
Latest Documents

  • 27-February-2018


    National Health Accounts of Kazakhstan

    This report assesses how Kazakhstan measures up in the development and application of its national health accounts, delivering a set of recommendations to improve the country’s health care financing information. As Kazakhstan has made significant economic progress over recent decades, health has risen on the policy agenda with a number of sector reforms introduced to modernise the system and improve the health of the population. Informing this agenda and monitoring progress towards health system goals requires accurate, timely and comprehensive information on health care financing and spending. A clear understanding of the resource allocations and drivers in the health sector is a prerequisite to support health system performance in Kazakhstan.
  • 27-February-2018


    OECD Reviews of Health Systems: Kazakhstan 2018

    Kazakhstan has made significant economic progress over recent decades. Health has risen on the policy agenda with a number of sector reforms introduced to modernise the system and improve the health of the population. This review uses globally recognised frameworks and indicators to evaluate Kazakhstan’s overall health system as well as its primary care and hospital sectors. Data provided by Kazakhstan is used to benchmark the various dimensions of performance with that of OECD countries. While the review points to notable successes, Kazakhstan continues to face challenges to improve the accessibility, equity, and efficiency of health services. To strengthen health system performance, the report points to key actions that Kazakhstan should consider prioritising in the coming years.
  • 26-February-2018

    English, PDF, 1,465kb

    Feasibility Study On Health Workforce Skills Assessment

    This study reviews the status of existing surveys that measure health professional skills, and identifies gaps where more attention and resources will be needed to generate policy-relevant evidence on skills requirements, skills use and skills mismatch in healthcare settings.

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  • 16-February-2018


    How Pharmaceutical Systems are organized in Asia and the Pacific

    There are important differences in the markets for medicines in countries in Asia and the Pacific in this study. These are mainly due to the political, financial and regulatory environments as well as characteristics of the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry. However, all countries face the test of transition brought about by demographic changes, shifting epidemiological trends and increasing inequities, among others. As with other regions of the world, a characteristic of lower- and upper-middle-income countries is that pharmaceuticals account for a high proportion of health expenditures. Medicines account for a larger share of the health budgets in resource-constrained countries.
  • 6-December-2017


    Monitoring Health System Performance in Peru - Data and Statistics

    Peru has seen great progress towards the goal of providing universal health coverage to its population but still faces structural barriers to provide accessible and quality care . At the same time, Peru is going through a demographic and epidemiological transition, with an increasing disease burden from non-communicable diseases, with significant increases in cancer, CVD and diabetes, especially in urban areas. Measuring how the Peruvian health system is responding to these challenges requires a solid set of health sector statistics and indicators, underpinned by a robust health information system. The breadth and depth of data must be relevant and applicable to decision making at all levels of the health system, both to respond to national policy needs as well as comparing Peru in a regional and global context. This report assesses the status and availability of Peru’s routinely reported health sector data and statistics as well as the underlying data infrastructure. The report provides a set of recommendations to improve the health information system and to strengthen data coverage and comparability as Peru’s health care system develops.
  • 6-December-2017


    OECD Reviews of Health Systems: Peru 2017

    This is the OECD’s first Health System Review of Peru. It seeks to support Peru’s policy goal to attain universal health coverage by 2021, and build a high-performing health system with continuously improving accessibility, quality, efficiency and sustainability. Peru’s health care system is confronting a complex set of challenges. The population faces persistent rates of infectious diseases, alongside an increasingly heavy burden of non-communicable disease. Governance must simultaneously grapple with how to assure basic access – universal health coverage has still not been achieved, for instance – while prioritising efficiency and value for money, and improving care quality. This Health System Review of Peru makes a number of recommendations to strengthen performance of the health system, with a particular focus on the government-subidised health system – the Sistema Integral de Salud. Using examples of best practice drawn from OECD and Latin American health systems, the Review addresses how Peru can promote access to high quality care and achieve universal health coverage; take a more strategic approach to funding, budgeting, and purchasing; and become a data-driven health system that puts people at the centre.
  • 22-November-2017


    OECD Reviews of Health Systems: Costa Rica 2017

    This report puts forward policy recommendations for strengthening the performance and sustainability of the health care system in Costa Rica. There is much to praise in Costa Rica’s health care system: institutional stability; a closely integrated but well-differentiated provider arm, with strong primary care; a degree of inter-sectoral co-ordination that serves as a model of good practice; detailed and effective dialogue between users and health service managers; and, innovation around professional roles and the use of ICT that other health systems could learn from. All this leads to health outcomes on a par with several OECD economies. Nevertheless, serious strains are evident: spending is rising steeply, fuelled by salaries, fees and facility payments based on last year’s outlay. These spending increases are not always associated with improvement in services: waiting lists are excessively long and growing. The system is perhaps too stable: institutional rigidity and vested interests have stalled vital reforms, meaning that Costa Rica still lacks systematic application of DRGs and health technology assessment, despite attempts to bring them in.
  • 24-August-2017

    English, PDF, 342kb

    Overview of Health Policy in Iceland

    Health spending per capita in Iceland has started to rise again in recent years following sharp reductions after the economic crisis in 2008. Iceland reports good health outcomes, and tobacco and alcohol consumption are relatively low. However, increasing obesity rates and issues related to access to care are important public health and health system challenges.

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  • 7-April-2017

    English, PDF, 1,881kb

    The Economics of Patient Safety - Strengthening a value-based approach to reducing patient harm at national level

    This report was prepared for the 2nd Global Ministerial Summit on Patient Safety, held in Bonn on 29-30 March 2017. It first estimates the health, financial and economic costs of patient harm - defined as any unnecessary deleterious effects on those receiving health care. The report then examines how patient harm can be minimised effectively and efficiently to make complex healthcare systems as safe and reliable as possible.

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  • 28-March-2017

    English, PDF, 520kb

    Overview of Health Policy in New Zealand

    New Zealand has a generally high performing health system, which provides universal coverage and publicly funded access to a large set of core health services. Similar to other high-income countries, New Zealand faces the challenges posed by an ageing population, health inequities, as well as the growing burden of non-communicable and chronic diseases.

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