

OECD Report on Mental Health and Work in Belgium to launch on 29 January 2013 in Brussels


22/01/2013 - The OECD will present its first-ever review of mental health and work challenges in Belgium during a seminar open to media in Brussels on Tuesday 29 January 2013.


Mental Health and Work: Belgium presents an overview of the country’s approach to helping people with mental health issues stay in the workplace or find a job. The number of people on disability benefit, especially for mental disorders, is rising in Belgium, as in other OECD countries. The report analyses the current situation and makes a series of recommendations on how companies, healthcare providers and the employment services could work together more effectively to address the challenges.


OECD Deputy-Secretary-General Yves Leterme and Jo de Cock, INAMI administrator, will open the seminar at 14.00 at the INAMI, Avenue de Tervueren 211, 1150 Brussels. This event is open to media - complete agenda.


The report will be available on the OECD’s  password-protected website from 14.00 CET on Tuesday 29 January for immediate release.


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Requests to receive the report under embargo ahead of release time, or to obtain a password to access the website, should be sent to Journalists requesting an electronic version in advance of the release time agree to respect OECD embargo conditions.


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