

  • 4-février-2020


    Blog : Taxe carbone : quel impact environnemental et économique dans le secteur manufacturier français ?

    En 2019, le Parlement français a adopté la loi climat-énergie qui fixe l’objectif d’atteindre la neutralité carbone d’ici 2050, conformément à l’accord de Paris sur le climat de 2015. La neutralité carbone implique de réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) de 75 % d’ici 2050 par rapport aux niveaux de 1990 et de compenser les émissions résiduelles par la capture et le stockage du carbone présent dans l’atmosphère.

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  • 20-July-2018


    Insights blog: Steering urban sprawl

    Cities with highest average population densities in the world are facing the challenge of urban sprawl. Finding sustainable solutions to reduce sprawl demands rethinking urban space and weighing the private benefits of low density living–my house and garden–against social, environmental and infrastructure costs.

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  • 14-November-2017


    Urgent action on air pollution in India makes economic sense

    Air pollution in Delhi has been so bad this November that the Indian Medical Association declared a public health emergency. According to the latest Global Burden of Disease study published in The Lancet, outdoor air pollution caused more than a million premature deaths in India in 2016, whose cost, according to OECD estimates, amounts to more than USD 800 billion. Read the full blog.

  • 31-October-2017


    Green Finance and Investment in Developing Countries

    To meet the ambitious goals of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement, we need to significantly shift and scale up green finance and investment.

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  • 21-July-2017


    What’s holding back investment and innovation in renewable energy?

    There is no shortage of capital available globally to finance renewable-energy projects. The financial sector encompasses more than €100 trillion of assets. So how is it that investment in renewable energy is not flowing faster? This article by OECD policy analyst Geraldine Ang proposes responses to the trillion-dollar question.

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  • 13-June-2017


    New energy in the electricity sector

    With new business models emerging, competition in the electricity sector is beginning to stir. This article by the OECD's Chris Pike looks at how the rise of the digital economy has led numerous markets to experience radical innovation in business models.

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  • 4-November-2016


    Urban green growth is about asking the right questions at the right time - Insights Blog

    Are you a city-dweller, concerned about the challenges of urbanisation, resilience and inclusiveness? Cities and urban areas represent unrivalled concentrations of people, economic growth, commercial networks, and innovation – and have the potential to make a significant contribution to the transition towards a low-carbon world.

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  • 25-October-2016


    Indonesia, open government and the SDGs

    "Indonesia is well placed to be a strong advocate for open government reforms, and to link such reforms to other multi-lateral reform efforts" - OECD Insights Blog by Luiz De Mello.

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  • 11-October-2016


    Effective Carbon Rates - OECD Insigths Blog

    On the latest OECD Insights blog post, Mr. Kurt van Dender, Head of the Tax and Environment Unit at the OECD’s Centre for Tax Policy and Administration explains the necessary requirements to deeply cut greenhouse gas emissions in order to implement the COP21 Paris Agreement.

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  • 5-September-2016


    Playing the Long Game: Urban Green Growth, Spatial Planning and Land Use - Insights Blog

    Imagine you have an important decision to make. Do you carefully consider the long-term implications of each possible option or do you act impulsively? Would you approach the decision-making process differently if the consequences stretched out to 30 or even 50 years?

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