
Latest Documents

  • 15-avril-2010


    Instruments juridiques de l'OCDE

    Le Conseil de l'Organisation a le pouvoir d'adopter des instruments juridiques, habituellement appelés "les Actes de l'OCDE". Ces Actes sont le produit des travaux de substance réalisés dans le cadre des Comités de l'Organisation.

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  • 15-avril-2010


  • 8-avril-2010


    Recommandation du Conseil sur les technologies de l'information et des communications et l'environnement [C(2010)61]

    Recommande qu’en établissant ou en révisant leurs politiques concernant les TIC et l’environnement, les membres prennent en compte et mettent en oeuvre les principes qui définissent un cadre général pour renforcer la contribution des TIC à l’amélioration des performances environnementales.

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  • 19-February-2010


    Innovation effects of the Swedish NOx charge

    This report links the introduction of the Swedish NOx charge to technology adoption and development of mitigation technology.

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  • 16-February-2010


    A review of recent policy-relevant findings from the environmental health literature

    This review of recent policy-relevant findings from the environmental health literature was prepared by Alistair Hunt and Julia Ferguson, University of Bath, UK.

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  • 12-February-2010


    The influence of regulation and economic policy in the water sector on the level of technology innovation in the sector and its contribution to the environment: The case of the State of Israel

    The paper discusses the impacts of policies applied over the last decades in the water sector in Israel on technological innovation and on the environment.

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  • 22-January-2010


    Environmental and Eco-Innovation: Concepts, Evidence and Policies

    This document is intended to be what might be called ‘a think-piece with empirical and case study evidence’ on environmental and eco-innovation for the OECD project on "Taxation, Innovation and the Environment".

  • 22-January-2010


    Fuel Taxes, Motor Vehicle Emission Standards and Patents Related to the Fuel-efficiency and Emissions of Motor Vehicles.

    This paper studies the impacts of motor vehicle fuel taxes and mandatory fuel efficiency standards on relevant car-related innovation activity in selected car-producing countries.

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  • 18-décembre-2009


    Linkages between Environmental Policy and Competitiveness - Document de travail No. 13

    This working paper develops a conceptual framework to shed some light on this difficult debate. Competitiveness impacts of environmental policies may derive from the policy itself, or from the improvements of the environmental performance that derives from the policy.

    Documents connexes
  • 12-October-2009


    The scope for CO2-based differentiation in motor vehicle taxes

    This paper addresses the scope for CO2-based differentiation in motor vehicle taxes, both under conditions of equilibrium and in the context of the current global recession.

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