

  • 16-November-2012

    English, PDF, 10,391kb

    Commodity Price Volatility - Competition Policy Roundtable - OECD

    Since 2008 prices of primary commodities have increased significantly. This has led to calls for competition authorities to be more vigilant regarding anti-competitive practices and to deal with pressure from politicians and the media especially when basic foodstuffs are involved. This document includes the proceedings of a discussion on Commodity Price Volatility held during the OECD Global Forum on Competition in 2012.

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  • 11-October-2012

    English, PDF, 2,024kb

    Unilateral Disclosure of Information with Anticompetitive Effects - Competition Policy Roundtable - OECD

    Greater transparency in the market is generally efficiency enhancing. It can also produce anticompetitive effects. Given the potential pro- and anti-competitive effects of unilateral announcements, competition agencies face the challenge of deciding how to handle these. These proceedings include an analytical note by Mr. Antonio Capobianco, an executive summary and summary of discussion as well as over 20 national contributions.

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  • 11-October-2012

    English, PDF, 3,092kb

    Market Definition - Competition Policy Roundtable - OECD

    Market definition is one of the most fundamental concepts underpinning any competition analysis. It provides a framework for the ultimate inquiry of whether a particular conduct or transaction is likely to produce anticompetitive effects. The OECD debated the topic in June 2012. These proceedings include the documents from this debate notably a background note by U. Schwalbe and F. Maier-Rigaud and 30 national contributions.

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  • 29-August-2012

    English, PDF, 6,532kb

    Impact Evaluation of Merger Decisions - Competition Policy Roundtable - OECD

    Ex post evaluations are an important instrument for assessing previous merger review decisions as well as for improving the quality of future decisions. This publication compiles documents from a roundtable discussion held in 2011 on the topic.

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  • 29-August-2012

    English, PDF, 2,459kb

    Promoting Compliance with Competition - Law Competition Policy Roundtable - OECD

    Are criminal penalties an effective deterrent to cartels in all jurisdictions? What are the innovative methods used by competition authorities to promote compliance ? This publication compiles documents from a roundtable discussion held in 2011 on the topic.

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  • 30-July-2012

    English, PDF, 2,174kb

    Remedies in Merger Cases - Competition Policy Roundtable - OECD

    What are the benefits and drawbacks of structural versus behavioural remedies for mergers? To which type of merger should each category apply? Designing effective remedies to counterbalance the anti-competitive effects of certain mergers is a challenging task for Competition Authorities, particularly for mergers with cross-border impact.

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  • 27-July-2012

    English, PDF, 2,312kb

    Economic Evidence in Merger Analysis - Competition Policy Roundtable - OECD

    How can Competition Authorities use economic evidence to effectively assess the potential anti-competitive effects of any given merger? How systematic should such an analysis be, and how reliable are its results? Are there lessons to be drawn from the various Best Practice Guidelines developed by a number of national jurisdictions?

  • 27-July-2012

    English, PDF, 1,984kb

    Procedural Fairness: Competition Authorities, Courts and Recent Developments - Competition Policy Roundtable - OECD

    Which role do courts play in the private enforcement of competition law? How do legal systems and standards of review in competition cases vary across national jurisdictions? What are the recent developments at national level to ensure transparency and fairness of the action of Competition Authorities?

  • 11-April-2012

    English, PDF, 1,541kb

    Competition Law and Policy in Israel 2011

    This Review was prepared as part of the process of Israel’s accession to OECD membership. It highlights some of the key challenges facing Israel in its implementation and enforcement of competition policy. Israel became an OECD member on 7 September 2010.

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  • 1-September-2011

    English, Excel, 2,113kb

    The Regulated Conduct Defence - Competition Policy Roundtable - OECD

    During the financial crisis many governments aided both the financial and non-financial sectors in their countries on an unprecedented scale. These emergency measures have in some cases taken precedence over competition rules. In particular the fact that governments helped some banks but not others has weakened competition in some markets, with “too big to fail” institutions commanding a higher market share than previously. This has

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