

  • 11-octobre-2008


    Déclaration du Secrétaire général de l'OCDE auprès du Comité monétaire et financier international

    Etant donné que la crise financière s’approfondit et se répand, les pouvoirs publics doivent prendre d’urgence des initiatives coordonnées pour rétablir la confiance et relancer les flux de crédit, selon M.Gurría.

    Documents connexes
  • 8-May-2008

    English, , 114kb

    Entrepreneurship and innovation are engines of economic growth, OECD workshop concludes

    A three-day international workshop on innovation and the global impact of high-growth small and medium-sized firms (SMEs), organized by OECD with the Kauffman Foundation in Kansas City, hailed entrepreneurship and the fast growth of innovative small firms as the engines of economic growth.

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  • 3-September-2013


    Advanced economies growing again but some emerging economies slowing, says OECD

    A moderate recovery is underway in the major advanced economies, according to the OECD’s latest Interim Economic Assessment. Growth is proceeding at encouraging rates in North America, Japan and the UK. The euro area as a whole is out of recession, although output remains weak in a number of countries.

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