

  • 25-July-2023


    Unemployment benefit reforms to support employment and inclusiveness in the United States - Impacts of the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance

    This paper analyses the impact of Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) extensions on jobseeker households in selected US states and examines how these extensions compare to the pre-pandemic policies. The analysis finds that PUA extensions increase benefit duration for all jobseekers, but due to interactions between other government benefits, this translates to significant increases in benefit generosity only for jobseekers without children. This has an impact on the financial incentives to take up employment, although incentives are still above the OECD average. PUA extensions have little impact for people who have been unemployed for a very long time, and jobseekers with no recent contribution history. PUA extensions also have minimal impact on jobless families with children who continue to receive less support compared to other OECD countries.
  • 6-July-2023


    Labour and social policies for the green transition - A conceptual framework

    This study sets out a conceptual framework to analyse the impact of climate change and greenhouse gases mitigation efforts on the labour market, migration flows and people’s health, as well as the most important policy levers that can cushion potential negative impacts and maximise opportunities from the climate transition.
  • 5-July-2023


    Rethinking Regional Attractiveness in the New Global Environment

    The Rethinking Regional Attractiveness in the New Global Environment report highlights lessons learned from multiple regional case studies from five EU countries (Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Sweden), additional work with Latin American and Caribbean regions, and a series of webinars and one-on-one dialogues on rethinking regional attractiveness. The OECD’s innovative multidimensional approach to assessing regional attractiveness considers global engagement beyond international connections and economic factors alone. The methodology considers more than 50 indicators to develop regional attractiveness profiles covering six domains of attractiveness: economic attraction, connectedness, visitor appeal, natural environment, resident well-being, and land-use and housing. The report helps regional and national policy makers to understand how individual regions fare in a new global environment that continues to deal with the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis, compounded by the consequences of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and existing megatrends – all of which produce asymmetric impacts within and between countries and regions – and identify the policy levers available to enhance their attractiveness to the international target groups of investors, talent, and visitors. It also considers the need to co-ordinate across levels of government, across policy fields, and with private stakeholders, and highlights good practices to implement regional attractiveness policies.
  • 5-July-2023


    From local to national: Delivering and financing effective long-term care

    This study provides an in-depth examination of the fiscal and governance decentralisation of long-term care (LTC) across OECD countries, offering projections of future fiscal burdens of LTC spending across levels of government. With rapid population ageing and a decrease in the supply of informal care, LTC spending has increased significantly. The paper introduces a novel methodology to estimate LTC expenditures across different government levels, including central and subnational governments. By analysing country cases, it explores the responsibilities assigned to each government level and the implications for service delivery and intergovernmental coordination. The study also discusses the overall anticipated increase of LTC expenditure to 2.3% of GDP by 2040, identifying the most impacted countries. This research contributes to our understanding of LTC systems, highlights the challenges of increasing LTC costs and provides insights for optimising governance and fiscal expenditure.
  • 4-July-2023


    Doing green things: skills, reallocation, and the green transition

    The need to rapidly decarbonise economies raises questions about whether countries’ workforces possess the requisite skills to achieve the net zero transition as well as the capacity to redeploy workers from 'brown' to 'green' jobs. This paper applies a task-based framework to granular data from the Occupational Information Network (O*NET) and country-specific employment sources to generate new indicators of the green skills structure of labour markets for a large number of OECD countries and non-OECD EU countries. Significant cross-country differences emerge in the underlying supply of green skill and the potential of economies to reallocate brown job workers to green jobs within their broad occupation categories. In a majority of detailed brown occupations, workers have in principle the necessary skills to transition to green jobs, with the exception of those in production occupations, who may require more extensive re-skilling. In contrast, workers from most highly automatable occupations are generally not found to have the sufficient skills to transition to green jobs, suggesting more limited scope for the net-zero transition to reinstate labour displaced by automation.
  • 29-June-2023


    Promoting Active Ageing in Lithuania - Policy Challenges and Solutions

    EU Funded Note Lithuania is one of the fastest-ageing countries in Europe. Its working-age population is not only ageing, but also expected to decline significantly, giving rise to considerable economic, labour market, social and public governance challenges. The inclusion of older persons has improved in many areas in the past two decades. Yet, many Lithuanians aged 55 and over continue to lag in fully engaging in society relative to younger people and their peers in neighbouring countries. This report takes a holistic approach to analyse Active Ageing policies in Lithuania in three dimensions: labour market inclusion, social policies, and participation in public and political life. It provides tailored policy recommendations to improve the well-being of older people in Lithuania in terms of better employment and lifelong learning outcomes, stronger integration in society, and participation in democratic institutions and processes.
  • 27-juin-2023


    Au-delà des applaudissements ? Améliorer les conditions de travail dans le secteur des soins de longue durée (version abrégée)

    Ce rapport présente une analyse internationale approfondie de la situation des travailleurs du secteur des soins de longue durée au regard des différentes dimensions de la qualité des emplois. Dans les premières phases de la pandémie de COVID-19, les applaudissements adressés aux soignants ont été l’expression manifeste de la reconnaissance de leur travail acharné et des risques auxquels leurs fonctions les exposaient. Cependant, alors que les applaudissements se faisaient plus rares après le pic de la crise, la question de l’amélioration durable des conditions de travail des personnels du secteur des soins de longue durée est revenue sur le devant de la scène. Au cours des prochaines décennies, la demande de travail en provenance des entreprises de ce secteur va augmenter sensiblement. Plusieurs pays sont déjà confrontés à des pénuries à mesure que la génération du baby-boom entre dans le troisième âge. Pour aller Au-delà des applaudissements, il est nécessaire d’adopter une stratégie d’action globale pour remédier aux conditions de travail médiocres et à la reconnaissance sociale insuffisante des personnels du secteur des soins de longue durée, attirer des travailleurs et éviter que les pénuries de main-d’œuvre n’atteignent des niveaux inacceptables. Une stratégie de ce type doit prendre en compte plusieurs dimensions et s’adapter aux priorités de chaque pays, par exemple mettre en place des interventions directes visant à augmenter les salaires et à relever les qualifications requises ; augmenter les financements publics et développer le rôle moteur des pouvoirs publics ; soutenir la négociation collective et le dialogue social ; renforcer la formation ; développer le recours aux nouvelles technologies ; et consolider les politiques de prévention dans le domaine de la santé. Il s’agit d’une version abrégée de la publication d’origine, composée du résumé et du chapitre 1, qui est le chapitre de présentation générale.
  • 23-June-2023


    Personalised Public Services for People in Vulnerable Situations in Lithuania - Towards a More Integrated Approach

    EU Funded Note Despite strong economic performance and significant governance reforms over the past few decades, Lithuania has a higher share of its population at-risk-of poverty than other EU countries (21.4% in 2020 compared to an EU average of 16.3%), with some people more at risk than others, particularly people with multiple and complex needs in vulnerable situations who tend to rely more on public services. The provision of personalised services is fundamental to addressing the needs of people in vulnerable situations and to improving their well-being. This report is part of a joint project between the OECD and the European Commission to develop a more integrated approach to personalised services for people with disabilities, young people leaving care, and people leaving prison in Lithuania and to increase the involvement of non-governmental organisations in the design and delivery of those services. The report provides an analysis and assessment of the governance arrangements and NGO involvement in Lithuanian public service provision, the associated operating models and information technology (IT) infrastructure of employment and social services; and service design and delivery methods for the three groups. Finally, the report proposes recommendations to deliver effective, well-integrated public services to people in vulnerable situations in Lithuania.
  • 21-June-2023


    “Who does what” for active labour market policies - A zoom on the role of subnational governments

    This paper maps 'who does what' across levels of government in OECD countries in relation to active labour market policies (ALMPs), with a focus on the role of subnational governments. It highlights recent reforms in the multi-level governance of ALMPs in a number of countries, and shows that in about two out of five OECD countries, subnational governments have some type of formal competences for delivering ALMPs. It also shows other ways subnational governments are commonly involved in such policies. This includes delivering their own labour market programmes, often targeted to those farthest from the labour market or facing multiple barriers to employment. Finally, it considers some of the benefits and drawbacks of more decentralised approaches to ALMPs and offers some general principles for managing these trade-offs across different types of governance systems.
  • 21-June-2023


    Integrating local services for individuals in vulnerable situations

    Governments at all levels are looking for new and innovative ways to include individuals in vulnerable situations such as youth, migrants, persons with disabilities and families facing multiple challenges, in the labour market and in society more generally. This paper explores integration of employment services with other services (e.g. social, health and housing) at the local level as one promising way for governments to provide more effective support that is holistic and person-centred and be more efficient in public spending. The paper analyses different forms of local service integration, the possible benefits, and the particular roles subnational governments can play in service integration reforms – ranging from national public employment service-led reforms to more locally driven reforms. The paper also analyses the barriers to service integration and proposes future work to strengthen local service integration.
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