
Publications & Documents

  • 26-October-2017


    Reducing inequality to raise incomes and expand well-being for all Colombians

    The peace agreement will boost economic growth, but to share it fairly Colombia must also achieve better educational outcomes and bring more people into the more productive formal economy.

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  • 18-octobre-2017


    Relancer la croissance en Colombie par des réformes visant à accroître la productivité

    1u cours des dix dernières années, des politiques macroéconomiques fortes et un environnement meilleur pour les entreprises, ont permis de contribuer à une croissance relativement forte du PIB.

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  • 18-octobre-2017


    Vers une croissance plus inclusive en Colombie

    La croissance est devenue plus inclusive en Colombie ces dernières années. Une croissance forte et des politiques sociales bien ciblées ont permis de réduire la pauvreté absolue.

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  • 28-September-2017


    Corporate Governance in Colombia

    This review of Corporate Governance in Colombia was prepared as part of the process of Colombia's accession to OECD Membership. The report describes the corporate governance setting for both listed companies and the state-owned sector (SOEs). The review then examines the legal and regulatory framework and company practices to assess the degree to which the recommendations of the G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance and the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises have been implemented. The review finds that Colombia's framework for the corporate governance of listed companies is largely consistent with the Principles, although some companies have been reluctant to implement some of the good practices recommended in Colombia's national corporate governance code. For SOEs, the report recognises substantial reforms undertaken during the review process to adopt an ambitious national ownership policy. Reforms have included establishing an ownership co-ordination unit and more transparent reporting on SOE performance, and removing ministers from SOE boards and establishing more transparent board nomination processes aimed at enhancing the qualifications of board members. The report seeks continuing efforts to consolidate these reforms and to implement plans announced in the national ownership policy.
  • 25-May-2017


    OECD Economic Surveys: Colombia 2017

    Growth in Colombia has been among the strongest in the region, reflecting the flexible exchange rate and inflation targeting monetary policy, and fiscal rules. The strong growth and welfare programmes to the most vulnerable groups have substantially reduced poverty. Lower taxes and fees on wages have brought more people to better quality formal jobs, thereby raising both productivity and inclusiveness. Productivity and job opportunities have also been enhanced by recent reforms facilitating the opening of business, obtaining construction permits, registering property and paying taxes. However, productivity growth is still low and the gap between rich and poor among the highest in Latin America. Informality and gender gaps remain high, and social mobility low. Years of armed conflict, stringent local regulations and distortions in the tax system have created disparities in productivity and access to basic services across regions. Further simplifying procedures for company registration and the affiliation of workers to social security, improving labour market programmes, expanding early childhood education, and raising education quality would boost inclusion, social mobility and living standards. Greater and more affordable child, elderly and disability care would open the job market to more women. Raising productivity will be fundamental to continued increases in living standards for all Colombians.


  • 10-avril-2017


    Adaptation aux changements climatiques et protection financière: Synthèse des résultats clés de la Colombie et le Sénégal - Document de travail sur l'environnement

    Les pays en développement sont affectés de manière disproportionnée par la hausse des pertes liées aux événements climatiques extrêmes. Sur la base d’études de cas en Colombie et au Sénégal, ce document examine comment les pays utilisent la protection financière dans le cadre de leurs approches de gestion des risques climatiques.

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  • 6-February-2017

    Spanish, PDF, 441kb

    Programa de Desarrollo Comunitario

    El Programa de Desarrollo Comunitario (PDC) es una apuesta pedagógica y transformadora que busca aportar a la formación de comunidades participativas y autogestoras en los territorios donde la empresa generadora de energía ISAGEN tiene presencia. Caso de estudio de la Summer School “Comunidad y desarrollo local en América Latina”, organizada por el Centro OCDE LEED para el Desarrollo Local (Italia).

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  • 17-January-2017

    English, PDF, 1,299kb

    Pesca y acuicultura en Colombia

    Este informe preparado por la OCDE apoya la revisión de Colombia asumida por el comité de pesca de la OCDE como parte del proceso de acceso de Colombia a la OCDE. Esta es la traducción al español del reporte original.

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  • 21-December-2016

    English, PDF, 204kb

    Services Trade Restrictiveness Index Country Note: Colombia

    A two-page OECD summary and analysis of the Services Trade Restrictiveness Index results for Colombia.

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  • 8-December-2016


    OECD Science, Technology and Innovation Outlook national policy profiles

    As part of the STI Outlook 2016, the OECD has released policy profiles by country. These include cross-country analyses that draw on the first joint EC-OECD survey on STI policies. They focus on major STI policy areas, instruments and trends.

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