

  • 31-mai-2018


    Financer durablement la croissance inclusive en Thaïlande

    La « philosophie économique de suffisance » de la Thaïlande met l’accent sur la soutenabilité à long terme plutôt que les gains à court terme.

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  • 7-March-2018


    OECD Integrity Review of Thailand - Towards Coherent and Effective Integrity Policies

    This review analyses Thailand’s integrity system. It takes stock of the country's recent efforts to tackle corruption, such as the creation of anti-corruption commissions and legislation. Based on the 2017 OECD Recommendation on Public Integrity, the review makes concrete policy recommendations for Thailand in the areas of institutional arrangements, integrity training for public servants, asset disclosure, and whistleblower protection.
  • 18-August-2015


    Green Growth in Bangkok, Thailand

    This publication is the first case study of the Urban Green Growth in Dynamic Asia project. The project explores how to promote green growth in fast-growing cities in Asia by examining policies and governance practices that encourage greening and competitiveness in a rapidly expanding economy. It is part of the OECD Green Growth Studies series, which will culminate in a synthesis report on Urban Green Growth in Dynamic Asia. This report analyses the economic and environmental performance and green growth policy practices of Thailand’s Bangkok Metropolitan Region (BMR). As a dynamic and emerging market economy, Thailand has recorded strong growth over recent decades and is expected to continue to do so, but this growth has come at a high environmental cost. The challenge is therefore to improve environmental outcomes while supporting continued growth in output and living standards. Thailand's government and BMA have taken steps to encourage green growth in the BMR, but much untapped potential remains, particularly in the following areas: land use and transport, renewable energy and energy efficiency in buildings, and water resources and solid waste management. Resilience to floods is also an urgent cross-cutting issue that requires further attention.
  • 7-December-2005


    3rd OECD-Asian Senior Budget Officials Meeting -- Provisional Annotated Agenda

    Agenda for 3rd OECD-Asian Senior Budget Officials Meeting held in Bangkok on 15-16 December 2005.

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