
Latest Documents

  • 18-December-2018

    English, PDF, 2,450kb

    Safe Pathways for Refugees

    OECD-UNHCR Study on third country solutions for refugees: family reunification, study programmes and labour mobility

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  • 17-décembre-2018


    Talents à l'étranger - Une revue des émigrés tunisiens

    Ces dernières années, la Tunisie connait des transformations économiques, sociales et politiques. Compte tenu de l’émigration importante de la population tunisienne et de la reconnaissance des apports de la diaspora, les autorités tunisiennes cherchent à mieux connaître ce vivier de talents installé à l’étranger, enclin à s’impliquer dans le développement économique et social de leur pays d’origine. Cette revue fournit la première cartographie de la diaspora tunisienne dans les pays de l’OCDE. En dressant un portrait des émigrés tunisiens dans les pays de l’OCDE, cette revue vise à renforcer les connaissances sur cette communauté, et ainsi contribuer à consolider la pertinence des politiques déployées par l’État tunisien envers ses émigrés.
  • 1-December-2018

    English, PDF, 2,153kb

    G20 international migration and displacement trends report 2018

    The 2018 edition of the joint OECD, ILO, IOM & UNHCR, G20 International Migration Trends Report aims to respond to the need to monitor global displacement and migration, as well as its economic consequences, with a special focus on the skills of migrants and refugees.

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  • 28-November-2018


    Recruiting Immigrant Workers: Australia 2018

    Australia has always been a nation of immigrants. More than one quarter of its population in 2015 was born abroad. Immigrants make an important economic and demographic contribution and help address skill and labour shortages. Labour migration is managed through a complex, but well-functioning and effective system which sets and respects annual migration targets. In recent years, the labour migration system has shifted from a mainly supply-driven system to a system where demand-driven migration represents close to half of the permanent skilled migration programme and demand-driven temporary migration has also risen sharply. In addition, two-step migration has gained ground in recent years. The review examines the implications of these changes for the composition of immigrants and their labour market outcomes. Moreover, it discusses recent changes in the tools used to manage labour migration and provides a detailed analysis on the impact of the introduction of SkillSelect on the efficiency of the system. Finally, the review discusses the extent to which the current labour migration system responds to the labour market needs of Australia's States and Territories.
  • 29-octobre-2018


    Vient de paraître: "Skills on the Move - Migrants in the Survey of Adult Skills" (en anglais seulement)

    Drawing on data from the OECD Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC), this report reviews the differences in migrants’ characteristics and considers how they relate to the actual skills migrants possess. It examines the relationship between migrants’ skills and their labour and non-labour market outcomes in host countries and sheds new light on how migrants’ skills are developed, used and valued in host country labour markets and societies.

    Documents connexes
  • 5-September-2018


    Working Together: Skills and Labour Market Integration of Immigrants and their Children in Finland

    While Finland’s foreign-born population remains small by international standards, growth has been amongst the fastest in the OECD. Finland’s foreign-born population have lower employment rates than native-born Finns, and women, in particular, are struggling to integrate and face incentives to stay in the home. Indeed, the employment gap among those arriving from outside the European Union is among the largest in the OECD. This risks long-term implications for the integration of their children, many of whom are struggling to thrive in the Finnish school system. Large inflows of asylum seekers in 2015 put integration squarely on the agenda, and Finland developed a number of innovative integration policies in response. Yet, numbers have since fallen dramatically, raising questions of how to respond to the needs of a large cohort without scaling up the integration system on a permanent basis. This review, the second in a series on the skills and labour market integration of immigrants and their children, provides an assessment of these and other challenges. It includes a holistic assessment of Finland’s integration services – such as the new modular integration training, and the Social Impact Bond – as well as challenges related to settlement, early labour market contact and workplace segregation. An earlier review in the series looked at integration policies in Sweden (2016).
  • 30-août-2018


    Triple Disadvantage? A first overview of the integration of refugee women

    45% of refugees in Europe are women, yet little is known on their integration outcomes and the specific challenges they face. This report summarises prior research on the integration of refugee women, both compared with refugee men and other immigrant women. It also provides new comparative evidence from selected European and non-European OECD countries.

    Documents connexes
  • 13-June-2018

    English, PDF, 663kb

    Can we anticipate future migration flows?

    This edition of Migration Policy Debates brings key lessons learnt from the joint EASO-OECD conference “From panic to planning: unpacking the policy toolbox to anticipate migration trends” (Paris, June 2016) and presents lessons for improving information systems to reinforce the preparedness of reception and management systems.

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  • 31-May-2018

    English, PDF, 670kb

    What would make Global Skills Partnerships work in practice?

    This edition of Migration Policy Debates looks at the reasons why existing Skills Mobility Partnership have not been taken up more widely and proposes concrete measures for making them work more globally.

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  • 28-May-2018


    Catching Up? Country Studies on Intergenerational Mobility and Children of Immigrants

    Previous OECD and EU work has shown that even native-born children with immigrant parents face persistent disadvantage in the education system, the school-to-work transition and the labour market. To which degree are these linked with their immigration background, i.e. with the issues faced by their parents? Complementing the report Catching Up? Intergenerational Mobility and Children of Immigrants (OECD 2017), this publication presents seven in-depth country case studies. The countries and regions covered in this publication are Austria, the European Union, France, Germany, the Netherlands, North America and Sweden.
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