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  • 24-June-2020

    English, PDF, 862kb

    Over the Rainbow? The Road to LGBTI Inclusion - How does Finland compare?

    This note provides a comprehensive overview of the extent to which laws in Finland and OECD countries ensure equal treatment of LGBTI people, and of the complementary policies that could help foster LGBTI inclusion.

  • 4-December-2018

    English, PDF, 543kb

    Good jobs for all in a changing world of work: The new OECD Jobs Strategy – Key findings for Finland

    The digital revolution, globalisation and demographic changes are transforming labour markets at a time when policy makers are also struggling with slow productivity and wage growth and high levels of income inequality. The new OECD Jobs Strategy provides a comprehensive framework and policy recommendations to help countries address these challenges.

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  • 14-May-2018


    Is the Last Mile the Longest? Economic Gains from Gender Equality in Nordic Countries

    Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, commonly known as the Nordic countries, have been leaders in the development of modern family and gender policy, and the explicit promotion of gender equality at home, at work, and in public life. Today, on many measures, they boast some of the most gender-equal labour markets in the OECD.This report shows that improvements in gender equality have contributed considerably to economic growth in the Nordic countries. Increases in female employment alone are estimated to account for anywhere between roughly 0.05 and 0.40 percentage points to average annual GDP per capita growth – equivalent to 3 to 20% of total GDP per capita growth over the past 50 years or so, depending on the country.The Nordic countries are closer than most to achieving gender equality in the labour market. But the last mile may well prove to be the longest one. To make further progress, a continued assessment of the effectiveness of existing public policies and workplace practices is needed. Only with resolve and a continued focus can Nordic countries ensure that men and women contribute to their economies and societies in gender equal measure. 
  • 8-December-2017


    OECD Development Co-operation Peer Reviews: Finland 2017

    The review assesses the performance of Finland, including how its commitment to the 2030 Agenda translates into action on the ground and how it can strengthen its partnerships with a view to adopting a whole-of-Finland approach in the face of steep budget cuts.
  • 22-November-2017


    OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2017 - highlights by country

    These notes present selected country highlights from the OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2017 with a specific focus on digital trends among all themes covered.

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  • 9-June-2017


    OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy: Finland 2017

    Although Finland achieved a widely acclaimed transformation to become a leading knowledge-based economy in the late 20th century, the 2009 recession and disruptive change contributing to a deep restructuring of the information and communication technology (ICT) industry and the downsizing of traditional sectors have weighed on the economy, productivity growth and international competitiveness. Numerous policy reforms have since been undertaken, and public and private investment, especially in applied R&D, has been cut back. Strengthening and lifting Finland’s innovation system out of a period of uncertainty requires a coherent and unified new vision for science, technology and innovation (STI), renewed investment and policy instruments. This vision should be oriented towards renewal tackling societal challenges and developing new knowledge-based competitive advantages at global scale. Success calls for better co-ordination and co-operation among policy actors and national and regional-levels, and further internationalisation.
  • 13-March-2017


    OECD Territorial Reviews: Northern Sparsely Populated Areas

    The northern sparsely populated areas (NSPA) of Finland, Norway and Sweden are becoming increasingly important to the geopolitical and economic interests of these countries and the European Union. These regions have unique geographical characteristics - low population density and a harsh climate - and face specific challenges due to an ageing population, long distances from markets, and high-cost land transport. However, high productivity growth is possible in low-density regions. This report sets out policy recommendations at cross-border, national and regional scales to enhance prosperity and well-being across the NSPA. This includes closer co-operation with national governments to address shared challenges and opportunities such as improving east-west transport connections and reducing occupational and skills barriers to labour mobility, and addressing barriers to business growth such as access to finance.
  • 30-November-2016


    Consumption Tax Trends 2016: Country highlights

    This publication provides detailed country notes on Value Added Tax/Goods and Services Tax (VAT/GST) and excise duty rates in OECD member countries.

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  • 30-November-2016


    Revenue Statistics 2016: Country highlights

    This annual publication presents detailed country notes and internationally comparable tax data for all OECD countries from 1965 onwards.

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  • 27-juillet-2016


    Age, compétences et leur impact sur le marché du travail en Finlande

    Les macro-simulations comparant l’emploi entre la Finlande et la moyenne scandinave montrent que réduire l’écart de taux de participation au marché du travail vis-à-vis des autres pays Nordiques pour chaque sexe et groupe d’âge stimulerait significativement l’emploi.

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