

  • 18-September-2015


    Corporate Governance of Company Groups in Latin America

    This report provides an overview of frameworks and experience in Latin America and internationally in dealing with the challenges associated with corporate governance of company groups. It describes their economic rationale, benefits and relevance in Latin America, and how they are defined, overseen and regulated. It also delves into some of the risks and more specific challenges involved in ensuring protection of minority shareholder rights and managing or minimising conflicts of interest within groups. It notes the rising importance of Latin American-based multinational company groups. Finally, it reviews existing international and regional guidance on corporate governance of company groups before assessing the more specific policy options and challenges in the region, and describing the conclusions reached by the Latin American Corporate Governance Roundtable and Task Force on Company Groups based on this report’s findings. Country-specific chapters provide more specific descriptions of the frameworks in place for corporate governance of company groups in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru.
  • 16-janvier-2014


    Partager la richesse nationale au Brésil: la distribution des revenus, les politiques sociales et la nouvelle classe moyenne

    Le Brésil a accompli des progrès remarquables en termes de réduction de la pauvreté et des inégalités. Cela tient au dynamisme de la croissance mais aussi à l'efficacité des politiques sociales. En dehors de la croissance, ce sont les services publics et les transferts monétaires qui ont été les facteurs les plus importants, notamment les seconds dans le cadre du programme Bolsa Familia, qui a été couronné de succès.

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