

  • 29-May-2024


    Assessing the enabling conditions for investment in Armenia's water security - Scorecard pilot test

    This paper is part of a subset of working papers within the Environment Working Paper series, presenting research on the enabling environment for investment in water security. The subset includes country and regional projects aimed at pilot testing the Scorecard, designed to assess the enabling environment for investment in water security. The paper 'Assessing the Enabling Conditions for Investment in Water Security: Scorecard Pilot Test in Asian Countries' delineates the findings from the initial phase. This paper marks the commencement of the second round of pilot tests in the EU’s Eastern Partnership Countries. It presents the results obtained from assessing the enabling environment for investment in water security in Armenia, using the Scorecard. It also presents policy recommendations based on the priority investment barriers identified during stakeholder consultations in the country, involving representatives from various Ministries engaged in water security and international donors. The assessment and recommendations cover the public investment framework and its impact on water-related sectors, the water investment framework, project bankability and sustainability, as well as the contribution of other economic sectors to water security.
  • 13-December-2023


    SME Policy Index: Eastern Partner Countries 2024 - Building Resilience in Challenging Times

    The SME Policy Index: Eastern Partner Countries 2024 – Building resilience in challenging times is a unique benchmarking tool to assess and monitor progress in the design and implementation of SME policies against EU and international best practice. It embraces the priorities laid out in the European Union’s SME Strategy for a sustainable and digital Europe and is structured around the ten principles of the Small Business Act for Europe, which provide a wide range of measures to guide the design and implementation of SME policies. This report marks the fourth edition in this series, following assessments in 2012, 2016, and 2020. It tracks progress made since 2020 and offers the latest key findings on SME development and related policies in the countries of the Eastern Partnership (EaP). It also identifies emerging challenges affecting SMEs in the region and provides recommendations to address them. The 2024 edition benefits from an updated methodology that also offers a deeper analysis of policies to support the digital transformation of SMEs.
  • 3-October-2022


    Green Economy Transition in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia - Progress and Ways Forward

    Since the 1990’s, the countries of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA) have made great progress in pursuing economic development that is also environmentally sustainable. The countries, in collaboration with the GREEN Action Task Force hosted by the OECD, has developed a number of policies aiming to improve environmental quality and social well-being, while creating opportunities for strong economic growth and decent jobs in the region. This report was prepared as the OECD contribution to the ninth 'Environment for Europe' (EfE) Conference (5-7 October 2022). In this context, this report aims to: (i) take stock of progress on policy developments towards a green economy in the EECCA countries; (ii) showcase selected contributions from of the Green Action Task Force that integrate environmental and climate considerations into development pathways of the EECCA countries, and mobilise finance for action; and (iii) provide an outlook for the future, including priority actions that the Task Force in co-operation with the EECCA countries should take to enhance the momentum for green economy transition in the region.
  • 31-August-2022


    EU4Environment Country Profile 2021-2022 – Armenia

    Since 2019, EU4Environment has been supporting Armenia towards green transformation. Find out highlights of concrete results, achievements and success stories in our new released country profile.

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  • 11-March-2022


    The environmental compliance assurance system in Armenia: Current situation and recommendations

    This report takes stock of the state of the environmental compliance assurance system in Armenia, including its legal and institutional framework, monitoring, enforcement and compliance promotion activities. Based on this assessment, it identifies gaps and provides recommendations for improvement.

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  • 27-October-2021


    Towards a green economy in the Eastern Partner countries with EU4Environment: Mid-term achievements

    Since EU4Environment launch in 2019, an important progress has been done in modernising environmental policies and legislation, aligning them with the EU framework, promoting resource efficient and cleaner production in enterprises and mobilising financial resources for reducing environmental risks and impacts.

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  • 21-September-2021


    EU4Environment Third Regional Assembly

    The meeting took stock of the Programme implementation, assessed the progress, showcased key achievements, and discussed work plans for 2021-2022.

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  • 5-August-2021


    Fossil-Fuel Subsidies in the EU’s Eastern Partner Countries - Estimates and Recent Policy Developments

    Based on the OECD standard methodology, the study presents quantitative estimates of government support to consumers and producers of coal, oil and related petroleum products and natural gas, and electricity and heat generated from these fossil fuels. This report summarises the main findings of the analysis of fossil-fuel subsidy schemes in the six European Union's Eastern Partner (EaP) countries – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. The study updates the 2018 Inventory of Energy Subsidies in the EU’s Eastern Partnership Countries by providing data and estimates for 2016‑19. The analysis focuses on measuring two major types of fossil-fuel subsidies: direct transfers of funds to producers and consumers; and tax expenditure. This report also briefly discusses the taxation and energy pricing policies that have had direct or indirect impact on the evolution of fossil-fuel subsidies in the region. Detailed estimates of all individual support measures for each of the six countries are provided in Annexes to the report.
  • 28-May-2021


    Country profile: Towards a Green Economy in Armenia

    Since 2019, EU4Environment has been supporting Armenia towards green transformation. Find out highlights of concrete results and achievements in our new released country profile.

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  • 27-May-2021


    EU Green Week: Towards Zero Pollution in the Eastern Partnership countries

    Within the EU Green Week, EU4Environment is organising a virtual event “Towards Zero Pollution in the Eastern Partnership countries”. This regional conference will review progress in addressing environmental challenges in the region, demonstrate the success stories and best practices to decrease pollution, and discuss the ways how to address remaining challenges, including those stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic.

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