
Latest Documents

  • 26-July-2010


    Consumer confidence shows a slowing down in pace of recovery for the first half of 2010

    Consumer confidence in the OECD area has levelled out since January 2010, possibly announcing a new peak or maybe just indicating uncertainty in the coming months. Confidence levels remain historically low, a result of the financial crisis and indicating that the effects of the crisis are continuing to be felt by consumers who remain pessimistic about the future.

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  • 27-November-2008


    Handbook on constructing composite indicators: methodology and user guide

    A guide for constructing and using composite indicators for policy makers, academics, the media and other interested parties. In particular, this handbook is concerned with indicators which compare and rank country performance.

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  • 25-May-2007


    Current period performance of OECD Composite Leading Indicators (CLIs) - Revision analysis of CLIs for OECD Member countries

    Statistics Working Paper N. 21 - 2007/1 - This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the current period performance of the OECD composite leading indicators (CLIs) for 21 OECD Member countries and three zone aggregates (OECD area, Euro area and Major Seven countries) for which CLIs are available for a longer time period. The revisions analysis of OECD CLIs is similar to those recently undertaken by the Organisation for a range of

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  • 15-February-2007


    Composite leading indicators and growth cycles in major OECD non-member economies and recently new OECD member countries

    Statistics Working Paper N. 20 - 2006/5 - The OECD developed a System of Composite Leading Indicators (CLIs) for its member countries in the early 1980.s based on the "growth cycle" approach and up to 2006 the Organisation compiled composite leading indicators for 23 of the 30 Member countries. Country coverage has now been expanded to include recently new OECD member countries (Korea, New Zealand1, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and

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  • 26-January-2006


    Composite Leading Indicators for Major OECD Non-Member Economies: Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Russian Federation and South Africa

    Statistics Working Paper N. 16 - 2006/1. The OECD developed a System of Composite Leading indicators for its Member countries in the early 1980s based on the .growth cycle. approach. Today the OECD compiles composite leading indicators (CLIs) for 23 of its 30 member countries and it is envisaged to expand country coverage to include all Member countries and the major six OECD non-member economies (NMEs) monitored by the organisation

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  • 12-August-2005


    Handbook on Constructing Composite Indicators: Methodology and User Guide

    Statistics Working Paper N. 13 - 2005/3. This Handbook aims to provide a guide for constructing and using composite indicators for policy makers, academics, the media and other interested parties. While there are several types of composite indicators, this Handbook is concerned with those which compare and rank country performance in areas such as industrial competitiveness, sustainable development, globalisation and innovation. The

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  • 15-September-2003


    Business Tendency Surveys: A Handbook

    This Handbook is a practical manual on the design and implementation of business tendency surveys, on the interpretation of the results from such surveys and on their use for economic analysis and forecasting.

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