

  • 15-July-2014


    Connecting People with Jobs - Activation Policies in the United Kingdom

    This report examines recent activation policies in the United Kingdom aimed at moving people back into work. It offers insight into how countries can improve the effectiveness of their employment services and also control spending on benefits. The United Kingdom's policies have helped limit the rise in unemployment during the crisis. It has been at the forefront of reform efforts by OECD countries to transform and modernise policies designed to help the unemployed find work, through major new programmes such as Universal Credit and the Work Programme. Although time is needed for these to gain momentum as well as for a full evaluation of their impact to be carried out, the report identifies a number of areas where consideration should be given to additional measures or adjustments to existing ones.
  • 18-April-2014


    Employment and Skills Strategies in Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

    This book focuses on the role of employment and training agencies in contributing to job creation and productivity in Northern Ireland. It explores how Northern Ireland is  implementing labour market and skills policy and putting measures in place at the local level to stimulate quality employment, inclusion and growth.
  • 10-February-2014


    Mental Health and Work: United Kingdom

    Tackling mental ill-health of the working-age population is becoming a key issue for labour market and social policies in OECD countries. OECD governments increasingly recognise that policy has a major role to play in keeping people with mental ill-health in employment or bringing those outside of the labour market back to it, and in preventing mental illness. This report on the United Kingdom is the sixth in a series of reports looking at how the broader education, health, social and labour market policy challenges identified in Sick on the Job? Myths and Realities about Mental Health and Work (OECD, 2012) are being tackled in a number of OECD countries.
  • 14-mars-2013


    Incitations à travailler et « Crédit Universel » - réforme du système de prestations sociales au Royaume-Uni

    Dans le cadre de la réforme «Crédit Universel», les principales prestations sociales sous conditions de ressources, à l'exception de la prestation liée aux impôts locaux (Council Tax Benefit) seront regroupées en une prestation unique avec un taux de réduction unique.

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  • 14-mars-2013


    Marché du travail, réforme de la protection sociale et inégalités au Royaume-Uni

    L’emploi a progressé plus et le chômage a augmenté moins que prévu au regard de l’évolution de la production. Néanmoins, le chômage de longue durée et le chômage des jeunes, ainsi que le travail à temps partiel involontaire, sont élevés. La polarisation du marché du travail risque d’accentuer les inégalités de revenu, qui sont très marquées par rapport aux autres pays de l’OCDE, malgré une atténuation récente et probablement temporaire.

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  • 31-janvier-2012


    Réformer l’éducation en Angleterre

    En dépit d’une forte augmentation des dépenses consacrées à l’accueil des jeunes enfants et à l’éducation au cours des dix dernières années, les résultats des tests PISA conduisent à penser que les performances du système éducatif restent inchangées et inégales.

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  • 23-October-2009


    The dark cloud of the recession – is there a silver lining?

    Showcase, the HCA Academy's case study library for sustainable communities is seeking your ideas & views in an online debate:- How leaders should respond to the needs of their local areas.- Sharing risk and learning from experience.- The skills people need to remain in the labour ma

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  • 30-mars-2007

    Français, , 1kb

    Les tendances de l'incapacité parmi la population âgée: Analyse des évolutions dans 12 pays de l'OCDE et des implications futures (Document de travail sur la santé)

    Alors que le nombre et la proportion de personnes âgées de 65 ans et plus vont continuer de s’accroître au cours des prochaines décennies, une amélioration de l’état fonctionnel des personnes âgées pourrait contribuer à ralentir l’augmentation de la demande.

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  • 2-August-2006


    OECD LEED Forum on Partnerships and Local Governance: United Kingdom

    This site contains a list of key references on the United Kingdom. The documentary database includes documents on partnership and local governance that have been published by governments, universities and other organisations.

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  • 5-December-2001


    City Renewal and Health - Making the Links

    City Renewal and Health Making the Links Thursday 6th December 2001 to Friday 7th December 2001, Central London Health and prosperity go hand in hand. They both need and enhance one another. Leaders of the world's largest cities have ...

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