
Latest Documents

  • 11-November-2019


    Ending child labour, forced labour and human trafficking in global supply chains

    This report presents research findings and recommendations on child labour, forced labour and human trafficking in global supply chains. Jointly authored by the ILO, OECD, IOM and UNICEF under the aegis of Alliance 8.7, the report also represents the first ever attempt to measure child labour, forced labour and human trafficking in global supply chains.

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  • 29-October-2019


    Due Diligence for Responsible Corporate Lending and Securities Underwriting

    This report provides a common global framework for financial institutions to identify, respond to and publicly communicate on environmental and social risks associated with their clients.

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  • 27-February-2019


    National Contact Point Peer Reviews

    During the 2011 update of the Guidelines, NCPs agreed to reinforce their joint peer learning activities, and in particular, those involving voluntary peer reviews.

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  • 12-décembre-2018


    Implémentation des nouveaux standards internationaux pour la compilation des statistiques d’IDE

    En septembre 2014, de nombreux pays ont implémenté les dernières directives internationales pour compiler les statistiques d’IDE. Les nouveaux standards ont apporté des changements importants dans les statistiques d’IDE, notamment des nouvelles mesures de l’IDE au niveau mondial.

    Documents connexes
  • 20-June-2018


    A nudge or a shove? What will it take to push responsible business conduct?

    On the occasion of the release of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance on Responsible Business Conduct, the OECD’s Tyler Gillard looks at how governments can encourage international standards of responsible business conduct in business activities and supply chains.

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  • 17-April-2018


    OECD Alignment Assessments of Industry and Multi-Stakeholder Programmes

    To help support a common understanding of OECD due diligence while also enabling cross-recognition between programmes, the OECD launched a voluntary process in 2016 called the OECD Alignment Assessment to assess the alignment of these initiatives with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance and sector Guidances.

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  • 6-February-2018


    Due diligence in Colombia's gold supply chain

    This series of assessments on Colombian gold supply chains and the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High Risk Areas analyse the conditions of mineral extraction and related risks in Colombia as a whole and by region.

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  • 5-February-2018


    Due diligence guidance on stakeholder engagement in extractive industries

    When companies involve stakeholders, such as local communities, in their decision making, it enables them to identify, and account for the impacts of their activities, and contribute to positive social and economic development. To address the challenges raised when engaging with stakeholders, the OECD is preparing a user guide on how to undertake due diligence in engaging with stakeholders for mining, oil and gas enterprises.

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  • 15-September-2017


    Beer, conflict and compensation: Heineken-Congo agreement

    15 September 2017 - A complaint submitted in 2015 by former workers of Heineken’s subsidiary Bralima in the Democratic Republic of Congo was successfully resolved recently. This article by Roel Nieuwenkamp explains the circumstances and why this agreement is being hailed as historic.

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  • 21-July-2017


    Living up to expectations on responsible business conduct

    21 July 2017 - Recent noteworthy developments have created a new momentum on responsible business conduct worldwide, confirming the prominence of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and their in-built implementation mechanism, the National Contact Points. This article by Roel Nieuwenkamp looks at the expectations that come with this heightened recognition.

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