

  • 21-February-2017


    Labour Market Reforms in Portugal 2011-15 - A Preliminary Assessment

    This report, commissioned by the XIX Government of Portugal, provides an evaluation of the comprehensive labour market reforms undertaken in Portugal over the period 2011-2015. It describes reforms in the areas of employment protection legislation, unemployment benefits, activation, collective bargaining, minimum wages and working time. The report reviews the reforms in detail and assesses the available evidence on the impact they have had on the labour market. The report concludes that the Portuguese labour market reforms were a move in the right direction. However, despite the progress made, many challenges remain and some of the reforms may not have gone far enough. Unemployment remains high and this situation has fuelled an increase in both poverty and long-term unemployment The labour market remains highly segmented and, in the context of very low inflation, the presence of downward nominal wage rigidity is likely to remain a barrier to the competitiveness of the Portuguese economy – unless productivity growth is strengthened.
  • 2-septembre-2015


    Réduire les inégalités et la pauvreté au Portugal

    Le Portugal est l’un des pays d’Europe où la distribution des revenus est la plus inégalitaire, et les niveaux de pauvreté y sont élevés. La crise économique a mis fin à une baisse progressive de longue durée à la fois des inégalités et de la pauvreté, et le nombre de ménages pauvres s’accroît, les enfants et les jeunes étant particulièrement touchés. Le chômage est l’une des principales raisons du recul des revenus des ménages.

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  • 1-April-2015


    OECD Skills Strategy Diagnostic Report: Portugal 2015

    Skills are central to Portugal’s future prosperity and the well-being of its people. The OECD Skills Strategy Diagnostic Report: Portugal identifies 12 skills challenges for Portugal. The first nine challenges refer to specific outcomes across the three pillars of developing, activating and using skills. The next three challenges refer to the 'enabling' conditions that strengthen the overall skills system. Success in tackling these skills challenges will boost performance across the whole skills system. All of the challenges identified are strongly interlinked, and their connections with each other are identified throughout the report at the end of each challenge. Failure to look beyond policy silos will have implications for specific groups in Portugal, such as youth, as well as for the economy and society’s ability to recover after the economic crisis and build a solid foundation for future prosperity.
  • 17-octobre-2012


    Portugal : rééquilibrer l’économie et renouer avec la croissance par la création d’emplois et une meilleure affectation des capitaux

    L’économie portugaise s’est caractérisée ces dix dernières années par une croissance faible et des déficits volumineux des paiements courants.

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  • 2-August-2006


    OECD LEED Forum on Partnerships and Local Governance: Portugal

    This site contains a list of key references on Portugal. The documentary database includes documents on partnership and local governance that have been published by governments, universities and other organisations.

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