
Meetings / Conferences / Agendas

  • 27-March-2018


    2018 Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum

    On 27-28 March, the 2018 Forum will debate how integrity in government, business and society enhances the benefits of globalisation and reduces the inequality gap. Integrity creates a level playing field for business, reduces socio-economic inequalities and makes public policies more effective. This is our challenge for the future: Planet Integrity.

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  • 21-September-2017


    Portugal: Digital Transformation of the Public Sector - OECD E-Leaders meeting

    The 2017 edition of the OECD E-Leaders meeting will discuss how governments can best adapt to the growing role of advanced technologies in service delivery. Delegates will discuss the implications of the digital transformation in governments, including the skills base, the data infrastructure and approaches to the commissioning of ICT goods and services.

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  • 6-December-2016


    OECD Global Forum on Public Governance

    The Global Forum provides a unique opportunity for OECD countries to engage with non-members, as well as parliaments, justice institutions, civil society and the business world, to discuss public governance issues and global concerns.

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  • 2-juin-2016


    Forum de l'OCDE 2016 : Economies productives, sociétés inclusives

    Le Forum 2016, intitulé "Economies productives, sociétés inclusives", s'articulera autour de trois thèmes transversaux, aussi à l'ordre du jour de la Réunion ministérielle : croissance inclusive et productivité, innovation et économie numérique, et coopération entre les pays au service de la mise en œuvre des grands accords et normes internationaux.

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  • 8-February-2016


    World Government Summit, Dubai, 2016

    The World Government Summit brings together over 3500 ministers, government officials, experts, representatives from the private sector and civil society to discuss the future of government and public service delivery.

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  • 28-October-2015


    OECD Public Governance Ministerial Meeting, Finland, 2015

    Ministers and cabinet-level officials from OECD countries and beyond will participate to help determine how we shape the policy cycle to deliver inclusive outcomes.

  • 19-May-2015


    National Prosperity Through Modern Rural Policy - 10th OECD Rural Conference, Memphis, USA

    As the OECD celebrates its 10th Rural Conference this edition will look at the next steps for the OECD Rural Policy Programme and consider the direction for future work.

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  • 17-November-2014


    Gender, Law and Public Policy in the MENA Region: High-level seminar

    MENA (Middle East and North Africa) countries are looking for ways to build a strategic public sector capacity to enable full women’s empowerment in society and public life in a sustainable manner. They also seek to ensure conformity with international standards related to issues of gender equality and human rights.

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  • 12-November-2014


    Innovating the Public Sector: from Ideas to Impact

    The OECD Conference on Innovating the Public Sector: From Ideas to Impact on 12-13 November 2014 will bring together public sector practitioners, researchers, civil society and businesses to discuss how innovation can help solve today's complex challenges.

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  • 13-October-2014


    Improving Risk Regulation: From crisis response to learning and innovation

    Jointly organised by the OECD, Duke University and IRGC, this international conference will identify, evaluate and discuss the relevance and effectiveness of new approaches to improving risk governance, both as they result from responding to and learning from crises, and as deliberate innovations in how regulatory power is exercised and shared.

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