

  • 20-July-2017


    People on the move: growing mobility, increasing diversity (OECD Education Today Blog)

    In August 2015, a newspaper published a story about Sam Cookney’s commute to work. Pretty boring, one would think, as long commutes are nothing new for most of us. However, Sam’s story is not so common. He works in London and commutes, several times per month, from Barcelona!

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  • 18-July-2017


    Can bullying be stopped? (OECD Education Today Blog)

    The latest PISA in Focus tells some basic facts about bullying. First, bullying is widespread. Second, all types of students – boys and girls, rich and poor – face some risk of being bullied.

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  • 7-July-2017


    Education Indicators in Focus No. 53 - How have teachers’ salaries evolved and how do they compare to those of tertiary-educated workers?

    The combined effects of policy reforms to attract and/or retain teachers, and financial constraints in the context of the economic downturn in 2008 may explain part of the recent trends in teachers’ salaries: decreases in statutory salaries and smaller salary gaps between levels of education.

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  • 7-July-2017


    Do countries pay their teachers enough? (OECD Education Today Blog)

    Teachers enter the profession for a variety of reasons. Intrinsic motivations that have to do with the nature of the job and the intangible rewards associated with being an effective teacher play an important role.

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  • 30-juin-2017

    Français, Excel, 347kb

    Belgique résumé des politiques: Aider les jeunes peu qualifiés qui risquent d’être laissés de côté

    13.5% des personnes âgées de 15 à 29 ans sont sans emploi, déscolarisées et ne suivent aucune formation (not in employment, education or training en anglais, NEET). Il s’agit d’une tendance structurelle et les jeunes qui n’ont pas achevé le deuxième cycle de l’enseignement secondaire sont particulièrement vulnérables.

    Documents connexes
  • 28-June-2017


    Are countries ready to invest in early childhood education? (OECD Education Today Blog)

    There is now a widespread consensus that high-quality early childhood education is critically important for children. Research continues to find that early childhood education can compensate for a lack of learning opportunities at home, and can help children begin to develop the social and emotional skills needed for success later in life.

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  • 26-June-2017


    Realising Slovenia’s bold vision for skills (OECD Education Today Blog)

    Small in size but not in its ambitions, Slovenia has a bold vision for a society in which people learn for and through life, are innovative, trust one another, enjoy a high quality of life and embrace their unique identity and culture.

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  • 26-June-2017


    Investigating the complexities of school funding (OECD Education Today Blog)

    Back in 2013, when we launched the OECD's first international review of school resource policies, we may not have been fully prepared for the detective-type work we were getting into. The OECD Review of School Resources covers 18 school systems and aims to shed light on a part of education policy that has been surprisingly left in the dark.

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  • 23-June-2017


    Rethinking the learning environment (OECD Education Today Blog)

    What do innovative learning environments around the world look like? How might they be led and evaluated? What policy strategies stimulate and support them? For the past decade the OECD’s Centre for Education Research and Innovation (CERI) has addressed these and similar questions in an international study called Innovative Learning Environments.

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  • 21-June-2017


    Priming up for primary school (OECD Education Today Blog)

    Quality transitions that are well-prepared and child centred, managed by highly educated staff who are collaborating professionally, and guided by appropriate and aligned curricula, can go a long way to ensure that the positive impacts of early learning and care will last through primary school and beyond.

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