
Publications & Documents

  • 13-June-2024


    A new dawn for public employment services - Service delivery in the age of artificial intelligence

    As part of broader digitalisation efforts, half of public employment services (PES) in OECD countries are employing Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance their services. AI is being adopted across all key tasks of PES, including most commonly to match jobseekers with vacancies. While several PES have been using such tools for a decade, adoption of AI has been increasing in recent years as these become more accessible. New AI use cases have emerged to assist employers in designing vacancy postings and jobseekers in their career management and job-search strategies. AI initiatives have significant impact on PES clients, changing how they interact with the PES and receive support, and PES staff, altering their day-to-day work. As PES seek to maximise the opportunities brought by AI, proactive steps should be taken to mitigate associated risks. Key considerations for PES include prioritising transparency of AI algorithms and explainability of results, establishing governance frameworks, ensuring end-users (staff and clients) are included and supported in the development and adoption process, and committing to rigorous monitoring and evaluation to increase the positive and manage any negative impact of AI solutions.
  • 11-June-2024


    OECD Reviews of Labour Market and Social Policies: Colombia 2024

    Colombia joined the OECD in 2020, bringing to a successful conclusion an accession process that began in 2013. During the accession process, Colombia made important reforms and progress in the area of labour market and social policies, converging towards OECD best policies and practices. However, the OECD invited the Colombian government to continue its reform agenda in four areas in particular: (1) labour informality and subcontracting; (2) labour law enforcement; (3) collective bargaining; and (4) crimes against trade unionists. This report is the OECD’s second post-accession assessment.
  • 5-June-2024


    Reviving Broadly Shared Productivity Growth in Spain

    Spain has been confronted with weak wage and productivity growth for several decades. This report provides an overview of the role that labour market policies as well as other policies can play in reviving broadly shared productivity growth in Spain. To set the scene, it starts with documenting the decline in broadly shared productivity growth and its underlying mechanisms. It then provides a discussion of how policies can enhance the adaptability of the economy and labour market to structural change. It concludes with a discussion of the role of selected labour market policies for promoting broadly shared productivity gains. The emphasis is on wage-setting institutions, employment protection and job retention support, consistent with the focus of recent reforms.
  • 31-mai-2024


    Guide de politique publique sur les cadres légaux pour l'économie sociale et solidaire

    Le guide de politique publique sur les cadres légaux pour l'économie sociale et solidaire vise à soutenir les pays, les régions et les villes qui souhaitent utiliser les cadres légaux comme un levier approprié pour développer des écosystèmes favorables à l'économie sociale et solidaire (ESS). S'appuyant sur des données, des informations et des exemples de bonnes pratiques provenant de plus de 33 pays, ce guide international fournit des conseils étape par étape, ainsi que des 'facteurs de réussite' et des 'écueils à éviter' pour aider les décideurs politiques à i) évaluer pourquoi et quand des cadres légaux pour l'ESS sont nécessaires ; ii) sélectionner des options légales et impliquer les parties prenantes ; iii) évaluer la performance des lois, et, iv) favoriser l'apprentissage international par les pairs sur ce sujet. Le guide s'appuie également sur les enseignements du document sur les cadres légaux pour l'économie sociale et solidaire, élaboré dans le cadre de l'action mondiale de l'OCDE 'Promouvoir les écosystèmes de l'économie sociale et solidaire', financée par l'instrument de partenariat étranger de l'Union européenne, et de l'étude 'Designing Legal Frameworks for Social Enterprises : Practical Guidance for Policy Makers'.
  • 30-May-2024


    Artificial intelligence and the changing demand for skills in Canada - The increasing importance of social skills

    Most workers who will be exposed to artificial intelligence (AI) will not require specialised AI skills (e.g. machine learning, natural language processing, etc.). Even so, AI will change the tasks these workers do, and the skills they require. This report provides first estimates for Canada on the effect of artificial intelligence on the demand for skills in jobs that do not require specialised AI skills. The results show that the skills most demanded in occupations highly exposed to AI are management, communication and digital skills. These include skills in budgeting, accounting, written communication, as well as competencies in basic word processing and spreadsheet software. The results also show that, in Canada, demand for social and language skills have increased the most over the past decade in occupations highly exposed to AI. Using a panel of establishments confirms the increasing demand for social and language skills, as well as rising demand for production and physical skills, which may be complementary to AI. However, the establishment panel also finds evidence of decreasing demand for business, management and digital skills in establishments more exposed to AI.
  • 24-May-2024


    Modernising Latvia’s Public Employment Service through Digitalisation

    EU Funded Note Latvia’s public employment service, the State Employment Agency (SEA), is undertaking a modernisation of its service delivery. This review discusses the SEA’s digitalisation needs and strategy to guide its modernisation efforts. It provides a detailed assessment of the SEA’s digital infrastructure and key recommendations concerning its IT system, analytical capacity and digital tools for jobseekers and employers. This report on Latvia is the fourteenth country study published in this series.
  • 17-May-2024


    Occupational reallocation and mismatch in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic - Cross-country evidence from an online job site

    Employment has recovered strongly from the COVID-19 pandemic despite large structural changes in labour markets, such as the widespread adoption of digital business models and remote work. We analyse whether the pandemic has been associated with labour reallocation across occupations and triggered mismatches between occupational labour demand and supply using novel data on employers’ job postings and jobseekers’ clicks across 19 countries from the online job site Indeed. Findings indicate that, on average across countries, the pandemic triggered large and persistent reallocation of postings and clicks across occupations. Occupational mismatch initially increased but was back to pre-pandemic levels at the end of 2022 as employers and workers adjusted to structural changes. The adjustment was substantially slower in countries that resorted to short-time work schemes to preserve employment during the pandemic.
  • 15-May-2024

    Italian, PDF, 977kb

    Dialoghi con l'OCSE 2024 - ciclo di webinar

    “Strategie per un'Italia in trasformazione: demografia, lavoro, digitalizzazione e politiche pubbliche” è una serie di webinar con esperti dell’OCSE pensata per dipendenti pubblici in posizioni dirigenziali a tutti i livelli di governo, volta a esplorare e discutere pratiche all'avanguardia per affrontare queste sfide.

    Related Documents
  • 11-mai-2024


    Guide de politique publique sur la mesure de l’impact social pour l’économie sociale et solidaire

    Alors que les entités de l'économie sociale et solidaire (ESS) sont de plus en plus sollicitées pour démontrer leur contribution positive à la société, la mesure de l'impact social peut les aider à comprendre la valeur nette supplémentaire générée par leurs activités, dans le cadre de leur mission et au-delà. La politique publique joue un rôle important dans la création d'un environnement propice à l'adoption de la mesure de l'impact social par les acteurs de l'ESS. S'appuyant sur un exercice de cartographie et des exemples de bonnes pratiques provenant de 33 pays, ce guide international explique comment les décideurs politiques peuvent soutenir la mesure de l'impact social pour l'économie sociale et solidaire en (i) améliorant le cadre politique, en (ii) fournissant des orientations, en (iii) construisant des preuves et en (iv) renforçant les capacités. S'appuyant sur la publication précédente, Social Impact Measurement for the Social and Solidarity Economy, parue en 2021, ce guide est publié dans le cadre de l'action mondiale de l'OCDE « Promouvoir les écosystèmes de l'économie sociale et solidaire », financée par l'instrument de partenariat étranger de l'Union européenne.
  • 6-May-2024


    Defining AI incidents and related terms

    As AI use grows, so do its benefits and risks. These risks can lead to actual harms ('AI incidents') or potential dangers ('AI hazards'). Clear definitions are essential for managing and preventing these risks. This report proposes definitions for AI incidents and related terms. These definitions aim to foster international interoperability while providing flexibility for jurisdictions to determine the scope of AI incidents and hazards they wish to address.
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