
By Date

  • 21-August-2009

    English, , 1,979kb

    South Africa's Trade and Growth

    This paper examines key trade and trade related issues facing South Africa and describes South Africa’s re-entry into the global trade architecture and its economic growth in the context of its trade performance.

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  • 10-avril-2009


    L’impact des fondamentaux monétaires et de matières premières, des nouvelles macroéconomiques et de la communication de la banque centrale sur le taux de change : le cas de l’Afrique du Sud

    Ce papier étudie les facteurs qui peuvent expliquer la dynamique journalière du rand sud-africain vis-à-vis du dollar sur la période allant de janvier 2001 à juillet 2007.

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  • 19-March-2009


    Globalisation and Emerging Economies - Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, China and South Africa

    OECD countries still dominate the world economy, but their share of world trade dropped from 73% in 1992 to 64% in 2005, and some of the world’s most important economies are not members of the OECD. Foremost among these are the so-called BRIICS: Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, China and South Africa. This book analyses key elements of the trade performance of the BRIICS in relation to the rest of the world, focusing on trade and other policies influencing that performance. Developments in global trade policy are reviewed, notably the impact of preferential trade agreements on the multilateral system and patterns of world trade are described using both indices that reveal networks of trading relations and more standard modeling results. As well as the global analysis, the book also presents a separate chapter for each of the BRIICS, examining the key development and trade issues in each of the six countries over the past few years.
  • 17-mars-2009


    Politiques agricoles des économies émergentes : Suivi et évaluation 2009

    Les années 2006-08 ont été marquées par une hausse significative des prix mondiaux de la plupart des produits agricoles, mais pas de tous cependant.

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  • 27-janvier-2009


    Concrétiser le potentiel de l’Afrique du Sud en matière d’emploi

    Le chômage en Afrique du Sud est extrêmement élevé et très inégalement réparti, étant concentré parmi les jeunes Noirs moins qualifiés.

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    Also AvailableEgalement disponible(s)
  • 25-July-2008


    Enhanced Engagement: Towards a stronger partnership between major emerging economies and the OECD

    OECD countries believe that Enhanced Engagement should incorporate certain core elements that would be common with all partner countries.

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  • 25-juin-2007


    Politiques agricoles des pays non membres de l'ocde: suivi et évaluation 2007 - Faits Marquants

    Ces « Faits marquants» reprennent en partie l’édition 2007 du rapport Politiques agricoles dans les pays non membres de l’OCDE : Suivi et évaluation 2007.

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  • 19-avril-2006


  • 7-April-2005


    Trade and Structural Adjustment: Motor Vehicles; Health Services; International Sourcing of IT

    Case studies include: motor vehicle sector in Japan, Poland, South Africa and Australia; health services in the USA and Mexico, Japan, Philippines and Thailand; international IT sourcing in the United States, India and Europe plus IBM and Infosys.

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  • 10-April-2002


    Private Study of Protected Land in Southern Africa: A Review Of Markets, Approaches, Barriers And Issues

    This paper represents a first attempt to assess the role of the private sector in supplying protected land or 'land under wildlife' in southern Africa. Although limited information exists on private conservation initiatives, it is possible to con...

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