

  • 5-septembre-2008

    Français, , 571kb

    La performance environnementale de l'agriculture dans les pays de l'OCDE depuis 1990 : Danemark

    La performance environnementale de l'agriculture dans les pays de l'OCDE depuis 1990 : Danemark

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  • 16-June-2008

    Danish, , 462kb

    Miljøindsatsen i oecd landbrug siden 1990: Danmark lande afsnit

    Miljøindsatsen i oecd landbrug siden 1990: Danmark lande afsnit

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  • 12-mars-2008

    Français, , 411kb

    Dispositifs de transmission d'informations par des tiers et déclarations fiscales préremplies : approches adoptées par le Danemark et la Suède

    La présente note d'information décrit les principales caractéristiques des dispositifs de transmission d'informations par des tiers mis en place au Danemark et en Suède pour étayer le système des déclarations d'impôt sur le revenu préremplies.

    Documents connexes
  • 21-juin-2007


    Jobs for Immigrants (Vol. 1): Labour Market Integration in Australia, Denmark, Germany and Sweden

    This publication presents reviews of the labour market integration of immigrants and their children in four OECD countries (Australia, Denmark, Germany and Sweden), and provides country-specific recommendations.

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  • 26-March-2007

    English, Excel, 210kb

    Funding Systems and Their Effects on Higher Education Systems Country Study – Denmark

    The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Organisation or of the governments of its member countries.The OECD does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this publication and accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any consequence of their use.

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  • 27-June-2006

    English, , 149kb

    Denmark: Competition Law and Policy in 2005

    In this report, the country summarizes the main developments in competition law and policy in 2005.

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  • 26-juin-2006

    Français, , 948kb

    Danemark - Phase 2 : Rapport sur la mise en oeuvre de la Convention de l'OCDE sur la lutte contre la corruption

    Ce rapport a été approuvé et adopté par le Groupe de travail sur la corruption dans le cadre de transactions commerciales internationales le 15 juin 2006.

  • 8-June-2005


    Reviews of National Policies for Education - University Education in Denmark

    Teaching and research in Danish universities are of high quality. The number of Nobel prizes awarded to Denmark is outstanding. Danish universities are among the best resourced among OECD countries. But they need to change and develop to respond to rapidly changing demands placed on them. Reforms are particularly needed to strengthen universities’ contribution to society and the economy. This calls for major changes in the area of

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  • 3-May-2005


    Trade and Structural Adjustment: Sectoral Case Studies in Agriculture and Fisheries

    Studies of the Mexico-USA avocado trade; Australian dairy industry; Chilean agro-food sector; Kenyan cut flower sector; agricultural reform in New Zealand; fisheries in Denmark and seafood in Thailand.

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