

  • 6-juin-2011

    Français, , 887kb

    Rapport d’étape sur l’engagement renforcé

    Le présent rapport a pour objectif de tenir les Membres informés de l’état d’avancement du processus d’engagement renforcé. Ce processus émane d’une décision du Conseil au niveau des Ministres de mai 2007, qui « invite le Secrétaire général à renforcer la coopération de l'OCDE avec l'Afrique du Sud, le Brésil, la Chine, l'Inde et l'Indonésie, dans le cadre de programmes d'engagement renforcé en vue de leur possible adhésion ».

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  • 16-décembre-2010


    Programme relais d’études thématiques sur l’enseignement supérieur et le développement des villes et des espaces régionaux 2011-2012, Free State, Afrique du Sud

    L'l'État libre participe à l'étude sur les établissements d'enseignement supérieur dans le développement régional 2011-2012.

    Documents connexes
  • 17-November-2010


    The Economic Impact of Export Restrictions on Raw Materials

    Export restrictions on raw materials are applied to achieve a number of policy objectives. However, they can have a significant and negative impact on the efficient allocation of resources, international trade, and the competitiveness and development of industries in both exporting and importing countries.   By diverting exports to domestic markets, export restrictions raise prices for foreign consumers and importers. At the same time, by reducing domestic prices in the applying countries and increasing global uncertainty concerning future prices, export restrictions negatively affect investment, thus potentially reducing the overall supply of raw materials in the long term. In view of existing alternative policy tools that have a different impact on trade, the effectiveness of export restrictions to achieve stated policy objectives should be carefully reviewed.   This publication presents a selection of papers discussed at the OECD Workshop on Raw Materials, held in Paris in October 2009. This workshop was organised in response to the growing concern on the use of export restrictions on raw materials, particularly by emerging economies.
  • 23-March-2010


    Reducing Barriers to International Trade in Non-hazardous Recyclable Materials, Part 2: Case Studies

    Country case studies of China, Japan, Netherlands, South Africa and the United States in measures that may hamper trade in steel scrap, recovered paper and plastic scrap, and if and how they could be removed without compromising environmental protection.

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  • 19-March-2009


    Globalisation and Emerging Economies - Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, China and South Africa

    OECD countries still dominate the world economy, but their share of world trade dropped from 73% in 1992 to 64% in 2005, and some of the world’s most important economies are not members of the OECD. Foremost among these are the so-called BRIICS: Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, China and South Africa. This book analyses key elements of the trade performance of the BRIICS in relation to the rest of the world, focusing on trade and other policies influencing that performance. Developments in global trade policy are reviewed, notably the impact of preferential trade agreements on the multilateral system and patterns of world trade are described using both indices that reveal networks of trading relations and more standard modeling results. As well as the global analysis, the book also presents a separate chapter for each of the BRIICS, examining the key development and trade issues in each of the six countries over the past few years.
  • 17-mars-2009


    Politiques agricoles des économies émergentes : Suivi et évaluation 2009

    Les années 2006-08 ont été marquées par une hausse significative des prix mondiaux de la plupart des produits agricoles, mais pas de tous cependant.

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  • 25-juin-2007


    Politiques agricoles des pays non membres de l'ocde: suivi et évaluation 2007 - Faits Marquants

    Ces « Faits marquants» reprennent en partie l’édition 2007 du rapport Politiques agricoles dans les pays non membres de l’OCDE : Suivi et évaluation 2007.

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  • 19-avril-2006


  • 7-April-2005


    Trade and Structural Adjustment: Motor Vehicles; Health Services; International Sourcing of IT

    Case studies include: motor vehicle sector in Japan, Poland, South Africa and Australia; health services in the USA and Mexico, Japan, Philippines and Thailand; international IT sourcing in the United States, India and Europe plus IBM and Infosys.

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  • 10-April-2002


    Private Study of Protected Land in Southern Africa: A Review Of Markets, Approaches, Barriers And Issues

    This paper represents a first attempt to assess the role of the private sector in supplying protected land or 'land under wildlife' in southern Africa. Although limited information exists on private conservation initiatives, it is possible to con...

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