

Workshop on Policy Coherence for Development in Fisheries


Workshop on Policy Coherence for Development in Fisheries

OECD, 24-25 April 2006

Room 1, IEA Headquarters, 9 rue de la Fédération, Paris 15

organised by
 the Committee for Fisheries (COFI)  and the Development Assistance Committee (DAC)
with the co-operation of the Development Centre (DEV)

With financial assistance from
United Kingdom's Department for International Development
Czech Republic
World Bank

OECD countries are a major outlet for developing countries fish exports with approximately half of the fish eaten in the developed world originating from developing countries. These export earnings are crucial for many developing countries. At the same time, total official development assistance to developing countries for the fisheries sector amounted to some USD 402 million in 2002, a significant increase from USD 149 million which was provided in 1999. .

The extent to which government policy, both within and between countries, and covering a full range of policy areas, are mutually supportive in promoting global development is a fundamental issue of the highest importance. Policy coherence for development has been a particular area of cncern in the fisheries sector as the sector plays an important role in the evolution of many developing countries. The OECD Committee for Fisheries has recently published a report which provides an analytical framework for addressing policy coherence issues in the sector (OECD, 2005).

Building on this work, the OECD's Committee for Fisheries and Development Assistance Committee have decided to jointly host a workshop that further explores key issues in policy coherence for development in fisheries. The joint workshop brings together the fisheries and development policy communities in order to:

  • ensure communication, cross fertilisation, and co-operation between the two communities;
  • ensure that senior level development and fisheries experts are provided with an opportunity to discuss inter-linkages between developed countries’ fisheries policies and development objectives; and to
  • identify incoherencies and possible ways to overcome these.

This Workshop is by invitation only. For information, please contact Mr. Carl-Christian SCHMIDT (email: with copy to Emily Andrews-Chouicha (email:





9:30-10:15 WELCOME and OPENING of the Workshop

Welcoming statement by the OECD Deputy Secretary General, Mr. Kiyo AKASAKA

Opening address by the Swedish Ambassador to the OECD, Ms. Gun-Britt ANDERSSON

The specific OECD policy coherence agenda of the Development Assistance Committee (George CARNER, Vice-Chair of DAC) and the Committee for Fisheries (Ms. Lori RIDGEWAY, Chair of the COFI).

10:15-10:40 Keynote 1:

Bjørn HERSOUG (Norwegian College of Fishery Science)
Policy Coherence for Development in Fisheries: Issues and Problems

10:40-11:00 Keynote 2:

Gerardo E. NIETO (Under Secretary for Fisheries, Argentina)
Policy Coherence: Trade and Developing Countries

11:00-11:30 COFFEE BREAK

11:30-14:30 Session 1:
The role of Fisheries Access Agreements: Perspectives for developing and developed countries

11:30-11:50 KEYNOTE:

Les CLARK, (Ray Research, New Zealand)
Perspectives on fisheries access agreements: Developing country view

11:50-12:10 PAPER 1:

Fabrizio DONATELLA, (European Commission DG FISH)
Fisheries access agreements: an EU fisheries perspective


Opened by Simon CRIPPS (WWF International) and Papa Gora NDIAYE (ENDA, Senegal)

13:00-14:30 LUNCH BREAK

14:30-18:00 Session 2: The role of trade policies and how these can be constructed to benefit developing countries and developed countries consumers

14:30-14:50 KEYNOTE:

Ken HEYDON, (OECD Trade Directorate)
Trade and fisheries globalisation: Issues for developing and developed countries

14:50-15:10 PAPER 1:

Stephen Mbithi MWIKYA, (Kenya Fish Processors and Exporters Association)
Trade issues and policy coherence in fisheries: A developing country perspective

15:10-15:30 PAPER 2:

Agustin VELILLA, (Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade, Madrid, Spain).
Tariffs, preferential tariff arrangements and tariff escalation: Policy coherence issues

15:30-15:50 PAPER 3:

Nobuyuki YAGI, (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Tokyo, Japan)
Seafood safety: An attempt for coordination between exporting and importing countries


Mr. Ulrich KLEIH, (Natural Resource Institute, United Kingdom)
Perspectives on technical barriers to trade, subsidies and barriers to investments

16:20-16:50 COFFEE BREAK


Opened by: Marilyn WHAN-KAN (Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, Mauritius) and Otto GENEE (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands)

18:00-19:30 COCKTAIL




9:30-12:30 Session 3: What role does development assistance play in ensuring good governance of fisheries and aquaculture in developing countries and what have we achieved?


9:30-9:50 Keynote:

Jean-François PULVENIS (Director, Fishery Policy and Planning Division, FAO)
New partnerships for responsible fisheries and aquaculture development:  Some thoughts for the road ahead

9:50-10:05 PAPER 1:

Jean-Yves WEIGEL (Institut de Recherche et Développement, Paris, France)
Impacts of development assistance: Lessons learned for better fisheries and aquaculture governance


10:05-10:30 PAPER 2:

FINGERPONDS: Seasonal ponds in African floodplains for fish and agriculture

Results of an international project sponsored by EU (ICA4CT), the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and the United Kingdom. The film was sponsored by the Czech Foreign Development Co-operation Programme and will be introduced by Mr. Jan POKORNY, (ENKI, Wetland Training Centre, Czech Republic).

10:30-11:20 COFFEE BREAK


Opened by Jane WILLING (Ministry of Fisheries, New Zealand) and David SCHORR   (independent fisheries consultant, United States).

12:30-14:00 LUNCH BREAK

14:00-15:00 Session 4: The Multilateral Perspective

The World BankUNEP , the FAO and other relevant institutions’  representatives
will provide an overview of their respective organisations’ involvement in Policy Coherence for Development with special reference to the fisheries sector. In particular, organisations will provide a view on how they have or will address policy coherence for development.

15:00-15:30 COFFEE BREAK

15:30-17:30 Session 5: Identifying the key challenges in policy coherence for development in fisheries

PANEL DISCUSSION: Lori RIDGEWAY, George CARNER, Bjørn HERSOUG, Otto GENEE and Bob PICCIOTTO, followed by a general discussion and wrapping-up moderated by Tim BOSTOCK (DFID, London, UK).


 NB as of 13 April:  The updated complete agenda can be downloaded in PDF format


Informative Web Links:

World Bank Report Saving Fish and Fishers: Toward Sustainable and Equitable Governance of the Global Fishing Sector, Report No 29090-GLB, May 2004

OECD, Policy Coherence Development

OECD, Development Co-operation Directorate

Background material:

OECD Excerpt from the DAC Guidelines and References Series:  Environmental Fiscal Reform for Poverty Reduction, 2005 -- Environmental Fiscal Reform in the Commercial Fisheries Sector 


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