
Directories / Index

  • 5-avril-2019


    Centre sur la finance verte et l'investissement

    Les investissements dans l'économie verte doivent être plus importants au cours des prochaines décennies pour atteindre les objectifs de développement durable et l'ambition de l'Accord de Paris. Pour soutenir ces objectifs, la mission du Centre contribue à catalyser et à soutenir la transition vers une économie verte, à faibles émissions et résiliente au climat.

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  • 2-April-2019


    Adaptation to climate change

    Efforts to significantly reduce greenhouse gases need to be complemented with co-ordinated response to build resilience. Climate adaptation policies reduce the adverse consequences of climate impacts that are already underway and helps societies proactively prepare for the future. Find out more on how the OECD is working to support governments in planning and implementing effective, efficient and equitable adaptation policies.

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  • 7-March-2019


    Spatial Planning INstruments and the Environment (SPINE)

    This work consists of a series of spatially explicit empirical analyses of the relationships between land use patterns, socioeconomic outcomes, environmental pressures, and the use of specific policy instruments. What's new: Brochure highlighting the project activities.

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  • 23-janvier-2019


    Responsabilité élargie du producteur

    L’OCDE définit la responsabilité élargie des producteurs (REP) comme une approche de politique environnementale dans laquelle la responsabilité d’un producteur à l’égard d’un produit s’étend au stade post-consommation de son cycle de vie.

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  • 8-January-2019


    Database: Policy Instruments for the Environment

    “Policy Instruments for the Environment” (PINE) is a unique database gathering detailed information on policy instruments relevant for environmental protection and natural resource management. The database contains information on multiple types of policy instruments and covers more than 90 countries globally.

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  • 7-janvier-2019


    À propos des examens environnementaux

    Les examens environnementaux s’appuient sur des informations attestées, sur des faits précis et sur des données nationales et internationales fiables.

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  • 25-September-2018


    Event: High-level Discussion on Financing Climate Futures

    On 25 September 2018 in New York, the OECD, UN Environment and the World Bank Group hosted a high-level panel discussion on their joint initiative “Financing Climate Futures: Rethinking Infrastructure”. The project is being undertaken with the support of the German Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety.

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  • 30-May-2018


    Paris Collaborative on Green Budgeting

    The Paris Collaborative on Green Budgeting was launched by the OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría at the One Planet Summit in Paris on 12 December 2017. It aims to design new, innovative tools to assess and drive improvements in the alignment of national expenditure and revenue processes with climate and other environmental goals.

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  • 10-May-2018


    Green Growth Indicators

    Green Growth Indicators 2017 charts the progress that OECD countries and G20 economies have made since 1990. The 2017 edition places greater emphasis on productivity gains and on the role of policy action, with enriched analysis on environmentally related taxes and subsidies, technology and innovation, and international financial flows.

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  • 7-May-2018


    Resource efficiency

    Improving resource efficiency is among the top priorities in today’s world, as governments, businesses and civil society are increasingly concerned about natural resource use, environmental impacts, material prices and supply security. Latest country study: Making the Slovak Republic a more source efficient economy.

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