
Latest Documents

  • 4-December-2017


    Italy: no country for young people?

    Years after the start of the recession the situation of youth in the Italian labour market remains quite bleak. Nearly one in four young people in Italy are neither in employment, education, or training (NEETs) and many young people lack the right skills. Within this context, the government is introducing promising reforms to give young people a better start in the world of work.

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  • 20-November-2017


    Getting skills right in the United Kingdom

    The UK has enjoyed record-high employment levels in recent years and one of the lowest unemployment rates among OECD countries. However, labour productivity growth, which is closely linked to the use of skills, remains weak. As a result, the OECD’s Getting Skills Right: United Kingdom suggests that several actions should be taken to bring skill supply more in line with skill demand to help to boost growth, productivity and earnings.

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  • 14-November-2017


    Getting skills right in South Africa

    South Africa has suffered from persistently high unemployment and low labour force participation rates. Moreover, country faces high qualification and field-of-study mismatch. Promoting skills development is a key priority in many of the South African government’s plans and strategies. As a result, the OECD suggests several policy recommendations and good practice examples from other countries in order to address those issues.

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  • 7-novembre-2017


    Obtenir les bonnes compétences: France

    Ce rapport identifie des stratégies effectives pour s’attaquer aux déséquilibres de compétences en France.  Une évaluation des pratiques et des politiques dans les domaines suivants est présentée : la collection et l’utilisation des informations sur les besoins de compétences afin de promouvoir l’acquisition de compétences mieux alignées aux besoins du marché du travail ; des politiques qui stimulent la demande et l’utilisation des compétences ; des politique concernant la formation et l’enseignement général et professionnel ; des politiques permettant aux demandeurs d’emploi de développer les compétences appropriées  et liées aux offres d’emploi; des initiatives d’orientation professionnelle ; et des politiques facilitant l’accueil des immigrés possédant les compétences demandées. Cette évaluation est fondée sur des visites pays, la recherche et l’analyse de données exécutées par le secrétariat de l’OCDE.
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  • 18-October-2017


    OECD Reviews of Labour Market and Social Policies: Costa Rica

    Costa Rica has recorded many social and economic achievements and currently enjoys one of the highest levels of well-being in the OECD. But progress has come to a standstill in most recent years and challenges have emerged along several social and labour market dimensions. Existing policies are outdated and no longer effective in today’s dynamic, export oriented economy which requires greater flexibility and more high skilled workers. How can Costa Rica better respond to the challenges of technological change and globalisation whilst minimising the transition costs it endures as it moves to a higher and a more sustainable path to inclusive growth? This report provides comprehensive analysis of Costa Rica’s policies and practices compared with best practice in the field of labour, social and migration from across the OECD and other countries in the Latin American region.  It contains several recommendations to tackle key challenges facing Costa Rica, including low labour utilisation, increasing inequality, high poverty and high-risk of economic exclusion especially of the low skilled and migrants.  This report will be of interest in Costa Rica as well as other countries looking to promote a more dynamic and an inclusive economy.
  • 20-juillet-2017

    Français, PDF, 552kb

    Extensions administratives des accords de branche en France (pdf)

    extensions administratives des accords de branche en France

    Documents connexes
  • 13-July-2017


    Building Inclusive Labour Markets in Kazakhstan - A Focus on Youth, Older Workers and People with Disabilities

    Kazakhstan has made major economic and social advances in the past decade and a half. Yet, Kazakhstan needs to sustain high growth rates in the future to converge towards the living standards of OECD countries. This report provides a review of the labour market and social policies that could help Kazakhstan in its dual objectives of building more inclusive labour markets, while maintaining a path of strong growth. It explores the role that institutions and policies play in helping vulnerable groups to access gainful and productive jobs, particularly focusing on three key groups: youth, older workers, and people with disabilities, and provides a comprehensive set of policies to increase the employment and employability of these groups. Evaluations and lessons from innovative experiences in OECD and other countries are used to formulate recommendations tailored to Kazakhstan.
  • 10-July-2017


    Getting Skills Right: Skills for Jobs Indicators

    This report describes the construction of the database of skill needs indicators, i.e. the OECD Skills for Jobs Database, and presents initial results and analysis. It identifies the existing knowledge gaps concerning skills imbalances, providing the rationale for the development of the new skill needs and mismatch indicators. Moreover, it explains the methodology used to measure skills shortage, surplus and mismatch, and provides key results and insights from the data.
  • 7-June-2017


    High-Level Policy Forum on the New OECD Jobs Strategy

    The German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the OECD are jointly organising a High-Level Policy Forum on the New Jobs Strategy which will take place on 13 June 2017 in Berlin. The Forum will be hosted by Minister Andrea Nahles together with Secretary-General Angel Gurría.

    Related Documents
  • 24-mai-2017

    Français, Excel, 4,162kb

    Synthèse sur l'avenir du travail - Le revenu de base : que changerait-il ?

    Les récents débats sur les propositions de revenu de base apportent un éclairage utile sur les problèmes que posent de plus en plus les formes traditionnelles de garantie de ressources. Les réformes visant à mettre en place une garantie de ressources plus largement ciblée devraient intervenir par phases, et nécessiteraient parallèlement un débat sur les moyens de financer un partage plus égal des fruits de la croissance économique.

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