
Latest Documents

  • 28-March-2017

    English, PDF, 339kb

    Overview of Health Policy in Spain

    The health system in Spain stands out for its impressive life gains during the past decades. Across OECD countries, Spain currently ranks second in terms of life expectancy at birth and at 65 years old, only behind Japan. However, factors such as a high share of out of pocket spending or a relatively low level of health professionals continue to impair higher health system performance.

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  • 28-March-2017

    English, PDF, 346kb

    Overview of Health Policy in Japan

    Japan continues to enjoy strong health outcomes and the longest life expectancies in the OECD. Its health spending has risen more quickly than in other OECD countries in recent years, partly due to population ageing. Within tight fiscal constraints, Japan must ensure the financial sustainability of its health system while orienting it toward an increasingly older population.

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  • 28-March-2017

    English, PDF, 439kb

    Overview of Health Policy in Luxembourg

    The Luxembourg health care system achieves good results relatively efficiently. Luxembourg is, however, lagging behind other OECD countries with high volume of antibiotics prescribed and high rates of avoidable hospital admissions. Population ageing and increasing risk factors are other important challenges that demand further scrutiny.

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  • 28-March-2017

    English, PDF, 573kb

    Overview of Health Policy in Austria

    The Austrian health system generally provides good access to health care services through a relatively high degree of human and physical resources. However, primary care could be strengthened in order to avoid unnecessary hospitalisations and a stronger focus on mental ill-health is needed. Efforts are also required to prevent the spread of risk factors such as harmful alcohol and tobacco consumption.

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  • 16-March-2017


    A System of Health Accounts 2011 - Revised edition

    A System of Health Accounts 2011: Revised Edition provides an updated and systematic description of the financial flows related to the consumption of health care goods and services. As demands for information increase and more countries implement and institutionalise health accounts according to the system, the data produced are expected to be more comparable, more detailed and more policy relevant. It builds on the original OECD Manual, published in 2000, and the Guide to Producing National Health Accounts to create a single global framework for producing health expenditure accounts that can help track resource flows from sources to uses. It is the result of a collaborative effort between the OECD, WHO and the European Commission, and sets out in more detail the boundaries, the definitions and the concepts – responding to health care systems around the globe – from the simplest to the more complicated.
  • 10-March-2017

    English, PDF, 682kb

    Expenditure on Prevention Activities under SHA 2011: Supplementary Guidance - March 2017 version

    The Supplementary Guidance has been released in March 2017. Gathering data on prevention spending that are consistent and comparable, both over time and across countries, is very useful. This paper aims to help clarify what should be included as spending on prevention under SHA 2011 to facilitate accurate comparisons.

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  • 3-March-2017


    Primary Care in Denmark

    In many ways, primary care in Denmark performs well. Danish primary care is trusted and valued by patients, and is relatively inexpensive. But there are important areas where it needs to be strengthened. Most critically, Danish primary care is relatively opaque in terms of the performance data available at local level. Greater transparency is vital in the next phase of reform and sector strengthening. Robust information on quality and outcomes empowers patients and gives them choice. It can support GPs to benchmark themselves, and engage in continuous quality improvement. It also allows the authorities to better understand where they should direct additional resources. This report draws on evidence and best practice from across OECD health systems to support Denmark in: agreeing on the steps that will strengthen its primary care sector, delivering high-quality, patient-centred care, and establishing a sustainable footing as the foundation for a high-performing health system.
  • 30-janvier-2017

    Français, PDF, 1,370kb

    Lutter contre le gaspillage dans les systèmes de santé : Synthèse

    Cette synthèse est une traduction partielle en français du rapport et contient l’avant-propos, les remerciements, la table des matières, le résumé ainsi que le chapitre 1.

    Documents connexes
  • 16-January-2017


    Policy Forum on the Future of Health

    This High-Level Forum will be held at the OECD Conference Centre in Paris on 16 January 2017. Issues include: Harnessing digital technology and data to create proactive, people-centred systems; Overcoming technical, institutional and cultural challenges; Caring for people with complex needs; The importance of measuring what matters to people and to patients, and The role of international and cross-sector collaboration.

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  • 16-January-2017

    English, PDF, 1,816kb

    Recommendations to OECD Ministers of Health from the High-Level Reflection Group on the Future of Health Statistics

    Recommendations to OECD Ministers of Health from the High-Level Reflection Group on the Future of Health Statistics: Strengthening the international comparison of health system performance through patient-reported indicators.

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