
Latest Documents

  • 17-mai-2024


    Personnels de santé

    Les personnels de santé sont essentiels pour assurer l'accès à des soins de qualité pour toute la population. Le travail de l'OCDE examine les tendances et les priorités en ce qui concerne les politiques en matière de personnels de santé dans les pays de l'OCDE.

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  • 23-octobre-2023


    Perspectives des migrations internationales 2023

    L'édition 2023 des Perspectives des migrations internationales analyse les évolutions récentes des mouvements migratoires et de l'insertion des immigrés sur le marché du travail dans les pays de l'OCDE. Elle observe également les changements récents en matière de politiques migratoires et d'intégration dans les pays de l'OCDE. Cette édition comprend deux chapitres spéciaux sur l'intégration des mères migrantes sur le marché du travail et sur la fécondité des populations migrantes dans les pays de l'OCDE. Les Perspectives comprennent également des notes par pays et une annexe statistique détaillée.
  • 22-September-2023

    English, PDF, 559kb

    What have been the lessons learnt on data collection and monitoring during the Ukrainian refugee crisis? - Migration Data Brief #10 August 2023

    This Migration Data Brief focuses on the key messages of the first joint OECD-EUAA-UNHCR event on data collection and monitoring during the Ukrainian refugee crisis organised at the OECD in May 2023.

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  • 15-April-2022

    English, PDF, 1,252kb

    SDG INDICATOR 10.7.2

    Number of countries with migration policies to facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people

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  • 7-March-2022

    English, PDF, 172kb

    EMN-OECD INFORM March 2022: Skills Mobility Partnerships: Exploring Innovative Approaches to Labour Migration

    This inform presents experiences with implementing SMPs and similar initiatives in the EU and globally, exploring the main challenges and benefits.

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  • 10-February-2022

    English, PDF, 693kb

    EMN-OECD INFORM February 2022: The use of Digitalisation and Artificial Inteligence in Migration Management

    This joint EMN-OECD inform is the second of the 2021 series of informs on Innovation in Migration. It aims to explore the role of new digital technologies in the management of migration and asylum.

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  • 14-December-2021

    English, PDF, 1,185kb

    Digital catch-up of youth with parents born abroad. Evaluation of the JOBLINGE programme in Hesse

    This report presents the evaluation of a digital training module (“digital aufholen!”) within the school-to-work transition programme JOBLINGE, in the German state of Hesse. The 6-months programme aims to integrate long-term unemployed and otherwise disadvantaged youth into the labour market, combining short-term training, workshops, on-the-job trial periods and individual mentorship.

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  • 19-November-2021


    11th OECD-CEPII conference on immigration in OECD countries 2021

    The CEPII, LISER and the OECD as well as their partners from the Fondazione Rodolfo De Benedetti, Paris School of Economics, University of Lille (LEM) and University of Luxembourg are jointly organizing the 11th Annual Conference on "Immigration in OECD Countries" on December 13-14, 2021.

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  • 18-November-2021


    High-level dialogue and publication launch: Closing data gaps on children on the move

    In 2020, there were an estimated 35.5 million international child migrants globally, the largest number ever recorded. Around one in 66 children worldwide living outside the country of her or his birth was considered a migrant.

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  • 18-November-2021


    Missing from the story: The urgent need for better data to protect children on the move IDAC Data InSIGHT # 1

    This inaugural International Data Alliance for Children on the Move (IDAC) info brief, Data InSight #1, uses the most recent available data to describe the current situation of children on the move. Key facts and figures illuminate the scale and scope of children’s movement around the globe and how data and statistics play an integral role in protecting these vulnerable children.

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