
Publications & Documents

  • 11-January-2024


    Developing Effective Online Dispute Resolution in Latvia

    EU Funded Note This report assesses the use of online dispute resolution (ODR) in Latvia. It looks at the country’s efforts to modernise its justice system and develop dispute resolution mechanisms, identifies areas for improvement in line with the OECD ODR Framework, and provides examples of the application of ODR in other countries. The assessment is enriched by the application of the OECD ODR Framework to three specific types of claims – simplified and warning procedures, and consumer claims. It provides recommendations for successfully implementing ODR in Latvia and broadly modernising the justice sector to ensure better access to justice for all.
  • 22-December-2023


    2023 OECD Open, Useful and Re-usable data (OURdata) Index - Results and key findings

    Open government data has become a vital instrument for addressing both longstanding and emerging policy issues. In particular, the recent pandemic and the green transition have underscored the need for governments to ensure access to timely, relevant, and high-quality data to foster resilience and facilitate a comprehensive whole-of-society response. This paper presents the main findings of the fourth edition of the OECD Open, Useful, and Re-usable data (OURdata) Index for 2023, which benchmarks efforts made by governments to design and implement national open government data policies. It encompasses over 670 data points collected from 36 OECD countries and 4 accession countries throughout 2022.
  • 20-December-2023


    Promoting Corruption Risk Management Methodology in Romania - Applying Behavioural Insights to Public Integrity

    A risk management approach is important for promoting public integrity efficiently and effectively. This report reviews the current corruption risk management methodology in the Romanian central government through the lens of behavioural science. After introducing the Romanian corruption risk management methodology and analysing the challenges related to its implementation, the report provides four concrete avenues for its adoption and implementation. Behaviourally inspired strategies are designed to improve public officials' capacities, opportunities, and motivations to identify corruption risks, assess their probability and impact, and design more effective control measures.
  • 20-décembre-2023


    Examens environnementaux de l'OCDE : États-Unis 2023 (version abrégée)

    Première économie mondiale, les États-Unis ont progressé dans la réduction de plusieurs pressions environnementales tout en conservant l’un des produits intérieurs bruts par habitant les plus élevés au monde. Les émissions de gaz à effet de serre et de polluants atmosphériques, les prélèvements d’eau et la consommation intérieure de matières y ont été découplés de la croissance économique et démographique. Les niveaux de consommation élevés, les pratiques agricoles intensives, le changement climatique et l’étalement urbain continuent toutefois d’exercer des pressions sur le milieu naturel. Malgré l’accélération récente de l’action publique face au changement climatique, des efforts supplémentaires sont nécessaires pour atteindre l’objectif de neutralité en gaz à effet de serre d’ici à 2050. Par ailleurs, les États-Unis figurent parmi les principaux producteurs de déchets marins, lesquels ont de graves conséquences pour les populations et l’environnement. Le présent rapport contient 30 recommandations visant à aider les États-Unis à améliorer leurs performances environnementales, et accorde une attention particulière à l’enjeu des déchets marins et à la problématique transversale de la justice environnementale. Troisième Examen environnemental consacré aux États‑Unis, il propose une évaluation indépendante, fondée sur des données factuelles, des performances environnementales du pays au cours de la dernière décennie. La présente version abrégée contient le résumé, de même que l’évaluation et les recommandations officielles du rapport. Le rapport complet est disponible en anglais sur le site Internet de l’OCDE.
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  • 19-décembre-2023


    Examens environnementaux de l'OCDE : Israël 2023 (version abrégée)

    La rapide croissance économique et démographique que connaît Israël et son fort degré d’urbanisation continuent d’exercer des pressions significatives sur l’environnement. Le pays a relevé ses ambitions en matière de climat ces dernières années, mais n’est pas parti pour atteindre ses objectifs de réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre. De nouvelles mesures s’imposent pour mieux protéger la biodiversité, combattre la pollution de l’eau et s’adapter aux effets du changement climatique. Israël a pris une série de mesures importantes au service de ses ambitions de réduction à zéro des déchets et de circularité de l’économie. Il doit toutefois redoubler d’efforts pour améliorer la gestion des déchets et mettre l’économie dans son ensemble sur la voie de la circularité. L’examen formule 24 recommandations qui visent à aider Israël à améliorer ses performances environnementales, et accorde une attention particulière à la gestion des déchets et à l’économie circulaire. Avec ce deuxième Examen environnemental d’Israël, l’OCDE propose une évaluation indépendante, fondée sur des données factuelles, des performances environnementales du pays au cours de la dernière décennie. La présente version abrégée contient le résumé, de même que l’évaluation et les recommandations officielles du rapport. Le rapport complet est disponible en anglais sur le site web de l’OCDE.
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  • 18-December-2023


    Digital Government Review of Romania - Towards a Digitally Mature Government

    The Digital Government Review of Romania evaluates the efforts made by the government to transition towards digital government. It provides in-depth analysis and actionable policy recommendations to improve institutional governance, digital investments, digital talent and skills, government service delivery and the strategic use of data, including open government data. The findings can help Romania use digital technology and data to make its public sector more responsive, resilient and proactive in serving citizens and businesses.
  • 16-December-2023


    Public Communication Scan of the United Kingdom - Using Public Communication to Strengthen Democracy and Public Trust

    This Public Communication Scan of the United Kingdom, the first such scan of an OECD Member country, brings new insights to the OECD’s work on understanding how public communication contributes to democratic governance. The scan analyses how the United Kingdom’s Government Communication Service (GCS) is building a more effective communication function amid changes to the information ecosystem and how it can help make policymaking more responsive to citizens' needs. The analysis and recommendations in this Scan highlight opportunities for the GCS and the UK Government to align ongoing communication reforms with actions to promote more inclusive and people-centred communication that contributes to greater engagement, improved public trust, and better policy outcomes.
  • 15-December-2023


    The state of play and prospects for measuring innovation in the public sector

    This paper provides a critical review of public sector innovation measurement approaches and related gaps. It explores alternative approaches to measure public sector innovation measurement which respond to different use cases, and paves the way for operationalising a measurement framework for public sector innovation. The paper proposes creating a continuous stocktake of public sector innovation measurement activities in Member countries, improving existing frameworks or creating new frameworks to guide public sector innovation measurement more systematically at country level, and identifying indicators that would be most useful for cross-country comparability.
  • 15-December-2023


    Generative artificial intelligence in finance

    The rapid acceleration in the pace of AI innovation in recent years and the advent of content generating capabilities (Generative AI or GenAI) have increased interest in AI innovation in finance, in part due to the user-friendliness and intuitive interface of GenAI tools. The use of AI in financial markets involving full end-to-end automation without any human intervention remains largely at development phase, but its wider deployment could amplify risks already present in financial markets and give rise to new challenges. This paper presents recent evolutions in AI in finance and potential risks and discusses whether policy makers may need to reinforce policies and strengthen protection against these risks.
  • 14-December-2023


    Evaluation of Belgium’s COVID-19 Responses - Fostering Trust for a More Resilient Society

    As countries seek to draw lessons the COVID-19 crisis and increase their future resilience, evaluations are important tools to understand what worked or not, why and for whom. This report builds on the OECD work on 'government evaluations of COVID-19 responses'. It evaluates Belgium’s responses to the pandemic in terms of risk preparedness, crisis management, as well as public health, education, economic and fiscal, and social and labour market policies. Preserving the country’s resilience in the future will require promoting trust in public institutions and whole-of-government approaches to crisis management, reducing inequalities, and preserving the fiscal balance. The findings and recommendations of this report will provide guidance to public authorities in these efforts.
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