
Publications & Documents

  • 20-November-2009

    Spanish, , 740kb

    Derecho y Política de la Competencia en Colombia: Examen inter-pares

    Este informe evalúa el desarrollo y aplicación de la ley de competenciaen Colombia durante los últimos años y los resultados a esperar de sureciente reforma, en los campos de acuerdos anticompetitivos, abuso deposición dominante, fusiones y adquisiciones, exclusiones y exenciones,aspectos de procedimientos e institucionales, coordinación con reguladoressectoriales, revisiones judiciales, asuntos internacionales y defensa de

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  • 20-November-2009

    English, , 872kb

    Competition Law and Policy in Colombia: A Peer Review

    Jointly published by OECD and the IDB, this report reviews competition laws and policies in Colombia and concludes with recommendations for changes in government policy. “Peer review” is a core element of OECD work. The mechanisms of peer review vary, but it is founded upon the willingness of all OECD countries and their partners to submit their laws and policies to substantive questioning by other members. This report is also

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  • 6-October-2009

    English, Excel, 2,236kb

    Resale Price Maintenance

    The term "resale price maintenance" refers to a practice in which suppliers and resellers come to an understanding that places restrictions on the prices resellers may charge. There are several types of such agreements, the most common involves a supplier agreeing with retailers not to charge less than a certain price for the supplier's product. RPM may harm consumers by restricting intrabrand price competition, but RPM may benefit

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  • 1-October-2009

    English, Excel, 1,124kb

    Experience with Direct Settlements in Cartel Cases - Competition Policy Roundtables - OECD

    Settlements procedures may pursue different policy objectives in different OECD jurisdictions. Generally, they reward cooperation from the investigated parties, they create and sustain momentum in the investigation of other conspirators and they allow cartel cases to be resolved quickly. In some jurisdictions, settlements also offer “finality”, i.e. they offer companies certainty as to the outcome of the investigation and allow them

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  • 8-September-2009

    English, Excel, 1,937kb

    Refusals to Deal

    The term “refusal to deal” describes a situation in which one firm refuses to sell to another firm, or is willing to sell only at a price that is considered “too high” or only under conditions that are deemed unacceptable. RTDs may harm competition by preventing entry that would have eroded or eliminated the dominant firm’s position. They may also restrict competition in markets where the dominant firm’s product is an input or a

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  • 23-juin-2009

    Français, , 381kb

    Concurrence et marchés financiers

    Le comité de la concurrence de l’OCDE a discuté, les 17 et 18 février 2009, desquestions de concurrence qui se posent dans le cadre de la crise financière actuelle. Cette brochure inclut deux documents clés concernant cette discussion :une synthèse qui résulte du débat et des contributions écrites, et une note de référence préparée en vue de la discussion. L’ensemble de la documentation relative à la discussion du comité, y compris

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  • 16-June-2009

    English, Excel, 14,297kb

    Competition and Financial Markets

    The financial sector is vulnerable to systemic loss of trust. The current crisis resulted from failures in financial market regulation, not failure of competition. Competition and stability can co-exist in the financial sector: more competitive market structures promote stability by reducing the number of banks that are “too big to fail”. Competition helps make the financial sector efficient and ensure that rescue and stimulus

  • 15-June-2009

    English, Excel, 1,444kb

    Competition Policy for Vertical Relations in Gasoline Retailing

    Gasoline retailing has changed dramatically over the last 25 years. While refiners often still have extensive networks of gasoline retailers, there is also a large independent sector in many countries. A study of the effects of entry by large general retailers finds benefits to consumers. There has been a vigorous debate about whether vertical separation between gasoline stations and upstream entities should be required. It appears

  • 27-May-2009


    Competition Committee's Proactive Strategy Vis-à-Vis Non Members

    The Competition Committee adopted in 2005 a proactive Strategy which includes criteria for the identification of potential observers in the Committee. It also defines the role and participation of non-members in the Committee’s work. At its October 2011 session, the Competition Committee will review under this 2005 Strategy the applications received by 29 July 2011 from non-members to become observers in the Competition Committee for

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  • 13-May-2009


    The "Global Standard” of the 21st Century

    The economic crisis has generated an urgent need to restore confidence in our future and make the world economy stronger, cleaner and fairer. There is growing political consensus on the need to develop a set of common principles and standards in order to ensure a more stable and sustainable development of the global economy, according to the OECD Secretary-General.

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