
Latest Documents

  • 28-November-2005


    The Political Economy of the Norwegian Aviation Fuel Tax

    This report was prepared by the Norwegian consultancy firm ECON Analyse as part of a broader work on "the political economy of environmentally related taxes".

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  • 28-November-2005


    The Competitiveness Impact of CO2 Emissions Reduction in the Cement Sector

    This report was prepared by D. Demailly & P. Quirion of the research institute CIRED, France, and has benefited from a deep collaboration with the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies.

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  • 26-September-2005


    Children's Environmental Health Indicators: a survey

    This report proposes an overview of the current programmes designed to elaborate children's environmental health indicators. It also examines their consistency with OECD guidelines on the development and measurement of indicators, in order to determine their usefulness to OECD member countries.

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  • 1-June-2005

    Russian, , 569kb

  • 3-March-2005


    Analytical Framework for Evaluating the Costs and Benefits of Extended Producer Responsibility Programmes

    Extended Producer Responsibility is a policy approach where the responsibility of producers for their products is extended to include the social costs of waste management. This document, prepared by Prof. Stephen Smith, proposes a framework for analysing the costs and benefits of such programmes

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  • 28-February-2005


    The United Kingdom Climate Change Levy: A Study in Political Economy

    This document, prepared by Prof. David Pearce, assesses the political economy of the UK Climate Change Levy. The levy has contributed to the UK climate change targets. It may well have fared better than some regulations, but whether it has done better than a pure carbon tax is debatable.

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  • 27-January-2005


    Die Gunst der Stunde: Die Überwindung der Hindernisse bei der Einführung der Leistungsabhängigen Schwerverkehrsabgabe in der Schweiz

    Dieser Bericht ueber die Ueberwindung von politischen Hindernissen bei der Einführung der Leistungsabhängigen Schwerverkehrsabgabe in der Schweiz wurde erstellt von Ueli Balmer vom schweizer Bundesamt fuer Raumenentwicklung.

    Related Documents
  • 24-January-2005


    The Window of Opportunity: How the Obstacles to the Introduction of the Swiss Heavy Goods Vehicle Fee have been Overcome

    This document, prepared by Ueli Balmer, assesses the political economy of the implementation of the distance-related fee for heavy goods vehicles in Switzerland. Due to the new fee, and a higher weight limit, heavy goods transport on the road has become much more efficient.

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  • 24-January-2005


    Manure Policy and MINAS: Regulating Nitrogen and Phosphorus Surpluses in Agriculture of The Netherlands

    This document, prepared by Prof. Oene Oenema and Paul B.M. Berentsen, assesses the political economy of the implementation of the ‘minerals accounting system’ MINAS in the Netherlands. While the system contributed to some environmental improvements, the costs of its implementation were rather high.

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