
Publications & Documents

  • 13-October-2017


    Market Power and Wealth Distribution

    Lack of competition can drive up prices of goods and services, with substantive negative effects for the poor, whose consumption basket is dominated by first necessity goods and services. Using new data, this study calibrates the overall impact of market power, showing a substantial impact on wealth inequality in the eight countries examined.

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  • 13-October-2017


    A Step Ahead: Competition Policy for Shared Prosperity and Inclusive Growth

    This publication puts forward a research agenda advocating the importance of market competition, effective market regulation and competition policies for achieving inclusive growth and shared prosperity in emerging and developing economies. It is the result of a global partnership and shared commitment between the World Bank Group and the OECD.
  • 2-September-2017


    Algorithms and competition: Friends or foes?

    This article by OECD's Antonio Capobianco and Pedro Gonzaga focuses on whether algorithms can make tacit collusion easier, both in oligopolistic markets and in markets which do not manifest the structural features that are usually associated with the risk of collusion. It was published in the August 2017 edition of the CPI Chronicle.

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  • 13-June-2017


    New energy in the electricity sector

    With new business models emerging, competition in the electricity sector is beginning to stir. This article by the OECD's Chris Pike looks at how the rise of the digital economy has led numerous markets to experience radical innovation in business models.

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  • 12-April-2017

    English, PDF, 1,341kb

    2016 Report on implementing the OECD Recommendation on Structural Separation in Regulated Industries

    This 2016 report analyses experiences of OECD countries in implementing the OECD recommendation on structural separation in regulated industries and concludes that structural separation remains a relevant remedy to advance the process of market liberalisation and that the areas of application can include vertically integrated industries where only some activities are subject to competitive constraints.

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  • 8-December-2016


    State-Owned Enterprises as Global Competitors - A Challenge or an Opportunity?

    An estimated 22% of the world’s largest firms are now effectively under state control, this is the highest percentage in decades. These firms are likely to remain a prominent feature of the global marketplace in the near future. The upsurge of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) as global competitors has given rise to concerns related to a level playing field.  Some business competitors and observers claim that preferential treatment granted by governments to SOEs in return for public policy obligations carried out at home can give SOEs a competitive edge in their foreign expansion. The OECD has taken a multidisciplinary approach, looking at the issue from the competition, investment, corporate governance and trade policy perspectives.  The report aims to sort fact from fiction, and develop a stronger understanding, based on empirical evidence, on how to address growing policy concerns with regard to SOE internationalisation. The report concludes that although there is no clear evidence of systematic abusive behaviour by SOE investors, frictions need to be addressed, in view of keeping the global economy open to trade and investment.
  • 14-November-2016


    The end of the bargain? And should we worry?

    We’ve all felt it – the rush you get when you find a great bargain at a price way less than you would happily have paid. But will these moments continue in the digital world as shopping moves online and the scope for firms to charge different prices to different customers increases?

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  • 16-September-2016

    French, PDF, 1,783kb

    Lutte contre les soumissions concertées: Rapport sur l'implémentation de la Recommendation de l'OCDE 2016

    Ce rapport montre comme les autorités de la concurrence et celles en charge des marchés publics utilisent la recommendation de 2012 de l'OCDE sur la lutte contre les soumissions concertés.

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  • 16-September-2016

    English, PDF, 1,292kb

    Fighting Bid Rigging in Public Procurement: Report on Implementing the OECD Recommendation (2016)

    This report shows how competition and public procurement agencies have been using the 2012 OECD Recommendation on Fighting Bid Rigging to raise awareness of bid rigging risks and develop tools to detect bid rigging in public procurement.

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  • 28-June-2016


    OECD Competition Assessment Reviews: Romania

    During the past few years, Romania has recovered well from the global financial crisis. However, the country still faces structural problems, including poor competitiveness, that limit economic growth. Against this background, the OECD Competition Assessment Project analysed legislation in three sectors of the Romanian economy: construction, transport and food processing. Using the OECD Competition Assessment Toolkit to structure the analysis, the OECD identified 227 problematic regulations and made 152 specific recommendations on legal provisions that should be amended or repealed. This report identifies the sources of those benefits and, where possible, provides quantitative estimates. If these recommendations are implemented, there should be benefits to consumers in Romania and to the Romanian economy in all three sectors.
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