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  • 16-May-2023


  • 25-April-2023


    Double blow for workers as inflation drives real wages down and labour taxes up

    Taxes on labour increased in 2022 as rising nominal wages pushed workers into higher tax brackets and reduced their eligibility for tax credits and cash benefits, according to a new OECD report.

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  • 24-April-2023


    Reform Options for Lithuanian Climate Neutrality by 2050

    This report presents policy reform options to support Lithuania in meeting its climate neutrality target. It takes stock of Lithuania’s current and planned climate policies and assesses their potential for meeting the country’s climate ambitions. The report details the results of modelling carried out to assess the effectiveness of different policy scenarios, an analysis of carbon pricing and the role of innovation, an assessment of financial needs in the transition to net zero, and an analysis of the distributional implications of carbon pricing. Bringing together these findings the report offers recommendations for policy reform, highlighting the importance of setting price signals complemented by innovation support, as well as the potential of revenue recycling options in alleviating distributional concerns.
  • 11-April-2023


    Zimbabwe joins Global Forum as 167th member

    Zimbabwe has joined the international fight against tax evasion by becoming the 167th member – and 36th African member – of the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes.

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  • 22-March-2023


    Viet Nam joins Multilateral Convention to tackle tax evasion and avoidance

    Today, at the OECD Headquarters in Paris, Mr. Cao Anh Tuan, Deputy Finance Minister of Viet Nam, signed the world’s widest-reaching international treaty for multilateral tax co-operation, the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters (or the Convention), bringing the total number of jurisdictions that participate in the Convention to 147.

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  • 21-March-2023


    Sustained progress demonstrated in the latest OECD peer review results on the prevention of tax treaty shopping

    These peer review results reveal that members of the Inclusive Framework on BEPS are respecting their commitment to implement the minimum standard on treaty shopping and further confirms the importance of the BEPS Multilateral Instrument (MLI) as the tool used by the vast majority of jurisdictions that have started to implement the BEPS Action 6 minimum standard.

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  • 9-March-2023


    Environmental Tax Policy Review of Andalusia

    EU Funded Note The Environmental Tax Policy Review of Andalusia provides a detailed review of the environmentally related tax framework in the areas of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution, water usage and pollution, and waste and circular economy in the Autonomous Region of Andalusia, Spain. For each thematic area, the study identifies the scope for action at the regional level, assesses how Andalusia’s existing environmentally related taxes align with environmental tax policy principles and provides strategic recommendations to support Andalusia to improve environmental outcomes and enhance national and global environmental performance.
  • 8-March-2023


    Angola joins Global Forum as 166th member

    Angola has joined the international fight against tax evasion by becoming the 166th member – and 35th African member – of the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes (Global Forum).

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  • 2-March-2023


    Blog post: Tracking carbon prices

    To accelerate the transition to net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, climate change mitigation policy needs to become more ambitious. The shift to net zero can be stimulated through a wide range of policy instruments including regulations and carbon pricing.

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  • 24-February-2023

    English, PDF, 1,484kb

    OECD Secretary-General Tax Report to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (India, February 2023)

    This report sets out the latest developments in international tax reform since October 2022.

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