

  • 3-November-2015


    In the absence of Marty and Doc’s time machine… Insights Blog

    "Back to the Future" festivities marking 21 October 2015 as the date Marty and Doc travel to the future in the famous film with Michael J. Fox. If only we had a similar time machine allowing us to travel to 2045 to see what the climate has in store to better decide what policies to adopt today. Alas, no time machine has been invented yet but, in the absence of such a cool device, we can rely on climate and economic models...

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  • 20-October-2015


    If this is a war on emissions, governments need a strong arsenal

    More than 150 countries have submitted their post-2020 Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Such contributions are vital to the #COP21 climate change conference in Paris this December.

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  • 14-October-2015


    The Carbon Clock is ticking!

    It has become the accepted wisdom that meeting the global climate challenge will require zero net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by the end of this century. Read the full op-ed by Gabriela Ramos, OECD Special Advisor to the OECD Secretary-General.

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  • 27-September-2015


    Air pollution and diesel: from theory to practice, Insights Blog

    The current Volkswagen diesel emissions scandal highlights the difficult reality of making the transition to a low-carbon economy. It also highlights the growing need for governments to make smart policies, based on actual costs.

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  • 16-September-2015


    Guyana and Norway are showing how climate action can deliver results

    The most vulnerable communities and poorest countries in the world are the ones that suffer the most from climate change, despite the fact that they have done almost nothing to cause the problem.

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  • 21-juillet-2015


    Un gain pour la planète est un gain pour l’humanité

    Les destinées de l’humanité et de l’environnement sont comme les deux faces d’une même pièce ; c’est pourquoi nous devons nous concentrer non plus seulement sur le développement, mais sur le développement durable. Pour cela, nous devons construire des coalitions mondiales pour progresser sur un certain nombre de questions.

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  • 16-July-2015


    Green and Growing, or ripe and rotting? Insights Blog

    In a recent lecture on climate change, the Secretary-General stated that “Tomorrow’s societies engineered around yesterday’s solutions won’t get us there.” The OECD’s work on green growth is just one example of where the organisation is working towards the development of solutions for today.

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  • 9-June-2015


    Investment in clean energy: A worthwhile goal - Insights Blog

    Most of us would agree that clean energy is a worthwhile goal, and the world has invested more than $2 trillion on renewable-energy plants in the past decade. But are we doing enough?

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  • 5-June-2015


    Carbon Pricing: Does the OECD practice what it preaches? Insights Blog

    Today, more than 22% of global emissions are covered by a carbon price. Almost 40 countries and over 20 cities, states and provinces use carbon pricing mechanisms or are planning to implement them. The OECD recommends that countries make carbon pricing the cornerstone of climate policy. Price signals sent to consumers, producers and investors alike need to be consistent and facilitate the gradual phase-out of fossil fuel emissions.

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  • 5-June-2015


    Saving every drop: How the OECD reduces its environmental footprint - Insights Blog

    We could spend World Environment Day warning of the doom and gloom of future Earth, but considering how much we have done that already, that’s not going to get us very far as we approach this year’s COP21 in Paris. Instead, we are going to give you a taste on what we do here at the OECD headquarters to help save the environment, taking our own medicine on what we prescribe to governments.

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