
Latest Documents

  • 3-May-2010


    Towards measuring the volume output of education and health services: a handbook

    Statistics Working Paper N. 31 - 2010/2 - The measurement of volumes of health and education services constitutes a challenge for national accountants and price statisticians. In the past, such services have typically been measured by the inputs used to provide them but such an approach neglects any productivity changes in service provision. An increasing number of countries is now working towards output-based measures of the volume

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  • 1-September-2009


    Measuring Capital - OECD Manual 2009 - Second edition

    Capital - in particular of the physical sort - plays several roles in economic life: it constitutes wealth and it it provides services in production processes. Capital is invested, disinvested and it depreciates and becomes obsolescent and there is a question how to measure all these dimensions of capital in industry and national accounts. This revised Capital Manual is a comprehensive guide to the approaches toward capital measurement. It gives statisticians, researchers and analysts practical advice while providing theoretical background and an overview of the relevant literature. The manual comes in three parts - a first part with a non-technical description with the main concepts and steps involved in measuring capital; a second part directed at implementation and a third part outlining theory and a more complete mathematical formulation of the measurement process.
  • 28-April-2009


    Productivity Measurement and Analysis

    Productivity measurement and analysis are the main topics addressed in this book, which brings together contributions presented and discussed in two international workshops organized by the Statistics Directorate and the Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry (DSTI) of the OECD. The first workshop was organised jointly by the OECD with Fundaccion BBVA and the Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas and held in Madrid in October 2005, and the second one was organized jointly by the OECD and the Swiss Federal Statistical Office and the State Secretary for Economic Affairs of Switzerland and held in Bern in October 2006. The two workshops brought together representatives of statistical offices, central banks and other branches of government in OECD countries that are engaged in the analysis and the measurement of productivity developments at aggregate and industry levels.
  • 17-August-2005


    ICT and Economic Growth: A Quantification of Productivity Growth in Spain 1985-2002

    Statistics Working Paper N. 14 - 2005/4. Using new sectoral data on investment and capital services we carry out a growth accounting exercise on Spain 1985-2002. We compute the contribution to output and labour productivity growth of employment, non-ICT and ICT capital, labour qualification and Total Factor Productivity. Results are given for 29 different branches; individually and grouped into four clusters according to their ICT

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  • 20-December-2003


    OECD Capital Services Estimates: Methodology and a First Set of Results

    Statistics Working Paper N. 9 - 2003/6 - This paper presents the concepts underlying capital services measures, describes estimation methods and produces a first set of results. It also raises a number of outstanding conceptual issues in relation to capital services measures.

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  • 18-December-2003


    Comparing Labour Productivity Growth in the OECD Area: The Role of Measurement

    Statistics Working Paper N 8 - 2003/5 - This paper examines how measurement problems affect international comparisons of labour productivity. It suggests that these measurement problems do not significantly affect the assessment of aggregate productivity patterns in the OECD area. However, these problems do influence the more detailed assessment of productivity growth, notably the role of specific sectors and demand components in

  • 19-May-2003


    Measuring Investment in Software

    OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Papers, No. 2003/06 - The latest system of national accounts (SNA93) recommended that purchases of software (and any own-account production) should be capitalised as long as the acquisition satisfied conventional asset requirements. This change added about 1% to GDP in most OECD economies in the mid-1990s.

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  • 6-March-2003


    Report of the OECD Task Force on Software Measurement in the National Accounts

    This Statistics Working Paper N. 3 - 2003/1 confirms that current estimates of software investment differ significantly between countries for pure statistical reasons, thus affecting the comparability of GDP.

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  • 28-March-2001

    English, PDF, 993kb

    OECD Manual - Measuring Productivity: Measurement of Aggregate and Industry-Level Productivity Growth

    Measures of productivity growth constitute core indicators for the analysis and prospects of economic growth. However, there are many different approaches towards productivity measurement and their calculation and interpretation needs careful consideration, in particular when international comparisons are involved. The OECD Productivity Manual is the first comprehensive guide to the various productivity measures and addresses

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