
Latest Documents

  • 24-mai-2018

    Français, PDF, 3,137kb

    Coopérer avec les employeurs pour promouvoir l'emploi des réfugiés

    Plan d’action multipartite en 10 points à l’intention des employeurs, des réfugiés, des gouvernements et de la société civile

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  • 24-April-2018

    English, PDF, 4,836kb

    UNHCR-OECD Action plan

    A 10-point multi-stakeholder action plan for employers, refugees, governments and civil society

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  • 24-April-2018


    UNHCR and OECD action plan

    The document not only identifies the challenges, opportunities and best practices in the integration of refugees to the labour market, but also offers a list of concrete actions to support the successful employment of refugees.

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  • 20-April-2018

    English, PDF, 662kb

    Migration data brief 2

    This Migration Data Brief focuses on the evolution of the working-age population with higher education and on the labour force of European countries up to 2030. It takes a particular look at the potential role of migration flows, based on projections carried out under the joint OECD - European Commission project, “Migration Demography Database: A Monitoring System of the Demographic Impact of Migration and Mobility”.

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  • 20-April-2018

    English, PDF, 573kb

    Migration data brief 1

    This Migration Data Brief explores how migration has shaped the labour force in European countries during the period 2005-2015, paying a special attention to the contribution of migrant women. It is based on estimates carried out under the joint OECD - European Commission project, “Migration Demography Database: A Monitoring System of the Demographic Impact of Migration and Mobility”.

    Related Documents
  • 4-April-2018


    Labor Migration in Asia: Increasing the Development Impact of Migration through Finance and Technology

    This report documents the increase in labor migration in Asia and looks at how finance and technology can aid its positive impact on home countries. As diasporas increase, governments have reached out to citizens abroad to provide them with financial instruments. Remittance channels have long been consolidated, but financial technology is changing the ways in which migrants remit—reducing fees and opening opportunities for new actors. One occupation driving labor migration, and incurring its own challenges, is work in information technology (IT). This report examines some of the latest developments in financial products and technology aimed at labor migrants from and in Asia, and discerns the factors determining the success of mobile IT workers from India. The four chapters in this report draw on issues raised and discussed during the Seventh Roundtable on Labor Migration in Asia: Finance and Technology to Increase the Positive Impact of Migration on Home Countries, held in Manila on 18–19 January 2017. The event brought together regional experts and policy makers and was co-organized by the Asian Development Bank Institute, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the International Labour Organization, and the Asian Development Bank.The report’s introductory chapter reviews recent regional migration trends. Two statistical annexes provide an overview of migration flows within Asia and between Asia and other regions.
  • 15-January-2018


    The International Forum on Migration Statistics

    The first International Forum on Migration Statistics (IFMS) will showcase the most innovative research and initiatives to measure population mobility and generate timely statistics. This unique Forum, co-organised by the OECD, IOM and UNDESA, will also create synergies between all stakeholders and perspectives, with representatives from 'origin', ‘transit’ and 'host' countries of migrants.

    Related Documents
  • 21-décembre-2017


    Vers un rattrapage ? La mobilité intergénérationnelle et les enfants d'immigrés

    Les précédents travaux de l’OCDE et de l’UE ont montré que même les enfants nés dans le pays d’accueil de parents immigrés sont soumis à des désavantages persistants au sein du système éducatif, pendant la transition vers l’emploi, ainsi que sur le marché du travail. À quel point ces inégalités sont-elles liées à leurs origines migratoires, c’est-à-dire aux problèmes auxquels leurs parents ont dû faire face par le passé ? Grâce à un travail de comparaisons internationales, cette publication apporte de nouvelles perspectives sur la question complexe de la transmission intergénérationnelle des désavantages touchant les enfants d’immigrés.
  • 20-novembre-2017


    Le recrutement des travailleurs immigrés: France 2017

    Cette étude a pour objectif d’analyser les politiques publiques françaises en matière de recrutement de main-d’oeuvre immigrée depuis l’étranger et d'évaluer dans quelle mesure la migration économique répond aux besoins du marché du travail. L'immigration professionnelle étant de faible ampleur en France, une attention particulière est également portée aux changements de statut, notamment d’anciens étudiants, ainsi qu'aux régularisations pour motif économique, dont la persistance pourrait témoigner de besoins de main-d'oeuvre non satisfaits. Le fonctionnement des dispositifs actuels d'immigration professionnelle en France – permanente, temporaire et saisonnière – est examiné, en particulier l'efficacité des tests du marché du travail et des listes de métiers en tension. Le nouveau dispositif pour l'immigration qualifiée, le passeport talent, est également analysé pour évaluer sa capacité à remédier aux écueils légaux et opérationels identifiés dans l'étude et à renforcer l'attractivité de la France pour les talents étrangers.
  • 18-October-2017


    OECD Reviews of Labour Market and Social Policies: Costa Rica

    Costa Rica has recorded many social and economic achievements and currently enjoys one of the highest levels of well-being in the OECD. But progress has come to a standstill in most recent years and challenges have emerged along several social and labour market dimensions. Existing policies are outdated and no longer effective in today’s dynamic, export oriented economy which requires greater flexibility and more high skilled workers. How can Costa Rica better respond to the challenges of technological change and globalisation whilst minimising the transition costs it endures as it moves to a higher and a more sustainable path to inclusive growth? This report provides comprehensive analysis of Costa Rica’s policies and practices compared with best practice in the field of labour, social and migration from across the OECD and other countries in the Latin American region.  It contains several recommendations to tackle key challenges facing Costa Rica, including low labour utilisation, increasing inequality, high poverty and high-risk of economic exclusion especially of the low skilled and migrants.  This report will be of interest in Costa Rica as well as other countries looking to promote a more dynamic and an inclusive economy.
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