By Date

  • 14-January-2009


    Economic crisis: The long term starts now

    Can 2009 bring a ray of light to lift the gloom and end the severest financial and economic crisis in decades? The OECD is working with the world’s governments and international organisations to stop recent market and policy failures from happening again.

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  • 18-November-2008


    Sickness, Disability and Work: Breaking the Barriers (Vol. 3) - Denmark, Finland, Ireland and the Netherlands

    Too many workers leave the labour market permanently due to health problems, and yet too many people with a disabling condition are denied the opportunity to work. This third report in the OECD series Sickness, Disability and Work explores the possible factors behind this paradox. It looks specifically at the cases of Denmark, Finland, Ireland and the Netherlands, and highlights the roles of institutions and policies. A range of reform recommendations is put forward to deal with specific challenges facing the four countries.
  • 29-November-2007


    Beruf und Familie sind in Deutschland nur schwer unter einen Hut zu bringen

    Babies and Bosses: obwohl Deutschland im OECD-Vergleich einen großen Anteil seiner Wirtschaftsleistung in die Unterstützung von Familien und Kindern investiert, leben hierzulande mehr Kinder in wirtschaftlich prekären Verhältnissen als in den meisten anderen OECD-Ländern. Ein wichtiger Grund dafür ist, dass der Staat in Deutschland für Kinder zwar vergleichsweise großzügige finanzielle Zuschüsse gewährt, aber nur in geringem Umfang

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  • 10-July-2007


    Active Labour Market Policies: Connecting People with Jobs

    Active Labour Market Policies to help unemployed people back to work include job placement services, unemployment benefits, and labour market programmes such as training and job creation.

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  • 15-November-2006

    German, , 16kb

    Weitere Reformen würden das schweizerische Sozialsystem stärken

    Krankheit, Invalidität und Arbeit: Die Schweiz sollte die Krankentagegeldversicherung für alle Arbeitnehmer obligatorisch machen und die Krankenständen systematisch messen und managen, um den Verbleib kranker Arbeitnehmer im Arbeitsmarkt zu forcieren. Zu diesem Schluss kommt der OCED-Bericht „Krankheit, Invalidität und Arbeit: Hemmnisse abbauen – Norwegen, Polen und Schweiz“, in dem die Politiken der drei Länder in Bezug auf Krankheit

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  • 10-February-2006


    Ageing and Employment Policies

    Giving older people better work incentives and choices is crucial in the context of rapid population ageing and pressures on the sustainability of public social expenditures. Therefore, the OECD is carrying out a new review of policies to encourage greater labour market participation at an older age by fostering employability, job mobility and labour demand.

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  • 12-September-2005


    Governance in China

    Governance is the next issue the People’s Republic of China needs to tackle. This report shows how governance impacts on public action by looking at different policy sectors, takes stock of the progress made in public management and public finance, and explores policy options for the future.

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  • 14-May-2004


    Ageing Societies and the Looming Pension Crisis

    The challenge of ageing populations has countries seeking new ways to finance retirement plans. OECD research suggests implementing a range of reforms, from changing workplace practices and labor policies to altering state pension plans and encou...

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  • 1-October-1998

    English, , 1,029kb

    Financing lifelong learning - Country report on Netherlands

    This country report was prepared for the project "Alternative approaches to financing lifelong learning". It analyses and presents the development of lifelong learning in the Netherlands, and proposes ways to assist in improving it.

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