

  • 12-July-2024


    The Digital Transformation of Norway's Public Sector

    While Norway is a leader in digital government amongst OECD countries − ranking 4th overall in the 2023 OECD Digital Government Index − there is scope to improve the efficiency, efficacy, and innovation of Norway’s public sector through digitalisation. This report reviews Norway's digitalisation efforts since its 2017 OECD Digital Government Review and provides recommendations to help the government develop a new strategy for digital transformation. It looks at eight areas ranging from digital governance and digital government investments to artificial intelligence, digital talent and service design and delivery.
  • 12-July-2024


    Content or Discontent? Perceptions of Social Protection in France, Germany and the United Kingdom

    What factors influence satisfaction with social protection? This report investigates differences in perceptions of social protection across countries, with a focus on France, using novel data from the OECD’s Risks that Matter Survey. Compared to respondents in Germany and the United Kingdom, French respondents are systematically the least satisfied with social protection in their country, even as France performs well on many social programme outcome indicators. This report explores a range of different factors influencing perceptions of social protection, including individual risk perceptions; the shape, size and cost of social programmes; frictions in application and service delivery in social programmes; and socio-economic and cultural factors.
  • 12-July-2024


    Comparative assessment of patient safety culture performance in OECD countries - Findings based on the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture versions 1 and 2

    Safety is a core dimension of health care quality. Measurement of patient safety culture in OECD countries has been increasingly conducted as part of efforts to monitor patient safety and to contribute to health system performance assessment. Building on four years of work, a second OECD data collection on patient safety culture was conducted in 2022-2023, with the support of the members of OECD Expert Group on Patient Safety Culture. Data from almost 650,000 health care workers, from over 3,000 different sites/hospitals, across 14 countries was added in this round of data collection. This report documents the state-of-the-art of patient safety measurement using the Hospital Survey of Patient Safety Culture (HSPSC) and is the first report to document international comparisions using the HSPSC v2, which has been recently adopted by ten countries who submitted data. Despite many commonalities between countries in the implementation of PSC measurements, there remains differences in the scope of implementation and survey response rates. Moreover, survey findings show general deficits in staff perceptions of safe staffing and workpace levels and response to errors among hospital workers, areas that could be targeted for policy action to improve patient safety.
  • 11-July-2024


    Corporate Tax Statistics 2024

    Corporate Tax Statistics is an OECD flagship publication on corporate income tax, and includes information on corporate taxation, MNE activity, and base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) practices. Corporate Tax Statistics was a key output of Action 11 of the OECD/G20 BEPS Project, which sought to improve the measurement and monitoring of tax avoidance. This publication includes a wide range of data on corporate income taxes, including corporate tax rates, revenues, effective tax rates, and tax incentives for R&D and innovation amongst other data series. Corporate Tax Statistics also includes anonymised and aggregated country-by-country reporting (CbCR) data providing an overview on the global tax and economic activities of thousands of multinational enterprise groups operating worldwide. The 2024 edition will include a new dataset on Income-based tax incentives for R&D and innovation, an update to the Interest Limitation Rules and Controlled Foreign Company rules datasets and an expansion of the CbCR data on effective tax rates.
  • 11-July-2024


    OECD Justice Review of Peru - Towards Effective and Transparent Justice Institutions for Inclusive Growth

    This report provides an in-depth analysis of Peru’s justice system and offers concrete recommendations, based on OECD countries' experience and best practices, for how to make it more effective, efficient, transparent, accessible, and people-centred. Building on the OECD’s Recommendation on Access to Justice and People-Centred Justice Systems, the report suggests how Peru can best implement its challenging justice reform agenda so that access to justice is available to all, including the most in need. In particular, it proposes actionable solutions for modernising Peru's institutional and functional arrangements to improve the administration of justice and people-centred service delivery, bringing it closer to OECD standards and best practices in this area.
  • 11-July-2024


    Corruption and fraud in crises - Strengthening law enforcement responses in Asia and the Pacific

    This policy paper aims to strengthen the capacities of law enforcement authorities in Asia and the Pacific to combat corruption and fraud during emergencies. It builds on lessons learnt from recent emergencies, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, to improve the preparedness of law enforcement authorities for future health, environmental or economic crises. The paper takes stock of the challenges law enforcement practitioners face in detecting, investigating and prosecuting corruption and fraud during emergencies, and highlights good practices and provides practical guidance for law enforcement.
  • 11-July-2024


    Organisational structure of budget management - Directions for reform in the Western Balkans and the Republic of Moldova

    This paper studies the differences between the organisation of budget management in selected government administrations in the Western Balkans and the Republic of Moldova and good practice across the European Union (EU). It observes that the ministry of finance (MoF) in these administrations typically engages in direct budget negotiations with a large number of budget organisations. This practice is in stark contrast with the budgeting approach observed in the EU, where the MoF only deals directly with government ministries and a limited number of constitutional bodies. The paper highlights the adverse consequences for the strategic role of the MoF for fiscal policy, the accountability of line ministries for budgeting and service delivery in their sector and the introduction of modern public financial management instruments such as medium-term budgeting and performance-based budgeting. This paper recommends that governments reduce the number of first-level budget organisations and give line ministries more responsibility for budget management in their sector. At the same time, the paper recommends strengthening line ministries’ accountability for budget management towards the parliament.
  • 11-July-2024


    Gender Equality in Costa Rica - Towards a Better Sharing of Paid and Unpaid Work

    The OECD review of Gender Equality in Costa Rica: Towards a Better Sharing of Paid and Unpaid Work is the fourth in a collection of reports focusing on Latin American and the Caribbean countries, and part of the series Gender Equality at Work. The report compares gender gaps in labour and educational outcomes in Costa Rica with other countries. Particular attention is put on the uneven distribution of unpaid work, and the extra burden placed on women. It investigates how policies and programmes in Costa Rica can make this distribution more equitable. The first part of the report reviews the evidence on gender gaps and their causes, including the role played by social norms. The second part develops a comprehensive framework to address these challenges, presenting a broad range of options to reduce the unpaid work burden falling on women, and to increase women’s labour income. Earlier reviews in the same collection have looked at gender equality policies in Chile (2021), Peru (2022) and Colombia (2023).
  • 10-July-2024


    OECD Survey on Drivers of Trust in Public Institutions – 2024 Results - Building Trust in a Complex Policy Environment

    This report presents the main findings of the second OECD cross-national Survey on Drivers of Trust in Public Institutions, carried out in late 2023. With nearly 60 000 responses, representative of the adult population in 30 OECD countries, the survey investigated how people's expectations and experiences with government influence their trust in public institutions. These experiences and expectations range from day-to-day interactions with public institutions to government decision making on complex policy issues. The report identifies some of the main drivers of trust in government and other public institutions and discusses opportunities for policy action. For the first time, the report also analyses how trust levels and drivers have evolved in the 20 OECD countries that participated in the 2021 survey and how an information environment marked by an increasing amount of polarising content and disinformation affects people’s trust in public institutions.
  • 10-July-2024


    Financing SME growth in Germany

    High energy prices and major geopolitical shifts, paired with an accelerated global digitalisation of industries of economies worldwide and rising pressure to achieve sustainability goals, have created new uncertainties for German SMEs. Successfully navigating these changes, and in turn, seizing new growth opportunities, will require sustained and significant investments. Access to an appropriate and diverse set of financing sources will be critical. This paper examines current policy practices to help German SMEs access finance, with a particular focus on efforts to link growth to sustainability goals in the national policy mix. It provides a brief overview of the German SME landscape, including key strengths and challenges in the context of the twin transition, and discusses the financing instruments available to small businesses in the country, including those with growth ambitions. It then analyses federal government efforts to unleash finance for innovation, investment, and network expansion as drivers of SME growth, and how these efforts compare to other OECD countries.
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