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  • 14-December-2022


    Significant progress on countering harmful tax practices with almost 50 000 exchanges of information on tax rulings undertaken to date under the BEPS Action 5 standard

    Today, the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS released the latest peer review assessments for 131 jurisdictions in relation to the compulsory spontaneous exchange of information on tax rulings.

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  • 8-December-2022


    Tax challenges of digitalisation: Technical webinar on Amount B under Pillar One

    In addition to the public consultation document, a technical webinar on Amount B took place on 8 November, in which OECD experts discussed some of the main features of the draft rules. If you missed the event, you can watch the replay.

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  • 30-November-2022


    Tax revenues rebounded as economies recovered from the COVID-19 pandemic, according to new OECD data

    Tax revenues bounced back in 2021 as OECD economies recovered from the initial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to new OECD data released today.

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  • 22-November-2022


    OECD releases new mutual agreement procedure statistics and country awards on the resolution of international tax disputes

    The OECD releases today the latest mutual agreement procedure (MAP) statistics covering 127 jurisdictions and practically all MAP cases worldwide. These statistics form part of the BEPS Action 14 Minimum Standard and the wider G20/OECD tax certainty agenda to improve the effectiveness and timeliness of tax-related dispute resolution mechanisms.

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  • 17-November-2022


    New OECD data highlight multinational tax avoidance risks and the need for swift implementation of international reform

    New data released today highlight continuing base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) risks and the need to implement the two-pillar solution to ensure that large multinational enterprises (MNEs) pay a fair share of tax wherever they operate and earn their profits.

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  • 14-November-2022


    COVID-19 hit African tax revenues hard, but increased foreign aid softened the blow

    After a decade of solid progress in domestic revenue mobilisation, tax revenues in Africa declined between 2019 and 2020 as a result of COVID-19, according to a new report released today.

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  • 10-November-2022


    28 jurisdictions sign international tax agreements to exchange information with respect to income earned on digital platforms and offshore financial assets

    On 9 November 2022, 28 countries and jurisdictions took new steps to strengthen and expand their co-operation in tax matters.

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  • 9-November-2022


  • 3-November-2022


    Share of emissions covered by carbon prices is rising, OECD data shows

    As part of their efforts to cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, countries have increased their use of carbon pricing through taxes or emissions trading systems, with coverage increasing across countries and sectors in 2021, according to a new OECD report.

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  • 30-August-2022


    Funding the future - The impact of population ageing on revenues across levels of government

    Government revenues may be affected by economic growth and changes in demographics over time. The effect of economic growth can be captured by long-run buoyancy – responsiveness of government revenues to GDP growth – while the demographic effect can be captured by changes in labour income, asset income and consumption patterns over the life cycle, as well as population growth. This paper attempts to quantify the effect of population ageing on OECD tax revenues across different levels of government, by estimating error correction models of revenue buoyancies over the 1990 to 2018 period, by type of revenue, country and level of government. Multiple scenarios are used for the projections to 2040, which are combined with scenarios for the evolution of revenue bases using newly harmonized EU and UN National Transfer Accounts data as well as OECD Population Projections.
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