforts déployés par les pays membres pour défendre l'intégrité et lutter contre la corruption. Basé sur les données des Indicateurs d'intégrité publique, ce rapport analyse les performances des cadres d'intégrité des pays. Il explore comment certains des principaux défis auxquels les gouvernements sont confrontés aujourd'hui (notamment la transition verte, l'intelligence artificielle et l'ingérence étrangère) augmentent les risques de corruption et d’atteinte à l’intégrité pour les pays. Il examine également comment les lacunes des systèmes d'intégrité peuvent entraver les réponses des pays à ces défis majeurs. En donnant un aperçu des performances actuelles des pays, les Perspectives soutiennent la planification stratégique et le travail politique visant à renforcer l'intégrité publique pour l'avenir.
  • 22-March-2024


    Generative AI for anti-corruption and integrity in government - Taking stock of promise, perils and practice

    Generative artificial intelligence (AI) presents myriad opportunities for integrity actors—anti-corruption agencies, supreme audit institutions, internal audit bodies and others—to enhance the impact of their work, particularly through the use of large language models (LLMS). As this type of AI becomes increasingly mainstream, it is critical for integrity actors to understand both where generative AI and LLMs can add the most value and the risks they pose. To advance this understanding, this paper draws on input from the OECD integrity and anti-corruption communities and provides a snapshot of the ways these bodies are using generative AI and LLMs, the challenges they face, and the insights these experiences offer to similar bodies in other countries. The paper also explores key considerations for integrity actors to ensure trustworthy AI systems and responsible use of AI as their capacities in this area develop.
  • 15-March-2024


    Parliaments and evidence-based lawmaking in the Western Balkans - A comparative analysis of parliamentary rules, procedures and practice

    Parliaments have a unique role in ensuring that adopted laws, regardless of who initiated them, are evidence-based and fit-for-purpose. For the executive branch, laws are vital instruments through which they deliver public policy. Governments therefore rely on parliaments to scrutinise and adopt legislation in a timely, well-planned and co-ordinated manner. Parliamentary scrutiny of government lawmaking and its role in ex post evaluation of law implementation helps the legislature hold the executive to account. Evidence-based lawmaking is especially critical to EU integration processes as they involve adoption of many new laws. This paper reviews how laws are planned, initiated, prepared, scrutinised and evaluated by the parliaments of six Western Balkan administrations. The report discusses the concept of lawmaking within a parliamentary system of government. It considers how parliaments and governments co-operate and co-ordinate their legislative activities throughout the lawmaking cycle, providing a comparative analysis of existing rules and procedures as well as lawmaking practices. A set of key findings and policy recommendations are provided to support the Western Balkan administrations to plan and implement future reforms.
  • 13-March-2024


    Government at a Glance: Latin America and the Caribbean 2024

    The 2024 edition of Government at a Glance: Latin America and the Caribbean provides the latest available evidence on public administrations and their performance in the LAC region and compares it to OECD countries. It includes indicators on trust in public institutions and satisfaction with public services, as well as evidence on good governance practices in areas such as the policy cycle, budgeting, public procurement, infrastructure planning and delivery, regulatory governance, digital government and open government data. Finally, it provides information on what resources public institutions use and how they are managed, including public finances, public employment, and human resources management. Government at a Glance allows for cross-country comparisons and helps identify trends, best practices, and areas for improvement in the public sector. Governance indicators are especially useful for monitoring and benchmarking governments’ progress in their public sector reforms. Each indicator in the publication is presented in a user‑friendly format, consisting of graphs and/or charts illustrating variations across countries and over time, brief descriptive analyses highlighting the major findings of the data, and a methodological section on the definition of the indicator and any limitations in data comparability.
  • 4-mars-2024


    Les faits sans le faux : Lutter contre la désinformation, renforcer l’intégrité de l’information

    La prolifération de la désinformation a des conséquences considérables dans de multiples domaines de l’action publique, allant de la santé publique à la sécurité nationale. La désinformation peut jeter le doute sur des faits avérés, compromettre la mise en œuvre des politiques publiques et ébranler la confiance des citoyens dans l'intégrité des institutions démocratiques. Ce rapport étudie comment répondre à ces défis et renforcer la démocratie. Il présente un cadre d’action pour guider les pays dans l'élaboration de politiques publiques dédiées au renforcement de l'intégrité de l'information, en examinant trois dimensions complémentaires : la mise en œuvre de politiques pour renforcer la transparence, la responsabilité et la pluralité des sources d'information ; le renforcement de la résilience de la société face à la désinformation ; et l'amélioration des mesures de gouvernance et des capacités des institutions publiques pour assurer l'intégrité de l'espace informationnel.
  • 4-March-2024


    Performance-Informed Budgeting in Flanders, Belgium

    Since 2014, the Flemish government has undertaken a series of reforms of its budgetary system, including the implementation of performance-informed budgeting, which includes both the implementation of spending reviews and performance budgeting. The aim of the reforms is to better integrate policy development and resource allocation and improve the accountability and transparency of the Flemish public sector. This report takes stock of performance-informed budgeting practices in Flanders. It provides an assessment of their key strengths and highlights where improvements can be made. Finally, it includes recommendations to further strengthen the approach to performance-informed budgeting in Flanders.
  • 19-February-2024


    Addressing Inequality in Budgeting - Lessons from Recent Country Experience

    In many countries, public expenditure, including transfers, plays a major role in reducing income inequality. The report reviews the various ways that budgeting can be used to this end. A first includes taking a broad approach to results-based budgeting, taking social and distributional goals into consideration. A second relies on integrating distributional impact analysis directly into the budget process. The report discusses the concrete experience of eight OECD countries in this area, analysing how they are integrating distributional impact assessment in spending and budgeting decisions. Finally, it discusses the tools, frameworks and data that are needed to take distributional considerations into account as part of evidence-informed policy making.
  • 19-February-2024


    Ensuring policy coherence through better policy development, co-ordination and stakeholder participation in Romania

    EU Funded Note Policy coherence relies on the development of strategic plans, the availability and use of relevant evidence and data, the right set of skills across the public administration, political commitment, and leadership. Effective policy coherence cannot be achieved without good co-ordination, which relies on sound co-ordination mechanisms, such as interministerial committees or councils, as well as information-sharing tools. The legitimacy and coherence of public policy is also grounded in the support that a government has from stakeholders and citizens. This policy paper offers a tailored policy framework for Romania that builds further on the other outputs of the TSI project 'Enhancing Policy Coherence, Transparency, and Co-ordination at the Centre of Government in Romania'. It includes tailored and actionable tools for improving policy coherence across government by strengthening policy development, co-ordination, and stakeholder participation.
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