

Pension Markets in Focus





Pension assets grew in 2023, partly offsetting 2022 losses

24/06/24 – This preliminary edition of Pension Markets in Focus shows the developments in asset-backed pension systems in 2023. Assets earmarked for retirement rose in 2023 thanks to the investment gains that pension plans earned on their bond and equity holdings. Yet, these investment gains were insufficient to fully offset losses incurred in 2022 in some of the largest pension markets. The total pension assets in the OECD are still lower than at the end of 2021.

Download the preliminary report

Statistical tables (xls)



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About Pension Markets in Focus

Recent years have witnessed intense pension reform efforts in countries around the globe, often involving an increased use of funded pension programmes managed by the private sector. These funded arrangements are likely to play an increasingly important role in delivering retirement income in many countries and privately managed pension assets will play an increasing role in financial markets, notably as a source of long-term savings.


Pension Markets in Focus provides detailed and comparable statistics on retirement savings around the world. This annual statistical report contributes to the effort of making data on retirement savings available, as the OECD Core Principles of Private Pension Regulation advocates for, to enable regulators and stakeholders to evaluate the design and operation of pension systems relative to their goals. These statistics can support policy discussions through international comparisons and peer learning, and are the basis of policy recommendations in the OECD series of Pension Reviews. These statistics can also be helpful to private sector representatives, journalists, academics and anyone interested in funded pension systems.


Previous issues

2023 statistical tables (xls) | statistical annex | coverage of the data

2023 preliminary report | statistical tables (xls)

2022 | statistical tables (xls) | statistical annex (xls) | coverage of the data

2022 preliminary report | statistical tables (xls)

2021 | statistical tables (xls) | statistical annex (xls) | coverage of the data

2021 preliminary report | statistical tables

2020 | statistical tables (xls) | statistical annex (xls) | coverage of the data

2020 preliminary report | statistical tables (xls) | coverage of the data

2019 | statistical tables (xls)

2019 preliminary report | statistical tables (xls)

2018 | statistical tables (xls)

2018 preliminary report | statistical tables (xls)

2017 | statistical tables (xls)

2017 preliminary report (May 2017) - statistical tables (xls)

2016 (pdf) - statistical tables (xls)

2016 preliminary report (June 2016) - statistical tables (xls)

2015 | statistical tables (xls)

2015 preliminary report (May 2015) - statistical tables (xls)

2014 - statistical tables (xls)

2013statistical tables (xls) - news release - Resumé en français (pdf)

2012 - Statistical tables (xls) - Statistical annex (xls) - news release

2011 - Statistical tables (xls)

2010 - Statistical tables - en français 

2009 - Statistical tables 

2008 - en français 

2007 - Statistical tables






OECD Pensions Outlook


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